Specialized online course in CRM and lead generation | ESIC Skip to main content


Discover why CRM is a key strategic element that enables the generation of quality leads and improves the results of your business by increasing the link between customer and brand.

Mejora los resultados de tu negocio aumentando la vinculación entre cliente y marca.

  3 months
  • Online




  Available locations

  • Online Format


Why study?


Digital customer planning and management is emerging as a key discipline in management. The current reality demands a business transformation project where the role of digitalization is fundamental. The reality is that we can still find quite a few companies that have not carried out a real reorientation to the customer, that have simply made a cosmetic change but without reaching deep organizational layers. However, a business management that does not adjust to the new requirements of the digital customer is unsustainable in the long term.

You can't miss this course because:


At ESIC we know that the best way to learn is by doing. Therefore, our program is designed based on tools, workshops, real cases and the use of licenses so that you can access the labor market with the best possible preparation. Our CEOCRM stands out for:


Reputation of more than 50 Years: ESIC is an educational institution with a rich history of more than 50 years in marketing and business education. This tradition and experience consolidate its leadership in the field and guarantee a quality approach to training.


Pioneers in Marketing: As pioneers in marketing education, ESIC has been at the forefront of marketing trends and practices for decades. This means you'll get an education that is grounded in experience and adapted to the latest developments in the field.


Alumni Network: ESIC's alumni community includes many successful professionals in the marketing and business world. By joining ESIC, you will have access to a valuable network of contacts that can open doors and opportunities in your career.


Programs adapted to today: ESIC prides itself on keeping its academic programs up to date with the latest trends and technologies. The advanced course you are considering focuses on online strategies in social media and sales, crucial areas in today's digital age.


Commitment to Excellence: ESIC has a strong commitment to academic excellence and student success. Highly qualified faculty and cutting-edge teaching methodology ensure that you will get a high-quality education that will prepare you to excel in the field of online marketing and technology.

Rankings and accreditations




Leaders in marketing master's degrees according to El Mundo

The world



ESIC on the podium of best business schools for recent graduates and young professionals




ESIC in the top European ranking for marketing programs




Best marketing school based on feedback from alumni, students and employers



Customer Experience Managers

Contact center managers

Business development managers

Marketing Managers

Sales directors or sales managers

Communication managers 

Project managers

Product Managers

Strategic Director

Responsible for e-commerce

Business managers and directors

Digital Marketing managers

Business development


Objectives of the Online Specialized Course in Lead Generation and CRM [CEOCRM].


Lead CRM projects throughout the entire customer relationship: from lead acquisition and management to customer loyalty.


Develop a branded lead acquisition methodology focused on maximizing value and business objectives.


Design a CRM strategy from the beginning, implement and optimize it to contribute to business growth.


Use customer insight to improve conversion, engagement and impact on the company's bottom line


Lead the company's transformation towards a customer centric and data driven organization.


This program addresses customer relationship management (CRM) from strategic to technological approaches, exploring customer experience and legal aspects, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of this key business discipline.

  • Customer Centric Business and strategic decision making
  • CRM, Customer Relationship Management
  • Design of a CRM strategy
  • Gartner model, pillars and functional areas
  • Management throughout the Customer Journey
  • The DB as an engine of customer knowledge and CRM strategy
  • The support of the analysis to the main CRM objectives        
  • Customer segmentation and modeling techniques        
  • Business Intelligence for decision making and goal achievement
  • How to analyze and interpret data    
  • Construction of the promise of experience.
  • Customer experience management model.
  • Customer experience tools: Customer Journey, Buyer Persona, blueprint
  • The Experience ecosystem: The role of each area in the experience strategy
  • Organization and deployment of the strategy.
  • Know the key factors for the implementation of an omnichannel strategy.
  • Most relevant channels and their differences when defining a communications strategy
  • Multichannel orchestration and activation
  • CRM project design: scope definition, general roadmap and investment limit
  • CRM strategy implementation process: solution design, testing and deployment, implementation, and training.
  • How to generate leads on websites and landings. SEO optimization for lead acquisition
  • Paid Media: SEM, display
  • Digital lead targeting and digital lead scoring
  • Care strategies for database compilation: metrics, variables and sources and their incorporation into the database.
  • Social Listening applications for lead and customer management 
  • The importance of inbound in a saturated ecosystem
  • Contribution to business objectives, metrics and optimization of results.
  • Interconnection of independent channels in CRM
  • The Contact Center as a CX center for customer management
  • Quality and Experience versus loyalty: customer service and the Contact Center
  • Customer knowledge feedback and database
  • Business and customer oriented process and technology.
  • CRM-oriented system map
  • Technological ecosystems, trends and new possibilities from the hand of AI
  • Benchmark of solutions and possibilities
  • Legal aspects of lead and customer management. 
  • Personal data and privacy
  • Legality of data management, digital environments .

*Academic structure subject to change. Some business reality and networking sessions may be delivered in webinars outside of class hours.


Analytical CRM Workshop: In this workshop we will explore the possibilities of growing a business in light of customer information in a database. We will develop customer modeling to draw conclusions and discuss solutions to the challenge facing the brand.

Salesforce Workshop: Discover the leading customer management tool and learn how to master the key tools for successful customer and sales management.


These are some of the tools you will work with throughout the program. Not only will you put them into practice in the program, but you will internalize their use so that they become support tools in your work life.



It is an innovative training ecosystem that helps you to deploy your talent to the fullest and thus develop professionally and personally.

