Título Superior en Dirección de Marketing Global | ESIC Skip to main content


El título más completo de marketing y con mayor prestigio se actualiza. Lo hace para adaptarse a las nuevas necesidades del mercado y las empresas, combinando todos los instrumentos del marketing, la economía digital, la estrategia empresarial y las competencias directivas.

Incorporarás los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para definir la estrategia de marketing, tener una visión global del mercado, la gestión de marca y las políticas comerciales de cualquier empresa u organización.

Your future in marketing starts here.



Serás un profesional de los siguientes ejes formativos:

  • Marketing y ventas: El ADN de ESIC University
  • Dirección y Estrategia: Ordena tus ideas, planifica, controla resultados…
  • Emprendimiento: Te ayudaremos a crear una empresa o a convertir una idea en un modelo de negocio.
  • Economía digital: La digitalización de las empresas es una realidad.
  • Internacionalización: Adquiere una perspectiva y visión abierta e internacional.




We know that theory alone is not enough. That is why our program focuses on applying marketing concepts and strategies in real situations through group projects and company internships so that you leave prepared to face the challenges of the working world.


Estudiantes que deseen dedicarse al marketing y/o la gestión comercial. Interesados en convertirse en profesionales globales, capaces de trabajar en cualquier lugar del mundo.

Que además tengan...

  • Espíritu emprendedor. La carrera dota a los alumnos de las herramientas necesarias para poder crear y gestionar una empresa.
  • Capacidad creativa. Proporciona una estructura de pensamiento versátil, coherente y creativa.
  • Conocimientos sobre economía digital. Incorpora elementos formativos relacionados con la economía digital y el uso de nuevas tecnologías.



Elaborar un plan de marketing anual que incluya el establecimiento de objetivos, estrategias y planes de acción con KPIs medibles.


Adaptabilidad a los cambios en el mercado, las tendencias del consumidor y el entorno empresarial, y para ajustar las estrategias de marketing en consecuencia.


Realizar y gestionar campañas de marketing digital de forma práctica con el uso de las principales herramientas: SEO, SEM, web, redes sociales, e-commerce y Big data.


Potenciarás tu creatividad para generar ideas innovadoras y creativas para campañas publicitarias, estrategias de comunicación y desarrollo de productos.


Para obtener la titulación, deberás realizar el menos una de estas dos opciones internacionales:


Primer semestre

Subject ECTC Tipo
Introduction to Economics 4,5 P Propia
Bussines Eviroment 4,5 P Propia
Introduction to Marketing 4,5 P Propia
Digital Ecosystem 4,5 P Propia
Investigación Científica 4,5 P Propia
Anthropology 3,0 P Propia
Ofimática Pro I 3,0 P Propia
Ser Profesional 3,0 P Propia
English I 6,0 P Propia

Segundo semestre

Subject ECTC Tipo
Investigación de Mercado 4,5 P Propia
Consumer Behavior 4,5 P Propia
Business Analytics 4,5 P Propia
Sistemas de Información Contable 4,5 P Propia
Estadística Aplicada 4,5 P Propia
Ofimática Pro II 3,0 P Propia
Critical Spirit 4,5 P Propia
English II 6,0 P Propia

Primer semestre

Subject ECTC Tipo
Product Marketing 4,5 P Propia
Princing 4,5 P Propia
Dircom 4,5 P Propia
Búsqueda y Análisis de Tendencias 4,5 P Propia
Negociación Comercial 4,5 P Propia
Multimedia 3,0 P Propia
Desarrollo Creativio 4,5 P Propia
Ingés III 6,0 P Propia

Segundo semestre

Subject ECTC Tipo
Trade & Retail Marketing 4,5 P Propia
Markcom 4,5 P Propia
Sales Management 4,5 P Propia
Marketing de Clientes 4,5 P Propia
Previsión de Ventas 4,5 P Propia
Databases 3,0 P Propia
Teamworking 4,5 P Propia
English IV 6,0 P Propia

