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PRME Social Responsibility Report




En ESIC University, nuestra responsabilidad social va más allá de la formación académica. Como institución educativa comprometida con el progreso sostenible, alineamos nuestras acciones con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) establecidos por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU). Este compromiso es fundamental para impulsar el cambio positivo en la sociedad. Aunque como institución trabajamos en diversas áreas relacionadas con los 17 ODS, enfocamos nuestros esfuerzos de manera especial en los siguientes ODSs:

En este apartado presentamos una serie de iniciativas y acciones que demuestran el compromiso de ESIC University con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Las evidencias detalladas están en inglés, ya que este es el idioma requerido por las instituciones internacionales a las que reportamos y rendimos cuentas cada año, con el objetivo de colaborar en la medición y el seguimiento del impacto global en el cumplimiento de los ODS.


ESIC University, in its compromise to guarantee a quality, inclusive and equitable education, promotes opportunities for improvement following the roadmap set out by the SDG4, transforming its commitments into actions.

Free courses leading to certificate:

  • ESIC PLAY: This is ESIC's micro-training app in Marketing, Business and Technology, 100% free, with content taught by top professionals. It offers short 15-minute content, adapted to even the busiest routines, with the possibility of obtaining certificates included.
  • Proyecto #RELÁNZAT: is an educational project that provides specific training to increase the employability of people at risk of social exclusion (women, young people, people over 50, prisoners, people with disabilities, etc.), who are unemployed and/or have precarious jobs. In collaboration with different NGOs, the needs of each group are identified and adapted content is designed to reinforce skills that can facilitate their integration into the labour market. Volunteers from the ESIC Community (employees, faculty, students...) accompany them in class to complete ad-hoc courses that award an ESIC University certificate in recognition of the sessions.
  • ESIC Service Learning: Thanks to a partnership with Fundación Caná, during March and April free job training workshops have been offered. Every Thursday from 18:30 to 20:00h.

Free access to campus facilities and equipment:

  • Library: Access to the ESIC Library is universal for all persons who meet the requirements established in the regulations. Students have access to both the study facilities and the equipment available, such as computers and an extensive collection of books and electronic resources. This provides them with a suitable environment for learning and academic development.

Free access to online resources:

  • Rethink: It is a blog on marketing, management, digital economy, business and sales written by renowned experts and conceived as an open space for dialogue, debate and exchange.
  • Research journals by ESIC University: To facilitate the dissemination of research work, articles and studies of the scientific community, ESIC University, through its publishing house, provides three printed media where professors and researchers can share their findings.
  • Innovation cases by ICEMD: innovation cases is a collaborative ecosystem where you can access emerging knowledge in the most cutting-edge disciplines free of charge, with access to 280 articles.
  • In-person events held at various campuses, organized both ad hoc and on a programmed basis: ESIC University organizes several events open to all audiences for different purposes and free of charge. On the ESIC University events website you can find e-talks, seminars, master classes, presentations...
  • Innovation summit: ICEMD by ESIC University organize every year since 2020 the Innovation Summit where some relevant people from all sectors share their vision and value proposition in innovation. Free of charge after registration and open to everyone.
  • Activities aimed at pre-university students, schools and families. An outstanding example is ESIC Generation. These annual events, which are open to anyone with an interest, offer young pre-university students the opportunity to participate in workshops, talks and open days. These events allow them to explore areas such as marketing, digitalization and entrepreneurship, preparing them for their academic and professional future.
  • Initiatives via the group MÁS ESIC. This volunteering group is open to those who wish to actively contribute to social welfare and help others. Through MÁS ESIC, participants could get involved in projects and events such as international and national volunteering, food and toy collection, fundraising events, as well as sports activities, trips, and masses. These events not only allow them to grow personally, but also to get to know other realities and collaborate in building a better world.
  • Entrepreneurs: The mission of ESIC emprendedores is to encourage and promote the entrepreneurial spirit in anyone interested in developing their own project. They offer comprehensive support to entrepreneurs, providing advice at all stages of business development, through workshops, events, bootcamps, and more. An outstanding example is the Bootcamp organized in collaboration with Banco Santander, in which 10 scholarships are awarded to facilitate the start-up of new entrepreneurial projects.
  • Research congresses: Such as the IMAT Congress and other academic congresses held annually. These events are open to anyone interested in attending, promoting the dissemination of knowledge and academic debate in areas such as marketing, innovation and business trends. The congresses are an excellent opportunity for professionals, students and the general public to participate in discussions about advances and challenges in the field of research.
  • Mentoring Program - Women Action for Sustainability. At ESIC University we hosted the launch of the Mentoring Program organized by Women Action for Sustainability (WAS). This mentoring program is opened to young students, both, men and women, at a national level. The event took place on November 14th on our Campus Juan XXIII. This year, it will also take place at ESIC University.
  • Corporate education: Provides programs designed specifically for companies, which can be adapted to the needs of each organization. We also offer annual programs that form part of a regular calendar of courses that any company can choose for its employees to take part in.
  • Vocational Training School: Up-to-date vocational training adapted to the needs of the companies is offered.
  • English Language Training: ESIC University provides extra-curricular language training in educational centers beyond its campuses. Courses can be tailor-made to suit your needs, or they can be a standardized, established course.
  • Activities in schools: ESIC University participates in training activities in schools, a good example of this is the debate leagues for 5th and 6th grade students in different schools.
  • Activities in companies: Students of the Degree in Sustainability Management had the opportunity to visit companies such as Cabify as part of their academic itinerary. These visits promoted experiential learning that complemented their formal education and provided an opportunity to visualize how theory links to business.
  • Experiencia a Ciegas (Blind experience): Students of the master's in business administration in ESIC University were invited to attend an experience provided by ILUNION Hotels called “Experiencia a Ciegas”. This experience is designed to simulate how blind people can easily enjoy a stay in this chain of hotels as part of their inclusivity and diversity program.
  • “Marketing con Propósito”: On November 28th, 2023, Students of the master's in business administration in ESIC University were invited to attend the “Marketing con Propósito” conference held by ILUNION Hotels. This conference provided students with practical knowledge about how conscious and responsible businesses translate their purpose to their marketing activities.
  • The BBVA Hackathon, in which ESIC University participates annually: a project whose challenge is that any university students, postgraduate students and young professionals can present innovative and disruptive projects in the field of sustainability. Held at the offices of BBVA and ESIC University.
  • Aster awards: The Aster Awards are an opportunity to highlight ESIC's entrepreneurial effort, work and dedication. Each year they are held on various campuses and outside ESIC's facilities.
  • Hoy Es Marketing: An annual event where the largest community of professionals from the world of marketing, business, communication and technology meet to share knowledge and trends in the sector. The last one was held at IFEMA.

