Grado Oficial en Administración de Empresas | ESIC Skip to main content
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Meeting point Madrid
Meeting point Official Degree + Specialization Diploma (4 years) / Official Degree + Higher Degree (5 years)
Meeting point Economic Conditions / Prices per course. Subject to change 10.600 € / 11.500 €

¡Prepárate para liderar el mañana con nuestro grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas! Adquiere las competencias necesarias para convertirte en un profesional de referencia para las empresas. Fórmate en estrategia y gestión empresarial, dirección de personas y operaciones, finanzas y economía, para estar preparado para dirigir cualquier organización, nacional e internacional.

Con una combinación única de teoría y práctica, te brindaremos las herramientas y la confianza necesarias para triunfar en el cambiante mundo empresarial.

Únete a nosotros y se parte de la próxima generación de líderes empresariales.


Official Degree +
Specialization Diploma

  • Duration 4 years
  • Price 10.600 €.
  • Credits 240 ECTS

+ Diploma in Management Skills

+ Diploma in Digital Tools and Multimedia

Official Degree
+ Higher Degree

  • Duration 5 years
  • Price 11.500 €.
  • Credits 375 ECTS

+ Higher Degree in Data Science

+ Título Superior en Dirección de Marketing

+ Higher Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

+ Higher Degree in Sustainability Management


¿Por qué estudiar el Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas?

El Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas te ofrece una comprensión profunda de los principios fundamentales y los desafíos del mundo empresarial. Aprenderás a desarrollar estrategias efectivas, gestionar recursos con eficiencia y liderar equipos multidisciplinarios, todo basado en un análisis sólido.


al año de finalizar
el grado


Sabemos que la teoría por sí sola no es suficiente.

Sumérgete en una experiencia práctica incomparable, donde cada clase es una oportunidad para aplicar tus conocimientos en proyectos reales, trabajar con empresas líderes y participar en desafíos empresariales simulados para que salgas preparado para enfrentar desafías en el mundo laboral.


Studying a degree at ESIC University means acquiring a comprehensive preparation that combines theory, practice and skills development, enabling you to stand out as a solid professional in the business world. We offer you all the tools you need to enter the job market with confidence and social commitment, fostering the development of individual talent and values such as solidarity, diversity and critical thinking. Our innovative approach and network of contacts will provide you with unique opportunities to boost your professional and personal career.


El Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas está dirigido a estudiantes con un perfil analítico y orientado a los negocios. Nuestro programa atrae a aquellos que poseen o desean desarrollar una fuerte capacidad lógico-analítica, así como una curiosidad por sumergirse en la complejidad y la visión global de las organizaciones empresariales.

Está diseñado para estudiantes ambiciosos y motivados que buscan desarrollar una comprensión profunda de la gestión empresarial y convertirse en líderes empresariales innovadores y exitosos.


Competencias del Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas


Dominar los principios de planificación estratégica, organización y control de operaciones, preparándose para liderar empresas eficientes y competitivas.


Adquirir habilidades en contabilidad, análisis financiero y gestión de inversiones, fundamentales para tomar decisiones financieras sólidas y rentables.


Formación en estrategia y gestión de empresas, finanzas y economía, dirección de marketing, emprendimiento, dirección de personas y operaciones.


Fomento de una mentalidad empresarial, aprender a identificar oportunidades de negocio, gestionar riesgos y adoptar prácticas éticas y socialmente responsables, preparándose para liderar en un mundo empresarial en constante evolución.


En nuestro Grado de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, te sumergirás en un programa académico diseñado para brindarte una sólida formación en todas las áreas clave de esta disciplina. Nuestro enfoque educativo se basa en combinar teoría y práctica de manera equilibrada, para que adquieras tanto los conocimientos teóricos fundamentales como las habilidades prácticas necesarias para destacar en los negocios.


We open the doors of the world to you.

  • From 3rd year onwards
  • Minimum stays of 6 months
  • Access to Erasmus, Munde-ESIC and Horizon Programs

Academic program and subjects

Discover the Academic Program that fits your needs

Select one of the two itineraries to see the academic program and its specific subjects.