Primer semestre

Subject ECTC Tipo
Marketing Management 4,5 P Propia
Business Strategy 4,5 P Propia
Dirección de Empresas y Responsabilidad Social 4,5 OP Optativa
Talent Management 4,5 P Propia
Marco Jurídico 4,5 P Propia
Digital Marketing Strategies 4,5 P Propia
Christian Social Thought 3,0 P Propia
Generation of Digital Spaces 3,0 P Propia
Autodiagnóstico 3,0 P Propia

Segundo semestre

Subject ECTC Tipo
Finanzas de Marketing 4,5 P Propia
Marketing Inteligente (ON Y OFF) 4,5 P Propia
Digital Marketing Metrics and Analytics 4,5 P Propia
Data Driven Marketing 4,5 P Propia
Decision Marketing 4,5 P Propia
Marketing Plan 4,5 P Propia
Business Ethics 3,0 P Propia
Programming 3,0 P Propia
Leadership 3,0 P Propia

Primer semestre

Subject ECTC Tipo
Global Mindset 4,5 P Propia
Glocal Marketing 4,5 P Propia
Global Communication 4,5 P Propia
E-Markets 4,5 P Propia
Finanzas Estratégicas 4,5 P Propia
Realidad Digital 3,0 P Propia
My Digital Footprint 3,0 P Propia

Segundo semestre

Subject ECTC Tipo
Innovación Empresarial 4,5 P Propia
Entrepreneurship 4,5 P Propia
Business Creation 4,5 P Propia
Business with a Global Cause 4,5 P Propia
Mindlab 3,0 P Propia
Transformación y Cambio 3,0 P Propia
Prácticas externas 24,0 A Propia
TFT - Trabajo de Fin de Título 6,0 A Propia


Responsible for the company's brand, you will have to manage the company's image and make key decisions to manage its reputation, positioning and identity in the market.

Ejecuta estrategias para promover productos o servicios, utilizando medios tradicionales y digitales. Analiza datos, y gestiona campañas para alcanzar los objetivos comerciales de la empresa.

His responsibilities within social media include creating and publishing content, interacting with the audience, analyzing metrics and developing strategies to increase engagement and reach across platforms.

Profesional encargado de recopilar, analizar e interpretar datos relacionados con el mercado en el que opera una empresa Mediante la investigación de mercado, de tendencias, de la competencia, el target y el entorno. Aporta información estratégica clave para el negocio.

Responsible for managing CRM, a technology system designed to manage customer relationships. As a strategy, it involves focusing on understanding customers' needs and preferences in order to offer them products and services that meet their expectations and foster loyalty.

Person in charge of supporting and supervising a company's online sales. Create and implement e-commerce strategies to facilitate the customer's shopping experience and optimize sales. Their goal is to drive sales growth and maximize profitability through the e-commerce platform.


University exchange within the European educational space.

European Union countries

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For 3rd, 4th and 5th year students In the case of single Official Degrees it will be a maximum of one year, either full or two separate semesters. In the case of Double Degrees (Official Degrees + Higher Degrees) it will be a maximum of 3 semesters**.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

**The maximum of 3 semesters could be separated into one semester each year (one semester in 3rd, one semester in 4th and one semester in 5th) or a full year in 3rd and one semester in 4th or 5th year.

The Erasmus scholarship depends on the country of destination.

University exchange within the non-European educational area.

Asia, Africa, Latin America, America.

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For students of 3rd, 4th and 5th year In the case of single Official Degrees it will be a maximum of one year, either full or two separate semesters. In the case of Double Degrees (Official Degrees + Higher Degrees) it will be a maximum of 3 semesters**.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

**The maximum of 3 semesters could be separated into one semester each year (one semester in 3rd, one semester in 4th and one semester in 5th) or a full year in 3rd and one semester in 4th or 5th year.

The amount corresponding to the course at ESIC will be paid.

University exchange in multiple destinations according to agreements.

United States, Ireland and France.