ESIC University has a protocol for the prevention of discrimination, violence or harassment that guarantees that all academic and extracurricular activities are accessible to everyone regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, immigration status or gender. This commitment is in line with the provisions of the University Student Statute (RD 1791/2010) and the recent Law 3/2022, of 24 February, on university coexistence, which establishes the obligation to create Coexistence Rules in all universities.

ESIC's Norms of Coexistence ensure an environment of respect and peaceful coexistence, establishing concrete measures to prevent and respond to situations of discrimination, harassment or violence. This includes a comprehensive approach that protects the fundamental rights of all members of the university community and promotes understanding and diversity.

In this way, ESIC University is committed to providing an inclusive and safe environment, where every student has the opportunity to participate fully in all activities, contributing to a diverse and respectful university community.


ESIC University is committed to achieving SDG5: Gender Equality, seeking to empower women and female students so that it has a multiplier effect, not only helping to promote economic growth, but also development at a global level, creating a fair and equal society.

In the following degree reports it can be seen the measurement of the entry profile, the dropout rate by profiles, the graduation rate, external internships, mobility students, teaching staff, etc.

Application rate

Reports are produced annually with the results of each degree programme. These reports measure the application rate. In this case, an example of a report for the 2022-2023 master's degrees is attached.:

Degree Report 22-23 Master's Degrees

Page 2: "Total demand for degree courses' / 'Supply and demand rate".

On page 3 under 'entry profile' a distinction is made between men and women.

Acceptance rate

Reports are produced annually with the results of each degree programme. They measure the acceptance rate. In this case, an example of a report on the 2022-2023 master's degrees is attached:

Degree Report 22-23 Master's Degrees

Page 2: 'Total enrolment in all degree programmes' 'enrolment rate'.

On page 3 in 'admission profile' a distinction is made between men and women.

Graduation rate

Reports are produced annually with the results of each degree programme. The graduation rate is measured in these reports. In this case, an example of a report on the 2022-2023 master's degrees is attached:

Degree Report 22-23 Master's Degrees

Page 4: 'Success Rate' shows the graduation rate.

On page 3 under 'Admission profile' it is differentiated between men and women.

ESIC University's Corporate Sustainability Policy addresses gender equality and diversity in the Diversity Policy, which can be found on page 10 of the document. This policy guarantees non-discrimination and promotes equal opportunities, including gender equality, in all aspects of university life, from admission to participation in the university community.


When a woman interested in accessing any of ESIC University's academic programmes contacts the admissions department, she receives personalised support from the very first moment. The admissions team is in charge of advising her specifically, resolving all her doubts and offering her detailed information about the degrees and opportunities available. This process includes guidance on any additional facilities or support available to you as a woman, such as scholarship programmes, financial aid or access to support networks.

In addition, if the woman concerned considers it necessary, she has the possibility of talking directly to other departments such as the Professional Development Unit, to focus on the professional opportunities she might have in the future, or to the Coordination Department, to be able to consult the support that might be necessary during the time she is studying with us, or even with the director of the degree course she is interested in, to receive a more in-depth and tailored view of her professional and personal needs. This approach facilitates your integration and ensures that you have access to the information you need to make informed decisions about your academic future.

Always following the admissions policy

As well as in the diversity project:

and in CSR policy:

Another programme related to the involvement of women in sustainability is the Mentoring Programme, coordinated by Women Action Sustainability and presented each year at the ESIC University, which aims to mentor students who want to develop their careers in the professional field of sustainability. The mentors are recognised professionals in the field of corporate sustainability.

More information is available at:,el%20%C3%A1mbito%20de%20la%20Sostenibilidad.


ESIC University has the “Becas Mujer + liderazgo”: Pag 8: The objective of this scholarship is to enable women with great potential and motivation to take a postgraduate program (MBA, IMBA or EMBA) at ESIC University, at any of the campuses where they are taught. A scholarship of 50% of the tuition will be awarded.

Other provisions:

ESIC University participates in back to work initiative for women entrepreneurs “Back to work”: is a project aimed at helping women entrepreneurs - some at risk of exclusion - to consolidate their entrepreneurial ideas, providing them with the necessary training for the implementation of their business model, as well as the necessary funding to do so." "In addition to the face-to-face sessions, during the 4 months in which Back To Work will be developed, we will have online tutorials."

Coordination department and student’s service: ESIC’s coordinator has the purpose of attending to students by resolving their problems or questions, and they thereby support the work of tutors. Female students are therefore always able to consult a female coordinator if they prefer, to raise any type of question or need that may arise.