1st semester

Deont. Prof., Principios Jurídi. Básicos e Igualdad 6 FB
Economic History 6 FB
History of Spanish Institutions 6 FB
Introdución a la Empresa I 6 FB
Business Mathematics 6 OB
English I 6 P
Introduction to Marketing 3 P
Data Science Technology I: Systems Architecture 3 P
Organization and Data Management I: Data Base 3 P
Anthropology 3 P
English I 6 P
Business Models I: Product-Market Fit 3 P
English I 6 P
Introduction to Sustainability 3 P
English I 6 DEHD
Project planning: Ms Project 3 DEHDM
Digital Image Editing: Photoshop 3 DEHDM

2nd semester

Commercial Law 6 FB
Informática Aplicada a la Empresa 6 FB
Introduction to Economics 6 FB
Introduction to Business II 6 OB
Financial Mathematics 6 OB
Anthropology 3 P
English II 6 P
Data Organization and Management II: Content Curation 3 P
Data Science Technology II: Data Architecture 3 P
Critical Spirit 3 P
English II 6 P
Agile Methodologies 3 P
English II 6 P
Global Challenges: From Globalization to Sustainable Development Goals 3 P
English II 6 DEHD
Vectorial Design and Infographics: Illustrator 3 DEHDM
Audiovisual Narrative and Video Editing: Premiere 3 DEHDM

1st semester

Financial Accounting I 6 OB
Business Statistics I 6 OB
Introd. Al Marketing y la Comunic. en la Empresa 6 FB
Microeconomics 4,5 OB
Sociology of the Company 6 FB
English III 6 P
Investigación Científica 4,5 P
Programming for Data Science I: Java / SQL 4,5 P
Christian Social Thought 3 P
Business Models II: Social Entrepreneurship 3 P
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem I 3 P
Critical Spirit 3 P
Stakeholder Engagement 3 P
Social Challenges: Human Rights, Poverty and Inequalities 4,5 P
Critical Spirit 3 P
English III 6 DEHD
Motion Graphics and 3D: After Effects 3 DEHDM
Information Architecture and UX: Invision, XD, Optimize 360 3 DEHDM

2nd semester

Contabilidad Financiera II 4,5 OB
Marketing Management 4,5 OB
Production Management 6 OB
Business Statistics II 6 OB
Inglés IV- Idioma Moderno 6 FB
Macroeconomics 4,5 OB
Christian Social Thought 3 P
Search Analysis and Trends 4,5 P
Programming for Data Science II: Python 3 P
Statistical Modeling with R 6 P
Christian Social Thought 3 P
Negotiation Methodologies and Come 4,5 P
Anthropology 3 P
Environmental Challenges: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Waste 4,5 P
Anthropology 3 DEHD
Multimedia 3 DEHD
Web Page Creation: WordPress 3 DEHDM
Anthropology 3 DEHDM

1st semester

Analytical Accounting 4,5 OB
Dirección Comercial 4,5 OB
Strategic Management and Business Policy I 6 OB
Financial Management I 6 OB
Business Decision Methods 4,5 OB
Corporate Tax Regime 4,5 OB
Negociación Comercial 4,5 P
Data Visualization and Insight 4,5 P
Business Ethics 3 P
Personal Skills I: Personal Branding and Networking 4,5 P
Business Models III: Intrapreneurship 3 P
Personal Skills I: Negotiation, Networking and Partnerships 3 P
Christian Social Thought 3 P
Generation of Digital Spaces 3 DEHD
Critical Spirit 3 DEHD
SEO, SEM and ASO: Google Tools, Semrush, Sistrix 3 DEHDM
e-Commerce Creation: Prestashop, Magento 3 DEHDM

2nd semester

Balance Sheet Analysis 4,5 OB
Strategic Management and Business Policy II 6 OB
Financial Management II 6 OB
Entorno Económico Nacional e Internacional 4,5 OB
Human Resources 4,5 OB
Management Information Systems 4,5 OB
Consumer Behavior 4,5 P
Business Ethics 3 P
Predictive Modeling I: Consumption Patterns 6 P
Software as a Service (SAS) 4,5 P
Anthropology 3 P
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem II: Financial and Legal 3 P
Narrative Methodologies 4,5 P
Personal Skills II: Leadership, Coaching and Team Management 3 P
Multiculturality Management 3 P
Christian Social Thought 3 DEHD
Creative Development 3 DEHD
SEO Audit: Screamming Frog, SEO meta in one click 3 DEHDM
Christian Social Thought 3 DEHDM

1st semester

Labor Law 6 OB
Academic Credit Recognition 6 OB
Elective 1 4,5 OP
Elective 2 4,5 OP
Elective 3 4,5 OP
Elective 4 4,5 OP


