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International mobility programs

As an ESIC student, you have the possibility of completing and validating your
validate your education abroad for a semester or an academic year through 5
or an academic year through 5 courses.



Study and internships within the European Educational Area, subsidized by the European Union itself.



Mobilities to add an official degree of the destination country by taking the last year abroad.
*Get your dual degree in 4 years.



Mobility with tuition fees at the host university / specific economic conditions without geographical limitation.
**To carry out this mobility it is necessary to have passed the first year.


Munde ESIC

Mobility outside
of the European Educational Area.



Specific academic validation mobilities with institutions around the world.

Expand your frontiers,
multiply your employability


agreements with
national and international
and international

Agreements in


on 4 continents




students per year
in international
international programs

Our center specializes in foreign language training.

One of the factors that most affects the employability of our students is the knowledge of languages. To this end, you can study degrees entirely in English or bilingual, including access to degrees abroad.

Our goal is that all students who study at ESIC leave the market with a language level suitable for any situation in any part of the world.

What can we do for you?

At ESIC Idiomas we are a preparation and examination center for the main official exams and certificates, both professional and academic: Cambridge and TOEFL.

  • Cambridge Assessment
  • Cervantes Institute
  • Edele
  • The language learning process is homogeneous, grouping students by level with peers in similar situations.
  • If your command of English is at a high level (minimum C1) you will be able to study a second language in the chosen degrees: Chinese.
  • We are committed to the certification of language skills as accreditation when it comes to accessing the labor market with more guarantees.
  • Options for international tours, degrees and stays abroad to practice and improve your language skills.
  • We teach other courses in other languages, as well as Spanish for foreigners.
Shall we inform you?