Proyecto #RELÁNZAT: is an educational project that provides specific training to increase the employability of people at risk of social exclusion (women, young people, people over 50, prisoners, people with disabilities, etc.), who are unemployed and/or have precarious jobs.

through university outreach:

Scholarship: It has been detected that women are underrepresented in top management programmes, such as MBAs. For this reason, ESIC University launched several years ago the Beca mujer + Liderazgo, specifically focused on women wishing to study an MBA. This scholarship aims to increase female representation in business leadership roles, providing access to advanced training that boosts their professional careers.

In terms of gender representation in applications and enrolments in other degrees and programmes, ESIC University does not present significant deviations, which means that in many areas there is no notable gender gap. We measure this through continuous monitoring of the percentage of women and men who enroll and graduate from our programmes. As the data show a balanced representation in most degrees, no specific additional measures have been implemented at this stage.

Type Men Women Total Women % Women
Bachelor 1349 1028 2377 43,25%
Master 880 964 1844 52,28%
TOTAL 2229 1992 4221 47,19%

ESIC University continues to monitor these percentages in order to ensure that an appropriate balance is maintained and to take action in the event of detecting an under-representation of women in any degree programme. The university is committed to equal opportunities and works to ensure that all people, regardless of gender, have the same opportunities for access and academic success.

through university outreach:

ESIC University has promoted several initiatives in collaboration with other organisations to promote women's access to programmes in which they are under-represented. An outstanding example is its alliance with AMMDE (Asociación Multisectorial de Mujeres Directivas y Empresarias). This collaboration focuses on developing joint training programmes aimed at improving the skills of women managers and entrepreneurs, helping them to access senior management positions and strengthen their management capacity. These programmes include specific training for women in order to boost their professional careers towards leadership positions. Specifically, ESIC University has launched: un programa dirigido a mujeres para ayudar a potenciar su visibilidad y su marca personal, ¿Por qué se centra en mujeres? ¿Es tan evidente que pecamos de un déficit de visibilidad?

ESIC University has been involved in several initiatives to support women in areas where they are underrepresented, collaborating with organisations and projects. For example, it has worked with Coca-Cola on the Gira Mujeres programme, which promotes female entrepreneurship. This project aims to reduce the gender gap in the entrepreneurial ecosystem by providing women with tools to develop their business projects.

In addition, ESIC University has collaborated with Womenalia, a platform that supports women in their professional development, promoting their access to education and leadership. It also collaborates with Women Action for Sustainability, a global network of near 250 people that works to empower women in their work with sustainability from a wide range of sectors.


PROTOCOLO DE PREVENCIÓN DE LA DISCRIMINACIÓN: The Law states that the Norms of Coexistence shall establish provisions relating to measures for the prevention of and response to violence, discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment, on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, sexual characteristics, national origin, membership of an ethnic group, disability, age, state of health, social class, religion or convictions, language, or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.

Code of ethics: ESIC University promotes the equal participation of people in all its spheres of action, committing itself to non-discrimination for any reason or nature. To this end, it will follow policies of equality that guarantee equal opportunities for all members of its Learning Community and will promote these same principles in its relations with its stakeholders, for the benefit of society as a whole.

PROTOCOLO DE PREVENCIÓN DE LA DISCRIMINACIÓN: The Law states that the Norms of Coexistence shall establish provisions relating to measures for the prevention of and response to violence, discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment, on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, sexual characteristics, national origin, membership of an ethnic group, disability, age, state of health, social class, religion or convictions, language, or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.

ESIC University's human resources department shares with the employees the maternity policy that consist in:

This is a paid right that arises due to childbirth, adoption or foster care.

Both the father and the mother are entitled to:

' 6 weeks compulsory, uninterrupted and to be taken on a full-time basis immediately after childbirth.

(the calculation starts from the day of the birth).

10 weeks that can be taken:

  • Continuously and accumulated to the compulsory period.
  • Interrupted, always in full weeks (7 days).

Full or part-time use of this period will require an agreement between the company and the worker.

In the Student Welcome Document which shows the different options that exist according to each scenario and situation: STUDENT CARE, UNIVERSITY ADVOCATE, STUDENT DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT PLAN AND THE TUTORIA FIGURE. The functions of the different departments are detailed in the student welcome document.

ESIC University considers fundamental, within its educational model, the integral training and support of its students and for this reason has created the figure of the group academic tutor, whose mission is to guide, advise and support the students. This is the figure to whom students should turn to in the first instance when seeking advice.

On the other hand, ESIC University, through its professional development unit, promotes advice and mentoring to support professional development, both one to one, as well as through lectures, etc. as professionals and professional leaders that favour personal and professional growth.

ESIC University measures the participation of both men and women in these services. Both with the monitoring of enrolment and final participation, as well as through the final surveys on each service.

Another programme related to the involvement of women in sustainability is the Mentoring Programme, coordinated by Women Action Sustainability and presented each year at the ESIC University, which aims to mentor students who want to develop their careers in the professional field of sustainability. The mentors are recognised professionals in the field of corporate sustainability.

In addition, the vocational training area works with the Tandem Plan which aims to accompany students in vocational training in their professional development and growth, putting them in contact with different professionals. The mentor collaborates with them through different sessions in their PIP (Individual Professional Plan) and also in the RTW (Ready To Work) online employability course.

ESIC University carries out an exhaustive monitoring of the graduation rates of men and women in all its programmes. This detailed analysis allows us to identify whether there is any gender gap in terms of study completion. Over the last few years, the data shows that there are no significant deviations between the graduation rates of men and women, which demonstrates a balance in terms of academic performance.