Internships 24 OB
Final Degree Project 6 OB

Optativas GRADEº semestre

Gestión de Operaciones en Empresas de Servicios 4,5 OP
Econometrics 4,5 OP
Derecho Administrativo en Sectores Regulados 4,5 OP
Iniciativa Empresarial 4,5 OP
Simulador Empresarial 4,5 OP
Comportamiento y Diseño Organizativo 4,5 OP
Contabilidad de Sociedades 4,5 OP
Análisis Económico Internacional 4,5 OP
Evaluación y Adquisición de Empresas 4,5 OP
Marketing Global e Internacional 4,5 OP
Sector Marketing 4,5 OP
Political Marketing 4,5 OP

2nd semester

Product Marketing 4,5 P
Pricing 4,5 P
Autodiagnóstico 3 P
Trade and Retail Marketing 4,5 P
Markcom 4,5 P
Leadership 3 P
Big Data Applications I: Implementation of Big Data Projects 6 P
Business Intelligence 6 P
Cloud Services Providers 6 P
Data Driven Corporations: Medium Sensitivity Data Management 4,5 P
Business Ethics 3 P
Business Models IV: Go to Market 3 P
Personal Skills II: Leadership, Self-Management and Team Management 3 P
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem III: Attendance at Trade Fairs, Companies, Bootcamps, Awards 3 P
E-Markets 4,5 P
ESIC Garage I: Team Coach 6 P
Business Ethics 3 P
Impact Measurement 4,5 P
Energy Transition 4,5 P
Responsible Consumption and Production 3 P
ESIC Service Learning I: Volunteering in the Community 6 P
Mindlab 3 DEHD
Business Ethics 3 DEHD
Leadership 3 DEHD
My Digital Footprint 3 DEHD
Data Visualization in BSS Intelligence: PowerBi, Tableau 3 DEHDM
Customer Management and Community Management: SalesForce 3 DEHDM
Business Ethics 3 DEHDM
Diploma Thesis 3 DEHDM

1st semester

The fifth year is only taken if you do a double degree combining the Bachelor's Degree with a Higher Degree. By selecting the single Degree with a Diploma you will take the total number of credits in 4 years.
Sales Management 4,5 P
Marketing Management 4,5 P
Digital Marketing Strategies 4,5 P
Marketing Intelligence 4,5 P
Digital Marketing Metrics and Analytics 4,5 P
Data Driven Marketing 4,5 P
My Digital Footprint 4,5 P
Big Data Applications II: Implementation of Big Data Projects II 6 P
Big Data Applications III: Big Data in Industry 4.0 6 P
Data Driven Corporations II: High Sensitivity Data Management 6 P
Big Data Applications IV: Black Ops Identification 6 P
Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks 6 P
Digital Production I 6 P
Global Innovation: Processes, Product and Structure 4,5 P
Elective 1 3 P
Elective 2 4,5 P
ESIC Garage II: Team Coach 12 P
Sustainability Management 6 P
Reporting and Accountability 4,5 P
Demographics, Transportation and Mobility: Smart Cities 3 P
Personal Skills III: Public Speaking, Debate and Interpretation 3 P
New Economies 4,5 P
ESIC Service Learning II: Social Business Consulting 12 P

2nd semester

The fifth year is only taken if you do a double degree combining the Bachelor's Degree with a Higher Degree. By selecting the single Degree with a Diploma you will take the total number of credits in 4 years.
Glocal Marketing 4,5 P
E-Markets 4,5 P
Global Communication 4,5 P
Decision Making 4,5 P
Marketing Plan 4,5 P
Finanzas de Marketing 4,5 P
Transformación y Cambio 4,5 P
Modeling Categorical Variables 6 P
Predictive Modeling II: Online Dropout Patterns 6 P
Predictive Modeling III: Public Opinion and Consent 6 P
Natural Language Processing: Chat-bots 6 P
Analytical Neuromarketing 6 P
Digital Production II 6 P
Global Mindset 4,5 P
Elective 3 4,5 P
Personal Skills III: Public Speaking, Debate and Interpretation 3 P
ESIC Garage III: Team Coach 12 P
Corporate Governance 3 P
CSR 4,5 P
Circular Economy 4,5 P
International Scenario: Global Institutions in International Trade and Policy 4,5 P
Sustainable Investment - ESG 4,5 P
ESIC Service Learning III: Social Entrepreneurship 12 P



Los consultores son muy demandados en diversas industrias para brindar asesoramiento estratégico y soluciones empresariales a problemas específicos.

Operations analysts are essential to optimize business processes and improve an organization's operational efficiency.

Los gestores comerciales son responsables de liderar equipos de ventas, establecer relaciones con clientes clave y aumentar los ingresos de la empresa.

