Las áreas de SEO y SEM son claves en la Estrategia de Márketing Digital de cualquier negocio.
Aprende cómo se diseña la Estrategia de Marketing Digital desde las áreas de los buscadores como son SEO y SEM. Analizaremos la competencia y evolución del sector, aplicando reglas de posicionamiento entre canales. Además, hemos incluido una capa de Analítica como eje estratégico de la propuesta del curso para afianzar más los canales y ver la trazabilidad de uno a otro.
- Online
Available locations
- Online Format
¿POR QUÉ ESTUDIAR Curso Especializado Online SEO&SEM?
La Transformación Digital en las empresas está avanzando a ritmo de 200% cada año y la innovación en IA aplicado a los negocios cada vez es más importante, no te puedes quedar atrás, tienes que conocer las novedades, cambios del sector.
En ESIC sabemos que la mejor forma de aprender es de forma práctica. Por ello, nuestro programa está diseñado en base a herramientas, talleres, casos reales y uso de licencias para que accedas al mercado laboral con la mayor preparación posible. Nuestro CEOSEOSEM destaca por:
Reputation of more than 50 Years: ESIC is an educational institution with a rich history of more than 50 years in marketing and business education. This tradition and experience consolidate its leadership in the field and guarantee a quality approach to training.
Pioneers in Marketing: As pioneers in marketing education, ESIC has been at the forefront of marketing trends and practices for decades. This means you'll get an education that is grounded in experience and adapted to the latest developments in the field.
Alumni Network: ESIC's alumni community includes many successful professionals in the marketing and business world. By joining ESIC, you will have access to a valuable network of contacts that can open doors and opportunities in your career.
Programs adapted to today: ESIC prides itself on keeping its academic programs up to date with the latest trends and technologies. The advanced course you are considering focuses on online strategies in social media and sales crucial areas in today's digital age.
Commitment to Excellence: ESIC has a strong commitment to academic excellence and student success. Highly qualified faculty and cutting-edge teaching methodology ensure that you will get a high-quality education that will prepare you to excel in the field of online marketing and technology.
Reputation of more than 50 Years: ESIC is an educational institution with a rich history of more than 50 years in marketing and business education. This tradition and experience consolidate its leadership in the field and guarantee a quality approach to training.
Pioneers in Marketing: As pioneers in marketing education, ESIC has been at the forefront of marketing trends and practices for decades. This means you'll get an education that is grounded in experience and adapted to the latest developments in the field.
Alumni Network: ESIC's alumni community includes many successful professionals in the marketing and business world. By joining ESIC, you will have access to a valuable network of contacts that can open doors and opportunities in your career.
Programs adapted to today: ESIC prides itself on keeping its academic programs up to date with the latest trends and technologies. The advanced course you are considering focuses on online strategies in social media and sales crucial areas in today's digital age.
Commitment to Excellence: ESIC has a strong commitment to academic excellence and student success. Highly qualified faculty and cutting-edge teaching methodology ensure that you will get a high-quality education that will prepare you to excel in the field of online marketing and technology.
Rankings and accreditations
Leaders in marketing master's degrees according to El Mundo
ESIC on the podium of best business schools for recent graduates and young professionals
ESIC in the top European ranking for marketing programs
Best marketing school based on feedback from alumni, students and employers
A todos los que quieran conocer la Digitalización de un Negocio.
Emprendedores de Ecommerce.
Interesados en focalizar en áreas concretas del Marketing Online.
Objetivos del Curso Especializado Online SEO & SEM
Conocimiento Digital en las principales áreas del marketing.
Aplicación y uso de herramientas.
Actualización de procesos y metodología de trabajo digital..
Innovación en la analítica digital, analizando procesos.
Contenido Práctico 100% adaptado con casos reales.
Curso Especializado Online de SEO, SEM Y GA4 donde veremos las principales áreas del Marketing Digital, que harán de tu negocio e-commerce tu beneficio.
- Fundamentos de usabilidad
- Pasos para crear una web pensada para el usuario
- Arquitectura de información
- Prototipado (wireframes)
- Creación del mapa web
- Definición de las secciones y creación del contenido
- Conceptos básicos.
- Diferencia entre SEO y PPC
- Como funciona un buscador
- Optimización de páginas Webs.