Type Graduate Men Graduate Women Total % Graduate Women
Bachelor 173 124 297 41,75%
Master 787 888 1675 53%
TOTAL 960 1012 1972 51,31%

Protection from educational disadvantage:

ESIC University has a solid protocol for the prevention of discrimination and harassment, which protects all members of the university community who report cases of discrimination in the educational environment. This protocol guarantees that no one who reports these situations suffers reprisals or disadvantages in their academic experience. ESIC University promotes a safe and equitable environment, where students can express their concerns without fear of it affecting their academic performance or their chances of progressing in their studies. In addition, personalized support and follow-up measures are implemented for those who report discrimination, ensuring that their educational experience continues without disruption or prejudice.

Protection against employment disadvantages:

In the workplace, ESIC University also guarantees that employees who report cases of discrimination will not face any disadvantages in their working conditions, promotion opportunities or job stability. The university follows strict confidentiality protocols and does not tolerate any kind of retaliation or unequal treatment towards those who report such situations. To this end, confidential reporting and follow-up channels have been established to ensure that people who report discrimination can do so in complete safety and without fear of negative repercussions for their careers within the university.

All of this is covered by ESIC University's general policy of regulatory compliance, its Code of Good Governance and Code of Good Practices, which guarantee an environment of respect and compliance with fundamental rights.

ESIC University's human resources department shares with the employees the maternity policy that consist in:

This is a paid right that arises due to childbirth, adoption or foster care.

Both the father and the mother are entitled to:

' 6 weeks compulsory, uninterrupted and to be taken on a full-time basis immediately after childbirth.

(the calculation starts from the day of the birth).

10 weeks that can be taken:

  • Continuously and accumulated to the compulsory period.
  • Interrupted, always in full weeks (7 days).

Full or part-time use of this period will require an agreement between the company and the worker.


ESIC University works to stimulate economic growth in a sustainable way promoting policies that stimulate entrepreneurship and job creation among others, in its commitment to achieving the objectives of SDGs 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

ESIC University is subject to state minimum wage policies and ESIC University pays its employees according to the following agreement: agreement

According to the agreement the salary would be as follows:

  • Teaching-Research Staff: Salary Range: 842,49 €/month - 2.519,82 €/month
  • Research Staff: Salary Range: 1.065,76 €/month - 1.692,94 €/month
  • Administration and Services Staff: Salary Range: 991,62 €/month - 1.644,21 €/month

In addition, they receive three extra payments per year (July, Christmas and at the end of the school year), making a total of 15 payments per year.

In spite of what the agreement stipulates, ESIC University pays all its employees in all categories the basic salary and bonuses above the agreement.

ESIC University officially recognizes the ESIC Works Council, ensuring the representation and defense of the rights of all employees, including all groups. This committee is responsible for defending labour rights, negotiating collective bargaining agreements and ensuring that proper working conditions are met for all employees. The email address to which any employee can write to is:

In the workplace, ESIC University guarantees that employees who report cases of discrimination will not face any disadvantages in their working conditions, promotion opportunities or job stability. The university follows strict confidentiality protocols and does not tolerate any kind of retaliation or unequal treatment towards those who report such situations. To this end, confidential reporting and follow-up channels have been established to ensure that people who report discrimination can do so in complete safety and without fear of negative repercussions for their careers within the university.

All of this is covered by ESIC University's general policy of regulatory compliance, its Code of Good Governance and Code of Good Practices, which guarantee an environment of respect and compliance with fundamental rights.

For more information, you can consult the regulatory compliance policy.

ESIC University has implemented a Protocol for the Prevention of Discrimination, Violence or Harassment. This protocol establishes clear measures to protect all members of the university community and to ensure an environment of respect and peaceful coexistence.

ESIC University promotes gender equality and non-discrimination through its Equality Plan, which includes specific actions to guarantee equal opportunities between men and women at all levels of the institution.

ESIC University also has a specific diversity policy that guarantees non-discrimination and promotes equal opportunities for all members of the community, including gender equality, functional, generational, ideological, educational, sexual and socio-cultural diversity.

ESIC University is firmly committed to combating forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour. This commitment is clearly reflected in its Code of Ethics, which establishes principles and guidelines to ensure a fair and respectful working environment for all members of the university community.

  • Page 5: ESIC University's commitment to human and labour rights is mentioned, highlighting the prohibition of forced labour and modern slavery.
  • Page 7: ESIC University's policy against human trafficking and child labour is detailed, ensuring that all labour practices comply with international and national regulations.
  • Page 10: ESIC University's commitment to equal opportunities and non-discrimination is reinforced, promoting a safe and fair working environment for all.

The Código de Buenas Prácticas de ESIC University specifically addresses these issues in several sections:

  • Page 3: ESIC University's commitment to equal treatment and non-discrimination is mentioned, ensuring that all employees, including those from external companies, are treated fairly and equally.
  • age 5: Details ESIC University's policy to ensure that suppliers and contractors comply with labour and human rights regulations, ensuring safe and dignified working conditions for all employees.
  • Page 7: ESIC University's commitment to transparency and social responsibility is reinforced, promoting fair and ethical working practices in all relations with third parties.

ESIC University is committed to guaranteeing equity in the salary scale for all its employees. This commitment is clearly reflected in the Carta Compromiso de la Dirección con la Igualdad: Non-discrimination shall be ensured in each and every area of the company's activities, from recruitment to promotion, including wage policy, training, working and employment conditions, occupational health and safety, and gender equality.