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For 3rd and 4th year students It will be a maximum of one year, either a full year or two separate semesters.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

This program entails payment of training at the host university and payment of the course fee at ESIC.

The student can look for a destination of his/her preference to make an agreement and be able to carry out this mobility program in that destination.

University exchange for students of the Higher Degree in Global Marketing Management and for 5th year students studying a Double Degree (Official Degree + Higher Degree).


Stay for only one semester, either the 1st or 2nd semester. In the case of Double Degrees, it can be your third international semester.

Mobility to add an official degree from the country of destination by studying abroad for one year.

France, Germany and Amsterdam.

For 3rd year students.

Short-term summer mobility.

Destinations such as London or the USA

Depending on the destination, the duration varies from 2 to 6 weeks.

  • Official accreditation certificate in the language in which the mobility is to be carried out and, in some cases, a specific certification requested by the host university. The level and score of the language varies according to the destination and institution.
  • If you are studying for a Bachelor's Degree in English, you must have a minimum level of B2 or equivalent.
  • If you are studying an Official Degree in Spanish, you must have a minimum level of C1 or equivalent.
  • For destinations in the United States: TOEFL or IELTS.
  • Depending on the destination or program, you must have passed all the courses of the first year at the time of application.
  • The application for the chosen mobility program must be made in the year prior to the year in which the mobility is to be carried out.

*International destinations are limited, subject to change.

All international options incur additional costs.


We accompany you throughout the whole process, guiding and advising you to choose the best option for your professional career. These are the steps to follow:

1 Requirements and

  1. You request information and an appointment with the admissions department.
  2. Send the required scanned documentation to your advisor prior to the admission tests. 

2 Admission
admission tests

You can do it in both Spanish and English

It consists of 3 phases

It lasts 1h. 30 min. approx.

  1. Request an appointment
  2. Confirmation
  3. Admission test
  4. Resolution


When should you do it?

  1. Once you have passed the admission tests, you will receive a pre-enrollment letter.
  2. You must pay the reservation fee by the deadline indicated in order to guarantee your place.


  1. The tuition fee will be paid when the student meets the university entrance requirements.
  2. You will find the indications in your pre-enrollment letter and the Student Services Office will tell you the next steps to follow.


Are you thinking of pursuing a university degree after finishing your Higher Level Training Cycle or do you simply want to change universities?

  • - Gather the necessary information to make your application for credit recognition.
  • - We will evaluate your application and will give you an answer as soon as possible with the credit recognition study.
  • - Once the results have been received, you will be able to apply for the admission test for the Official Higher Degree in which you are interested.
More information


Financial issues should not be an obstacle that prevents you from achieving your goals. Make sure you have a training with a future.

  • - National Mobility
  • - International Alumni
  • - Academic Excellence
  • - Enrolled Siblings
  • - Alumni
  • - Large Family
  • - Single Parent Family
  • - Entrepreneurship
  • - Diversity Scholarship
  • - ESIC Study Grants
  • - Doctorates
  • - Agreement with educational centers
  • - ESIC CFGS Students
  • - Agreement with companies
More information

Where is it taught?


ESIC Campus in Madrid

Avenida Juan XXIII 12,
Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid
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91 452 41 00

Modalidad Presencial

Language: Spanish


Campus ESIC en Sevilla

Avda Carlos III, s/n, Isla de La Cartuja | 41092 Sevilla
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95 446 00 03

Modalidad Presencial

Language: Spanish


ESIC Campus in Malaga

Calle Severo Ochoa, 49 | 29590 Campanillas
Ver en Google Maps


95 202 03 69

Modalidad Presencial

Language: Spanish


Campus ESIC en Pamplona

Avda. Anaitasuna, 31 | 31192 Mutilva
Ver en Google Maps


948 29 01 55

Modalidad Presencial

Language: Spanish


ESIC Campus in Granada

C/Periodista Eduardo Molina Fajardo, 38 | 18014 Granada
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958 22 29 14

Modalidad Presencial

Language: Spanish

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