- Planning and strategy for optimal positioning
- Page Rank, Trust Rank y autoridad
- El algoritmo y los subalgoritmos de Google
- Microformatos y richsnippets
- Robots y no index
- Metodología de trabajo SEO
- Selección de palabras clave: Elección de las keywords y clasificación según dificultad, relevancia,oportunidad, etc
- Herramientas para la selección
- Herramientas de Google: Planificador de palabras clave, Google Insigth, Google Suggest, YouTube
- Otras herramientas externas (Ej: semrush, übersuggest, etc)
- Estrategias de keywordhunting
- Taller de auditoría SEO
- Métrica principales SEO
- SEO Project Management y métricas, herramientas y reporting.
- Herramientas de auditoría automática
- Google Webmaster Tool
- Objetivo de un buscador-Terminología básica SEM
- SEO vs SEM
- Cómo calcula Google el ranking de los anuncios en Google Adwords
- Opciones en Google Adwords
- Características y componentes de una Cuenta de Google Adwords
- La estrategia SEM, definición de puntos básicos
- Diferencias entre la interfaz de adwords y Adwords Editor
- Creación de campañas, grupos de anuncios, keywords, landings y realización de modificaciones en la interfaz de adwords
- Creación de campañas, grupos de anuncios, keywords, landings y realización de modificaciones en adwords editor
- Introducción a la Publicidad en la Red de Display.
- Conceptos básicos de GDN.
- Planificación de Campañas en GDN
- Creación de Anuncios Visuales
- Configuración de Campañas en YouTube
- Estrategias Efectivas en YouTube
- Optimización Continua
- Investigación de palabras clave para SEO y SEM.
- Coincidencia de palabras clave y planificación de contenido.
- Ventajas y desventajas de SEO y SEM.
- Casos de estudio de éxito.
- Construcción de autoridad en SEO.
- Estrategias de remarketing en SEM.
- Ejercicios prácticos para medir el rendimiento en SEO y SEM.
- Análisis de informes y datos reales.
*Academic structure subject to change. Some business reality and networking sessions may be delivered in webinars outside of class hours.
Taller Práctico de SEO: Auditoria de Web (Factores Principales).
Taller Práctico de SEM: Uso de las Herramientas Principales Captación.
Taller Práctico de GA4: herramienta de analítica de webs.
Faculty and guest speakers
The essence of our program lies in an exceptional faculty. Our faculty is composed of leading professionals and academics with vast experience in the field of marketing and sales. These experts combine their in-depth theoretical knowledge with solid practical experience, offering students a unique and valuable perspective. In addition, many of our professors hold leadership positions in renowned companies, ensuring a direct connection to the latest industry trends and practices.
Carlos Rodrigo Hernandez
Program Director
*Faculty and guest speakers are subject to change.
Professional output with double intention in the labor market of digital media agencies or in the field of digital customer where you need to cover the main demand positions, both SEO and SEM, in addition to personal entrepreneurship with a personal ecommerce project.
Campus and prices
Curso Especializado Online SEO & SEM y Analytics en Formato Online
Campus in Online Format
Avenida Juan XXIII 12 | 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid
View in Google Maps
We do not want economic issues to be an obstacle for you to achieve your goals and ensure a training with a future, therefore, we present a wide range of possibilities that will help you in this regard, both the Scholarship Plan that we have developed from ESIC, as well as those that are available to you from different public or private organizations. The scholarships and grants available are as follows:
- - Own scholarships
- - National scholarships
- - International scholarships
- - Mobility grants for international internships
- - Insurance and assistance
ESIC has financing agreements with certain banks under preferential conditions for students enrolled in any of the school's programs. The specific rules and conditions of each of these agreements can be found in the Secretary's Office. ESIC helps you with the financing of your career.
If you live outside of one of the cities where ESIC has a campus, and you are looking for accommodation, we recommend a series of companies and residences dedicated to student housing. Find the one that best suits your needs.
More informationESIC has partnered with the Flywire platform to accept payments from foreign students from all over the world. You can make your payment easily and securely in your own currency, using local payment methods from the safety and comfort of your home. You will have real-time tracking and multilingual support around the clock.
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Con el Curso especializado online en Social Media Management de ESIC aprenderás los elementos clave para dominar tu estrategia en RRSS. ¡100% online!
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