A job evaluation was carried out using the Ministry's tool. The following factors were used for this assessment:

  • Academic background
  • Experience
  • Language (English)
  • Diversity of positions supervised
  • Planning, management and organization
  • Decision-making autonomy
  • Problem solving
  • Creativity
  • Working hours

The allocation of salary points follows an ascending line, i.e. the salaries assigned to each position are related to the points awarded to them.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation of pay sacle: in the “Carta Compromiso de la Dirección con la Igualdad: establishes that workers will be guaranteed access to information on the Equality Plans and the achievement of their objectives, including the monitoring and evaluation of the equality measures implemented.
  • In the Equality Plan:
    • Analysis and Diagnosis: ESIC University's Equality Plan includes an analysis and diagnosis of the situation of gender equality in the university, identifying possible salary gaps and establishing measures to correct them.
    • Corrective Measures: Specific measures are implemented to ensure pay equity between men and women, and continuous monitoring is carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of these measures.
    • Annual Review: An annual review of pay and gender equality policies is carried out to ensure that equity is maintained.
    • Reporting and Transparency: Regular reports on pay equity are produced and the results are communicated to the entire university community, promoting transparency and accountability.
  • Employees can submit grievances or appeals related to labour rights through the specific human resources email address:
  • For questions related to payments, employees can contact via email:
  • Legal advice: ESIC University's Legal Department plays a crucial role in this process, providing advice and ensuring that all actions comply with current labour laws and regulations.
  • Compliance: This department is also responsible for reviewing and updating internal policies to ensure ongoing compliance with labour and human rights regulations.
  • ESIC University Code of Good Practice: This document sets out clear guidelines to ensure that all employees, including those employed by third parties, enjoy equivalent rights. You can consult the ESIC University Code of Good Practice for more details.
  • Corporate Sustainability Policy: ESIC University adheres to the United Nations Global Compact Principles, which include the promotion of fair working conditions and the protection of labour rights.

ESIC University is firmly committed to respecting and promoting fundamental labour rights, including freedom of association and collective bargaining. This commitment extends to all employees, regardless of gender, nationality or any other personal status.

  • Code of Good Practice: ESIC University's Code of Good Practice clearly states the university's commitment to equal treatment and non-discrimination, ensuring that all employees, including those employed by third parties, enjoy equivalent rights.
  • Sustainability Policy: ESIC University adheres to the United Nations Global Compact Principles, which include the promotion of fair working conditions and the protection of labour rights.
  • Works Council: ESIC University recognizes the right of association of all employees, including international staff and women. The ESIC University Works Council acts as the trade union representing all employees, defending their labour rights and negotiating collective bargaining agreements.


ESIC University works to stimulate economic growth in a sustainable way promoting policies that stimulate entrepreneurship and job creation among others, in its commitment to achieving the objectives of SDGs 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

ESIC University has an admissions policy that states the following:

Students who meet the requirements demanded by current legislation for university entrance can apply for admission to the first year of ESIC University's degree courses.

As well, this policy is ruled by:

ESIC University's Corporate Sustainability Policy addresses gender equality and diversity in the Diversity Policy, which can be found on page 10 of the document. This policy guarantees non-discrimination and promotes equal opportunities, including gender equality, in all aspects of university life, from admission to participation in the university community.

(including ethnic minorities, low income students, non-traditional students, women, LGBT students, disabled students, and newly settled refugee students)


  • Diversity Scholarship: Aimed at students with a recognized disability of at least 33%.
  • Although it has been mentioned in other sections, it is worth mentioning again the series of scholarships that ESIC University grants its students to attend different programmes, where the scholarship provides opportunities for students with fewer economic resources.
  • ONCE Foundation Grants: Talent Opportunity Grants -for Master's, PhD and research students- and ONCE-CRUE Foundation Grants, for paid external internships, among others, for young people with disabilities.
  • International movility scholarship: The aim of this scholarship is to facilitate the mobility of students from all over the world so that they can carry out their studies in our country, promoting international students in the classroom.
  • Every year, ESIC University participates in international recruitment fairs to promote the presence of international students in our classrooms. This year, we have attended 5 college fairs in Colombia and 7 in Lima, promoting our educational offerings. In addition, we have participated in 9 degree fairs in different regions, including 3 in Africa, 3 in LATAM and 3 in the European Union. We have also been present at 29 postgraduate fairs, with 22 in LATAM and 7 in the European Union. We organised 2 Alumni meetings in Colombia and Peru in November 2022 and created the figure of the Latam Manager to expand the action of the international delegations, developing relationships with schools in Mexico, Ecuador and Bolivia.


  • For the last 4 years ESIC University has been using the services of Ilunion Cleaning and Environment, which is also a Special Employment Centre (CEE). ILUNION whose main objective is to integrate as many disabled workers as possible in its staff, supporting our clients in the possible in their workforces, supporting our clients in complying with the Law for the Integration of the Disabled, by means of the Royal Decree of January 14, 2000 on alternative measures to comply with the reserve quota for disabled workers to comply with the 2 per cent reserve quota in favour of disabled workers.
  • ESIC University participates in the Inserta Responsable Forum of the ONCE Foundation: The Inserta Responsible Forum, created by ONCE Foundation, is a collaborative network of companies and institutions committed to promoting social and workplace inclusion for people with disabilities in Spain. The forum provides a platform for organizations to exchange best practices, implement inclusive policies, and work together on projects that drive accessibility, diversity, and equal employment opportunities. Members benefit from shared resources, training, and consulting services, which support their efforts to create more inclusive work environments and contribute to corporate social responsibility initiatives.
  • Erasmus+ Scholarship: Erasmus+ offers the opportunity to work as a temporary teaching assistant in an educational institution in another country. This opportunity is open to staff members working in both the teaching and business sectors, who are invited to share their knowledge of a particular sector or subject with students. In this way we promote the internationality of our teaching staff, as well as attracting other international teachers to our university.


  • Erasmus+ Scholarship: Erasmus+ offers the opportunity to work as a temporary teaching assistant in an educational institution in another country.
  • ESIC University participates in various international fairs to enhance networking between international academics and industry professionals from around the world, providing a unique opportunity for ESIC University to showcase its academic programmes, research initiatives and campus culture. This year, we have attended fairs such as EAIE for Europe, APAIE for Asia-Pacific and NAFSA.
  • ESIC International Week: ESIC University is organising this International Week aimed to professors teaching at the undergraduate level, heads of international office and international faculty with the purpose of exchanging ideas on teaching and sharing research findings on Digital Economy, Marketing and International Business.

