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Av. Juan XXIII, 12, 28224
Pozuelo de Alarcón | Madrid
917 44 40 40
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esic university


Av. de Valdenigrales, s/n | 28223
Pozuelo de Alarcón | Madrid
91 452 41 00
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ESIC Business & Marketing School will respond to your request for information about our training services. For this and the following purposes, you can oppose and access, rectify or delete your data and exercise other rights as indicated in our privacy policy.

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The suggestion box is intended to provide a means of communication open continuously, where to express opinions, initiatives, proposals for improvement, or any aspect related to ESIC.

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ESIC University and ESIC Business & Marketing School will respond to your request for information about our training services. For this and the following purposes, you can oppose and access, rectify or delete your data and exercise other rights as indicated in our privacy policy.

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Infringement Communication Channel

ESIC has an Internal Reporting System(ESIC Business - ESIC University) and makes available to its stakeholders a channel for receiving communications related to regulatory breaches established in Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory violations and the fight against corruption.

They may also report practices contrary to the principles and values of ESIC contained in its internal regulations: Code of Ethics, Compliance Policy, Code of Good Governance, Code of Good Practices, Educational Harassment Protocol and University Harassment Protocol, regarding actions that may have been committed within ESIC and any situations or events that require the attention of the control and monitoring committees in this area.

In addition to this internal channel of ESIC, you are reminded that you may submit a communication (simultaneously or alternatively) to the external channel of the Independent Authority for Whistleblower Protection, A.A.I. or to the institutions, bodies or agencies of the European Union.

You can consult here the procedure for the reception and management of communications.

Press contact

Press contact

If you are looking for experts in the field of marketing, management and digital economy or simply need to check information, further data, studies, access to recent specialized publications, etc., our media contacts will be happy to answer your query.

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Jaime Massó Caballero

Director of the Corporate Communications Department
+34 667 55 99 30

Isabel Vera Pascual

Deputy Director of the Corporate Communications Department
+34 662 17 21 38

Eva Barcena

Media Manager in the Corporate Communications Department
+34 663 96 31 14 Ext: 448

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ESIC Business & Marketing School will respond to your request for information about our training services. For this and the following purposes, you can oppose and access, rectify or delete your data and exercise other rights as indicated in our privacy policy.

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If you want to work with us

Send us your CV

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