In your journey of personal transformation, you will interact with five pillars of support, which underpin your learning experience:

  • Business reality brought to the classroom through case studies and practical activities.
  • Soft Skills fundamental for your personal and professional development
  • An expert teaching and sectorial faculty
  • A heterogeneous community of national and international students
  • All the areas and services that ESIC puts at your disposal



The Transformative Learning teaching method helps you by implementing innovative active learning methodologies where the teacher puts you at the center of the learning process and guides you towards academic excellence. The objective is for you to acquire competencies through the practical application of knowledge and tools. 

The resources you will have at your disposal are:

  •   Asynchronous support materials, videos, readings, etc.
  •   Self-evaluation
  •   Tutored application and feedback
  •   Practical and experiential activities
  •   Evaluation system that combines the demonstration of individual and group achievements.
  •   Supervised final project

Faculty and guest speakers

La esencia de nuestro programa reside en un excepcional claustro de profesores. Nuestro claustro está compuesto por destacados profesionales y académicos con una vasta experiencia en el ámbito del marketing y las ventas. Estos expertos combinan su profundo conocimiento teórico con una sólida experiencia práctica, ofreciendo a los estudiantes una perspectiva única y valiosa. Además, muchos de nuestros profesores ocupan posiciones de liderazgo en empresas de renombre, lo que garantiza una conexión directa con las últimas tendencias y prácticas del sector.

Paloma Lucas Pesque

Paloma Lucas Pesque

Program Director

*Faculty and guest speakers subject to change.


The job opportunities after completing this program are very wide-ranging. CRM specialists are one of the most demanded profiles by companies and with greater projection in the labor market, since customer management is an essential discipline in business management. You can play roles such as CRM department director, CRM Project Leader, Customer Experience manager, Marketing Manager, CRM Consultant, business development specialist or manager, among others.

You will acquire skills in data analysis, digital tools, relationship management, digital lead generation strategy, which will make you highly valued in a constantly evolving job market.




ESIC's Professional Development Unit is made up of a team of professionals dedicated to boosting your professional career, whether you are studying in the classroom or as an Alumni. You can count on the UDP if you need to enter the world of work, as they have their own employability portal, although they also collaborate with international portals, fairs and employability events.

With almost 4,000 internship offers and more than 2,000 job offers, the UDP has an employability rate of 95% for students advised in the area of Marketing and Sales, or 100% for the area of Communication, among others.

Campus y precios

Online Specialized Course in Lead Generation and CRM [CEOCRM] in Online Format

Campus ESIC en Formato Online

Avenida Juan XXIII 12 | 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid
Ver en Google Maps



91 452 41 00

Convocatorias y Precios

  - 23  Septiembre 2024
Precio: 1.950 €


We accompany you throughout the whole process, guiding and advising you to choose the best option for your professional career. These are the steps to follow:

1 Application

  1. Request information through our form.
  2. A consultant will contact you within 24-48 hours. 
  3. You will have a first contact call and a consultancy will be convened for questions and doubts. 
  4. You have a second call where all your doubts are solved and you are guided in everything you need.

2 Test

  1. If the program fits you, you proceed to apply. 
  2. You prepare the necessary documentation (such as university degree or certificates).
  3. You make a personal and professional rehearsal.
  4. You deliver all the documentation.

3 Interview

  1. Once the documentation is approved, you will be scheduled for an interview with the program director. 
  2. In this interview, you will be able to discuss specifics you want to know about the program, as well as any questions you may have. 

4 Enrollment

  1. After the interview, your consultant will contact you within 24-48 hours to notify you if you have been accepted into the program.
  2. Once you have been accepted, you have about 5 days to formalize your registration.
  3. As soon as the registration is completed, you will be given all your access (virtual classroom, e-mail...).
  4. Of course, our last step is always to congratulate you and wish you to make the most of your training.


We do not want economic issues to be an obstacle for you to achieve your goals and ensure a training with a future, therefore, we present a wide range of possibilities that will help you in this regard, both the Scholarship Plan that we have developed from ESIC, as well as those that are available to you from different public or private organizations. The scholarships and grants available are as follows:

  • - Own scholarships
  • - National scholarships
  • - International scholarships
  • - Mobility grants for international internships
  • - Insurance and assistance
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investment FINANCING

ESIC has financing agreements with certain banks under preferential conditions for students enrolled in any of the school's programs. The specific rules and conditions of each of these agreements can be found in the Secretary's Office. ESIC helps you with the financing of your career.

If you live outside of one of the cities where ESIC has a campus, and you are looking for accommodation, we recommend a series of companies and residences dedicated to student housing. Find the one that best suits your needs.

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At ESIC we want every step you take to bring you closer to the future you are building. Go ahead and access our IMPULSA PLAN:

  • INNOVATION. Free access to 3 Workshops on AI applied to business.
  • LANGUAGES. Free online course in the language of your choice.
  • CERTIFICATIONS. Special conditions through ESIC Idiomas.

Benefit from our IMPULSA PLAN if you enroll before March 31, 2024 for the April session and June 30, 2024 for the October session.


At ESIC we have partnered with the Flywire platform so that you can pay your tuition securely and conveniently.

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Rethink file
  1. La implantación de la tecnología en todas las áreas de las empresas ha supuesto un antes y un después en el mundo de los negocios.

  2. Los datos han llegado para quedarse.

  3. ¿Alguna vez te has parado a pensar en la evolución que ha sufrido la publicidad? Si echamos la vista atrás, podemos darnos cuenta de cómo ha cambiado el mensaje transmitido, el lenguaje, la comunicación… incluso los canales.

  4. En el competitivo mundo empresarial actual, la búsqueda de financiación se ha convertido en una tarea esencial para las empresas.


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