Protocol for the prevention of and procedure for action in cases of violence, discrimination or harassment in the educational community: ESIC University is a institution that express their profound rejection of any kind of violence, discrimination or harassment, that promotes and works to develop a favourable framework of relations based on equal opportunities, non-discrimination and respect for diversity, promoting a safe and healthy study, research and work environment, in which the dignity of the individual is respected at all times.

As far as experiences in the classroom are concerned, any student who suffers any form of discrimination can report it, either through the ethical channel or through the various academic managers, who will offer an immediate response and support to the person concerned. At ESIC University, discrimination against students is not tolerated in any way. As reflected in compliance rules:

The Diversity Care Unit provides to our students with Specific Educational Support Needs (SEN) and/or with Functional Diversity (Disability) are offered the necessary attention so that they can achieve the maximum academic performance at ESIC University.

Equality Commission: in ESIC University's Equality Plan The participation of an Equality Plan Negotiating Committee is mentioned. This commission is a joint committee, made up of representatives of the company and of the workers' legal representatives (RLT). In addition, advice was provided by an external consultancy firm specialising in the design and implementation of equality plans.

The Equality Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Committee, which is also a joint committee, is made up of the same members who negotiated the plan. Its main functions include monitoring the implementation of the measures, evaluating the degree of compliance with the objectives and drawing up annual monitoring reports. The department responsible for promoting diversity and equality within the staff is the Human Resources department.

ESIC University is committed to ensuring that all students, including people with disabilities, have access to our facilities. Our campuses are equipped with ramps, lifts and accessible toilets to accommodate individuals with mobility challenges. In addition, we provide specialised resources and support services to ensure an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.

The ESIC University campus in Zaragoza has obtained the DALCO certification under the UNE 170001-1:2007 standard, which guarantees adequate accessibility for mobility in the facilities. This certificate ensures that anyone accessing the campus will be able to move around without difficulty, thanks to the implementation of ramps, lifts and accessible toilets, among other measures.

In addition, the Juan XXIII building on the Pozuelo de Alarcón campus is an example of sustainability and accessibility. This building has more than 23,600 square metres of floor space and 9,500 square metres of green areas. It is designed to be an inclusive and accessible space, with 40 classrooms, an auditorium for 300 people, 16 work rooms, and a car park with 300 spaces for cars and 60 spaces for bicycles. 


Persons who are part of the Diversity Programme may apply for any physical, technical and/or academic support from the UAD (Diversity Care Unit).

From The ESIC University’s Diversity Care Unit their objective is that that all ESIC students have the same opportunities to achieve their academic development and access the labour market under equal conditions.

  1. To make the necessary adaptations - academic, technical or operational - to guarantee access, inclusion, active participation in the university community and accessibility for students with some kind of functional diversity or special educational need, both inside and outside the classroom.
  2. Offer information, training and attention to the different participants in the Diversity Programme, especially students, faculty and administrative and service staff.
  3. Collaborate with both internal and external organisations to improve the attention given to students with functional diversity.
  4. Promote awareness campaigns and collaborate in those organised by other entities.

Guia de MEDIDAS GENERALES A CONSIDERAR ANTE EL ALUMNADO CON NECESIDADES ESPECÍFICAS DE APOYO EDUCATIVO ESIC University has a guide GENERAL MEASURES TO CONSIDER FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIFIC EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT NEEDS which provides assistance, interpreters and adapts any test or exam to make it accessible. See page 19 and 21, pupils with visual difficulties, Adaptations in assessment tests: ‘Make other types of alternative tests possible (oral, computerised, transcription of the test into Braille, enlargement of characters, assistance in the exam, etc.)’ See page 22 and 24 pupils with hearing difficulties: ‘Facilitate the presence of a sign language interpreter if necessary’ See page 22 and 24 pupils with hearing difficulties: ‘Facilitate the presence of a sign language interpreter if necessary’ See page 22 and 24 pupils with hearing difficulties: ‘Facilitate the presence of a sign language interpreter if necessary’.

ESIC University is committed to offering support and resources to students with Specific Educational Support Needs (SEN) and/or Functional Diversity (Disability) through the Diversity Attention Unit (UAD). This unit is responsible for making all the necessary academic, technical and operational adaptations to guarantee access, inclusion and active participation of these students in the university community.

In addition, ESIC University has a specific care procedure that includes security, technical and organisational measures to preserve privacy and respect for students' personal data. The UAD also collaborates with internal and external organisations to improve the attention given to students with functional diversity and promotes awareness campaigns.

Facilities adapted for handicapped persons:

Diversity Project: Our Diversity Technical Unit aims to provide support to all the people who are part of the Project. This team will carry out actions at national level aimed at fulfilling the following objectives:

  • Accessibility (Physical and Technological)
  • People who are part of the Diversity group may request any help from the Technical Unit for Diversity (, both physical and technical as well as academic. This Unit will coordinate the necessary actions to provide solutions to specific needs with all areas/departments of ESIC University.
  • Ensuring accessibility within ESIC University.
  • To attend to the material and personal needs of students with functional diversity at the university.

Adaptations in the learning process:

Diversity plan: At ESIC University we try to build an inclusive training centre every day, in which all people have equal opportunities in both studies and employment, thus promoting an equitable society without discrimination against any group.

The Diversity Care Unit manages measures for students who take part in the Diversity Programme such as:

  • Individualised Action Plan.
  • Methodological adaptations.
  • Adaptation in the entrance exams.
  • Welcome and orientation procedures for new recruits.
  • Training and counselling for ESIC University faculty and staff.

