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The world has changed, everything has accelerated and changes are taking place in all areas. This fact has brought about a new way of relating to each other in which we lack borders and physical limits, in an environment full of enormous global challenges and in which values play a major role.

Therefore, at ESIC we have the mission to transform the people who will participate in this new era and we do it by reinventing our training model to help you understand today, what will be the answers you will need to give tomorrow.

Our Transformative Learning model is inspired by the new ways of relating, living and working.


Knowledge + Skills + Values
with the objective of maximizing
your employability

Pillars of the Transformative model

The Transformative Learning methodology develops to the maximum the Student Centered Learning, a model of education in which the student is responsible for his learning through a constant cycle of knowledge, training based on challenges and action, evaluation (feedback) and learning.


Student Centered Learning

You, and only you, are the engine of a learning process where we seek to foster your constant capacity for critical analysis and decision-making, based on the challenges that we put in your training path. In addition, the constant feedback from your teachers will allow you to internalize the knowledge and develop your strategic capacity, making you a sure value for the professional and business environment.

You manage the learning process by taking the reins.


Experiential learning

It seeks to develop your skills by focusing on employability in a changing environment. The learning objectives and development of competencies are based on challenges, allowing you to get where you want to go, making the most of yourself, your classmates, your teachers and all the tools that ESIC puts at your disposal.

Phased learning that follows a pathway leading to an entrepreneurial experience.


Teacher's role

It is essential in the learning process. In our model, they stop transmitting knowledge in a unidirectional way and become a key figure that accompanies and guides you throughout your training. They are experts in their disciplines and allow you to learn first-hand how the business environment is evolving.



The traditional classroom gives way to new physical and virtual spaces. Knowledge and experience are acquired in an infinite campus that provides at all times the most appropriate space to acquire and develop the skills you need.


Infinite classroom

Thanks to the good experience offered by technology, we can speak of a Classroom Everywhere. It will allow you to train in different spaces in a synchronous and asynchronous way. This fact gives the model a global character, in which physical barriers disappear.


Power to choose

Our model gives you greater decision-making capacity, allowing you to choose the specialization that best suits your professional and personal circumstances. According to your interests, current needs or future professional objectives, you will be able to add different complementary training to the core course to add value to your profile and differentiate yourself.

Objective of the model: your maximum employability

The ultimate goal of our Transformative Learning is none other than to develop you holistically in knowledge, skills and values, to make you a better professional and a better person, helping you to develop those essential skills that allow you to promote your employability and enhance your ability to adapt to all the changes that happen to us.

Global Professionals

Prepared to work in international and multicultural environments, in full social, cultural and conceptual symbiosis.

Disruptive professionals

Who think outside the box, who accept and promote change as a constant, who live natively with technological innovation.

Ethical and resilient professionals

Autonomous and independent, focused on creating sustainable value in their organizations and their environment. Prepared to face the difficulties that personal and professional life brings.


In first person

We tell you about the impact of our educational model through the real experience of our students and faculty.
of students and teaching staff.

High business performance,
innovation and self-learning

The methodological model adapts to all training areas and degrees, as well as to the different stages of the academic and life itinerary.
different stages of the academic and life itinerary. However, it has common elements to all of them


Synchronous and asynchronous online sessions. Blenderization of promgrams


Application of case studies and challenges


Practical and experiential activities


Evaluation system that combines the demonstration of individual and group achievements.


Support material (asynchronous), videos, readings, etc.


Masterclass, events and workshops


Tutorial support and feedback




TUT Final Project

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