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Madrid Campus
June 2017

ESIC joins the Inserta Responsable Forum of the ONCE Foundation

Published by: Institution
ESIC joins the Inserta Responsable Forum of the ONCE Foundation

The general director of ESIC Business & Marketing School, Eduardo Gómez, and the general director of Inserta Empleo, Virginia Carcedo, signed this morning in Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) the adhesion of the business school to the Inserta Responsable Forum of Fundación ONCE.

General Director of ESIC, Eduardo Gómez and the General Director of Inserta Empleo, Virginia Carcedo.

The Inserta Responsable Forum, co-financed by the European Social Fund, is a platform for networking and social innovation that makes it possible to share practices, tools and experiences that favor the effective development of labor insertion policies for talent with disabilities and CSR-disability. The Inserta Responsable Forum is made up of more than 90 leading companies and entities in their sector, public administrations, business schools, as well as organizations and institutions that collaborate strategically with Fundación ONCE to achieve its goals.

The forum partners express their clear commitment to social responsibility, diversity and disability and their eagerness to integrate this variable transversally in their strategy and in all the CSR policies they develop.

Eduardo Gómez, general director of ESIC, declared his satisfaction "at joining a social innovation platform of the ONCE Foundation that makes it possible to share practices, tools and experiences that favor the effective development of CSR policies and that has in its DNA values shared by ESIC such as universality, commitment, dialogue, cooperation, transparency and the creation of social value and sustainability in its desire to integrate CSR policies into its strategy".

Participants of the Foro Inserta signing

For her part, Virginia Carcedo, general director of Inserta Empleo, said that "it is an honor to have one of the most prestigious business schools in our country at the forum" and added that "those of you who train managers have the responsibility to do so based on reality, a reality that is diverse. People with disabilities have to be present in society, not only because they are a source of talent for companies, but also because they are a market niche that needs to be addressed".

The Inserta Responsable Forum has seventeen collaborating entities: ESIC, IESE, Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE, CEPES, CEPYME, CEOE, the Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities (CERMI), Esade, the Spanish Business Federation of Associations of Special Employment Centers (Feacem), the Másfamilia Foundation, IE Business School, Corporate Excellence, the Spanish Global Compact Network, Forética, Deusto Business School and the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP).

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