ESIC University also has a specific protocol for the prevention of and action in cases of harassment. This protocol is designed to address all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, and any other type of intimidating or degrading behaviour. The protocol establishes clear procedures for the filing of complaints, the investigation of incidents, and the implementation of corrective and preventive measures. In addition, training and awareness-raising is provided to the entire university community to prevent harassment and promote a safe and respectful environment. ESIC's Legal Department oversees the implementation of this protocol and ensures that appropriate measures are taken to protect students and staff.

Relationships to support the goals

The successful implementation of a development agenda requires inclusive partnerships on principles and values, as well as on a shared vision and goals that focus first on people and planet. At ESIC University we believe that strong international cooperation is needed now more than ever to ensure that countries and institutions that have been afected by the pandemic, recover and build back better and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

ESIC University joins Pacto Mundial de Naciones Unidas (UN Global Compact), strategic policy initiative for companies that commit to align their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

ONCE Foundation: ESIC University collaborates with the ONCE Foundation in projects that seek to improve the inclusion of people with disabilities in education and employment. For example, they offer scholarships such as the “Oportunidad al Talento” Scholarships and the Fundación ONCE-CRUE Scholarships for paid external internships.

Fundación Diversidad: ESIC University belongs to the Diversity Foundation and this means that the institution is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in the educational and work environment. This collaboration involves several actions and benefits:

  • Commitment to Inclusion: ESIC University is committed to creating an inclusive environment where all people have equal opportunities, without discrimination based on gender, disability, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, etc
  • Concrete Actions: Membership of the Diversity Foundation allows ESIC University to implement specific programmes and measures to support students and employees with special needs. This includes curricular adaptations, specific scholarships, and awareness-raising days.
  • Collaboration Network: Being part of this foundation also facilitates collaboration with other organisations and companies committed to diversity, which can open up opportunities for joint projects and the sharing of good practices.

Carta de la diversidad: ESIC University being a signatory of the Diversity Charter means that the institution is committed to following and promoting the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion in its work and educational environment. By signing this charter, ESIC University assumes several key commitments:

  • Awareness: To promote the principles of equal opportunities and respect for diversity among its staff and students.
  • Inclusion: To promote the integration of people with diverse profiles, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, religion, age, disability, among others.
  • Non-Discrimination: Avoid any type of discrimination, direct or indirect, at work and in the educational sphere.
  • Reconciliation: Promote a balance between work, family and personal life in its community.
  • Extended Commitment: Extend this commitment to suppliers, customers and other entities with which it collaborates.

We have organised and participated in several events that foster cross-sectoral dialogue. Some concrete examples include:

  • Innovation Summit 2022: Organized by ICEMD (ESIC's Digital Economy Institute), this event included discussions on digital inclusion and how technology can be a tool to reduce social and economic divides. The event was attended by government representatives, NGOs and industry leaders.
  • SDG Fest: KNOW, AWARE AND ACT. 5 INSPIRING CASES; This event, organized by ESIC University, brought together professionals from leading national and international companies, as well as NGO and government representatives, to discuss inspiring cases related to the implementation of the SDGs. The aim of the event was to share experiences and strategies to advance the SDG agenda.
  • ESG 2024: Navigating Towards Responsible Leadership for a Sustainable Future: Held on February 29, 2024, at ESIC University Valencia, this event focused on trends shaping the business leadership agenda, including the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. It featured expert panels and networking opportunities.
  • The SDGs in Companies: Seal or DNA?: This event was an initiative of LabODS, which includes several institutions such as ESIC Business & Marketing School, Universitat Jaume I, Florida Universitaria, and Aula Empresocial de la Universitat de Valencia. The goal of the event was to highlight the efforts of companies in the Comunitat Valenciana in their commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda.
  • ESIC University collaborates with Red Española de Pacto Mundial, providing data on our initiatives and their impact on the SDGs.
  • ESIC University participates in the Times Higher Education's SDG impact measurement project, providing data on our activities and their alignment with the SDGs. This data is compared with the performance of other universities and the results are published.
  • Observatory on SDG´s: The Regional Ministry of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Labour presented the launch of three Social Transformation laboratories, including the first ODS Laboratory in the Valencian Community in which ESIC Business and Marketing School is fully involved. It is a meeting point university-business-public institutions, to bring research and development of innovative proposals and especially to its productive fabric, on the articulation of sustainability through the contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • HG Sustaible: ESIC University coordinated together with 6 other international institutions from Spain, Turkey, Portugal, and Italy, the HG Sustainable project. This project aims to educate students within a global context, where they will adopt a responsible leadership that they should apply both in their education and in their future jobs. It aims to provide socially impactful alternatives for their business decisions.
  • Participation in European Programmes: ESIC actively participates in programmes such as Erasmus+, which promote international cooperation and innovation. ESIC University is hosting a face-to-face conference at its headquarters in Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid), focusing on Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ programme: Cooperation Partnerships (KA220) on 30 May and Small-scale Partnerships (KA210) on 31 May. Coordinators of more than 220 projects from all education sectors (KA220) and nearly 100 in the school education, vocational training and adult education sectors (KA210) will meet at the conference. These are the pioneer cooperation projects in the framework of the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme, as they started their Erasmus+ journey in 2021, within the first call of this renewed Programme.
  • Observatory on SDG´s: ESIC University, in collaboration with the Universitat de València, the Universitat Jaume I, Florida Universitaria and the Directorate General of Entrepreneurship and Cooperativism of the Generalitat, has promoted the first ODS laboratory. The aim of this laboratory is to obtain the first barometer on the impact of the SDGs on Valencian companies. The laboratory has enabled the development of detailed research and analysis on how companies in the Valencian Region are implementing the SDGs, providing valuable data and best practices that can be applied in other contexts.
  • IMAT: ESIC University, through the Institute of Applied Marketing and Technology (IMAT), collaborates with other universities and research centres to develop and apply innovative solutions that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In addition, IMAT focuses on projects that promote sustainability and social responsibility, including research in areas such as circular economy, sustainable digitalisation and social innovation.

