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The UAD offers our students with Specific Educational Support Needs (SEN) and/or with Functional Diversity (Disability) the necessary attention so that they can achieve the maximum academic performance at ESIC.

Our commitment is to facilitate that all ESIC students have the same opportunities to achieve their academic development and access the labor market on equal terms.
The Diversity Attention Unit has a specific attention procedure that has security, technical and organizational measures to preserve privacy and respect for the personal data of the interested parties.


  • Make the necessary adaptations - academic, technical or operational - to guarantee access, inclusion, active participation in the university community and accessibility for students with some type of functional diversity or special educational needs, both inside and outside the classroom.
  • Offer information, training and attention to the different participants of the Diversity Program, especially students, faculty and administrative and service staff.
  • Collaborate with agencies, both internal and external, to improve the care of students with functional diversity.
  • Promote awareness campaigns and collaborate in those organized by other entities.


I am a student with Specific Educational Support Needs (SEN) / Functional Diversity:

  • Adaptations: request a meeting with the person in charge of Diversity at your campus to be part of the Diversity Program and assess the adaptations to be applied in your case, by writing to
    Together, you will agree on the Individualized Action Plan (PAI) that will allow you to advance in your academic development.
    It is necessary that you come to the meeting with updated medical reports that allow the assessment of the measures to be implemented. You must repeat this process every year.
  • Scholarships: access here to information on scholarships available to you.
  • There are many experiences that you can live in ESIC beyond the classroom (Culture, Sports, Volunteering, Pastoral,...) Live moreESIC!
  • International mobility: if you plan to do part of your studies in another country, here you can find the information you need. We also provide assistance to those who come to ESIC to study as part of a mobility program.
  • Employability: The Professional Development Unit supports and advises students of the Diversity Program in the completion of their internships and their incorporation into the labor market, in collaboration with special employment centers and ordinary companies.
    This specific service is offered to students in the last two years of undergraduate studies as well as to master's degree students, recent graduates and alumni.
    To contact the Internship and Career Services for the Diversity Program, please write to

I am a Teacher, Researcher or Administration and Services Personnel (PDI/PAS)

From the Diversity Program we offer you a Guide of General Measures to consider in ESIC for students with Specific Educational Support Needs (SEN). The recommendations may be linked to the training program, physical resources and/or relationships with people in the environment.

You can also access the Adaptations Guide developed by the SAPDU Network or the Behavioral Patterns Guide for specific information about students with SEN.

If you have any questions, please contact

I am an employer or collaborating company

If you are a company wishing to offer an internship or job to ESIC students and alumni with SEN and/or disabilities, you can also contact us at empleo.diversidad@esic.univeristy.

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