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Este título complementa la formación del alumnado al acompañar a alguna de las titulaciones oficiales de ESIC University.

Advanced Degree in Sustainability Management

Title created to train in the Competencies for Sustainability determined by UNESCO and which are increasingly demanded by companies.

Center subjects

During their formative stage, students reflect on the role of the individual and the company in society through a series of cross-cutting subjects linked to ethics and the responsibility of the company in its commitment to contribute to sustainable development.


La investigación en ESIC University se plantea atendiendo a nuestro doble compromiso de contribuir al conocimiento y a la mejora del mundo en que vivimos.


Our students have the possibility of doing internships in Third Sector organizations (NGOs and similar) to enhance the skills that today's companies demand, with a global and holistic vision.

Competitions and awards

ESIC University reconoce la labor que llevan a cabo organizaciones que a través del marketing y la comunicación impactan positivamente en la sociedad.

We also promote the participation of our students in internal and external competitions with a strong social and environmental character.

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