Student volunteering programs

  • Orbayu: is a non-profit foundation of the SCJ Congregation whose purpose is to grant microcredits in the third world. ESIC University and GRUPO SANTALUCÍA also participate in the foundation.
  • MásESIC: is a volunteer group made up of students and teachers that allows you to grow as a person by helping others. The initiative, launched in 2013, aims to contribute to creating a better world with more solidarity. Entidades con las que colaboramos: ANDE, COOPERACIÓN INTERNACIONAL, ACHALAY, BANCO DE AIMENTOS DE MADRID, FUNDACIÓN INSTITUTO SAN JOSE, LUZ CASANOVA, CARITAS, SOLIDARIOS, ALDEAS INFANTILES, CRUZ ROJA, SAMUR SOCIAL, FUNDACION ANA BELLA – RED DE MUJERES SUPERVIVIENTES, AMAVIR RESIDENCIA PARA MAYORES, FUNDACIÓN JUEGATERAPIA, FUNDACIÓN SAN MARTIN DE PORRRES, Y FUNDACIÓN CANÁ.
  • International volunteering: at ESIC University we offer our students the opportunity to participate in volunteer work in developing countries. “Lend your hands through the missions of the Dehonian Fathers”.

Research programmes

  • Sustainable Research: ESIC University promotes research that focuses on social responsibility and sustainability. The university’s Research Department collaborates with ESIC University Editorial to publish studies in national and international scientific journals and books.
  • Global Compact and PRME: ESIC University is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). This commitment underscores their dedication to integrating sustainability into their research and educational activities.

Development of educational resources

  • Inspiring Women Series: In collaboration with Women Action Sustainability (WAS), ESIC has developed a series of 17 videos, each focusing on one of the SDGs. These videos feature conversations with female leaders and highlight their contributions to sustainability.

Educational activities

  • Collaboration with NGOs: NGOs such as the Marine Stewardship Council have participated in classroom activities with the Degree of Sustainability Management students.

Integrated across full curriculum and mandatory

  • Subjects in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability: In all ESIC University degrees and masters programmes, students must take a specific subject on corporate social responsibility. This subject is designed to teach students how to integrate responsible and sustainable practices in the business environment. Each subject is tested with a written test. Each test will be scored out of 10 points and students must demonstrate their command of the subject in each part to be examined.

Optional education for all

  • Degree in Sustainability Management: This degree complements students' training by accompanying one of ESIC University's official qualifications. When selecting this degree, at least 2 subjects per year refer exclusively to sustainability and the SDGs. This degree is optional in the following Bachelor´s:
    • International Business.
    • Marketing.
    • Digital Business.
    • Data Science.
    • Business administration and management.
    • Publicity.
  • Degree in Sustainability Management: This degree complements students' training by accompanying one of ESIC University's official qualifications. A qualification created to train in the Competences for Sustainability determined by UNESCO and which are increasingly in demand by companies.
  • Senior management program sustainability: designed for managers who want to master the issues and opportunities involved in addressing the major transformation of sustainability and the new strategic framework.

As we have already mentioned in relation to other SDGs, ESIC University develops numerous educational activities with the local community daily. It is important to note that ESIC University is part of a religious congregation, whose purpose includes helping others. We are a non-profit organization, which further strengthens our commitment to the community.

All profits generated by ESIC University are reinvested in the local community, supporting schools and educational activities that the congregation believes need a boost and help. In this way, we actively contribute to the development and well-being of our community.

Following this specification, we can name numerous educational activities open to the community in general, such as:

  • One of its main platforms for alumni engagement is ESIC Alumni, which provides opportunities for continuing education, professional networking, and exclusive events, like masterclasses and workshops. These activities help alumni stay updated and involved in ESIC University's community life. They also have initiatives that focus on career guidance and networking events, such as golf tournaments and cultural tours, aimed at maintaining a strong and active alumni network.
  • the university offers workshops, community-oriented programs, and volunteer opportunities through its MásESIC department, aimed at fostering social responsibility and inclusivity across different groups, including disadvantaged communities and displaced individuals, open to anyone who wants to participate.
  • To underpin our activity and its connection to SDG 17, it is relevant to note ESIC University's commitment to inclusion and collaborative networking. ESIC University maintains an active agenda of events, many of which are open to everyone and promote the participation of people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Our president conducted an integration activity with displaced students, including those from Ukraine, as part of our crisis support and collaboration initiative. This activity aimed to provide a safe space where students could express their experiences and feelings about recent events in their home countries. This action is aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 17, which promotes building partnerships for development. By generating spaces for dialogue and understanding, ESIC University seeks to contribute to the strengthening of links that facilitate inclusion and mutual support between affected communities and our educational environment. The activity also reflects our institutional commitment to accompany and support these students in their adaptation process in an international context.

During their education, students reflect on the role of the individual and the company in society through a series of cross-cutting subjects linked to ethics and the responsibility of the company in its commitment to contribute to sustainable development. Each subject is tested with a written test and some assignments related to the subject (one of them is always mandatory). Each test will be scored out of 10 points and students must demonstrate their command of the subject in each part to be examined. These subjects may have a different percentage between the value of the written test and the assignments. For example, in the following subjects:

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics contains the set of principles and values that should serve as a guide to inspire the conduct of all members of the ESIC Community.


See complete document


Strategic plan


ESIC Strategic Plan 2022-2025




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