Provides financial advice to companies or individuals on topics such as financial planning, wealth management, mergers and acquisitions, and investment strategies. 

Los analistas digitales son cada vez más importantes en el entorno empresarial actual, ya que analizan datos y métricas digitales para mejorar las estrategias de marketing y ventas en línea.

Participa en campañas globales, apoya en la planificación, ejecución y seguimiento de campañas de marketing a nivel internacional, lo que es especialmente relevante en un mundo globalizado y digitalizado.




ESIC's Professional Development Unit is made up of a team of professionals dedicated to boosting your professional career, whether you are studying in the classroom or as an Alumni. You can count on the UDP if you need to enter the world of work, as they have their own employability portal, although they also collaborate with international portals, fairs and employability events.

We have +6,400 internship offers with more than 3,000 job offers in which more than 2,000 students have completed internships. Some companies: BBVA, Telefónica, Warner Bros, Mapfre, Amazon.


University exchange within the European educational space.

European Union countries

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For 3rd, 4th and 5th year students In the case of single Official Degrees it will be a maximum of one year, either full or two separate semesters. In the case of Double Degrees (Official Degrees + Higher Degrees) it will be a maximum of 3 semesters**.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

**The maximum of 3 semesters could be separated into one semester each year (one semester in 3rd, one semester in 4th and one semester in 5th) or a full year in 3rd and one semester in 4th or 5th year.

The Erasmus scholarship depends on the country of destination.

University exchange within the non-European educational area.

Asia, Africa, Latin America, America.

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For students of 3rd, 4th and 5th year In the case of single Official Degrees it will be a maximum of one year, either full or two separate semesters. In the case of Double Degrees (Official Degrees + Higher Degrees) it will be a maximum of 3 semesters**.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

**The maximum of 3 semesters could be separated into one semester each year (one semester in 3rd, one semester in 4th and one semester in 5th) or a full year in 3rd and one semester in 4th or 5th year.

The amount corresponding to the course at ESIC will be paid.

University exchange in multiple destinations according to agreements.

United States, Ireland and France.

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For 3rd and 4th year students It will be a maximum of one year, either a full year or two separate semesters.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

This program entails payment of training at the host university and payment of the course fee at ESIC.

The student can look for a destination of his/her preference to make an agreement and be able to carry out this mobility program in that destination.

University exchange for students of the Higher Degree in Global Marketing Management and for 5th year students studying a Double Degree (Official Degree + Higher Degree).


Stay for only one semester, either the 1st or 2nd semester. In the case of Double Degrees, it can be your third international semester.

Mobility to add an official degree from the country of destination by studying abroad for one year.

France, Germany and Amsterdam.

For 3rd year students.

Short-term summer mobility.

Destinations such as London or the USA

Depending on the destination, the duration varies from 2 to 6 weeks.

  • Official accreditation certificate in the language in which the mobility is to be carried out and, in some cases, a specific certification requested by the host university. The level and score of the language varies according to the destination and institution.
  • If you are studying for a Bachelor's Degree in English, you must have a minimum level of B2 or equivalent.
  • If you are studying an Official Degree in Spanish, you must have a minimum level of C1 or equivalent.
  • For destinations in the United States: TOEFL or IELTS.
  • Depending on the destination or program, you must have passed all the courses of the first year at the time of application.
  • The application for the chosen mobility program must be made in the year prior to the year in which the mobility is to be carried out.

*International destinations are limited, subject to change.

All international options incur additional costs.


We accompany you throughout the whole process, guiding and advising you to choose the best option for your professional career. These are the steps to follow:

1 Requirements and

  1. You request information and an appointment with the admissions department.
  2. Send the required scanned documentation to your advisor prior to the admission tests. 

2 Admission
admission tests

You can do it in both Spanish and English

It consists of 3 phases

It lasts 1h. 30 min. approx.

  1. Request an appointment
  2. Confirmation
  3. Admission test
  4. Resolution


When should you do it?

  1. Once you have passed the admission tests, you will receive a pre-enrollment letter.
  2. You must pay the reservation fee by the deadline indicated in order to guarantee your place.


  1. The tuition fee will be paid when the student meets the university entrance requirements.
  2. You will find the indications in your pre-enrollment letter and the Student Services Office will tell you the next steps to follow.


Are you thinking of pursuing a university degree after finishing your Higher Level Training Cycle or do you simply want to change universities?

  • - Gather the necessary information to make your application for credit recognition.
  • - We will evaluate your application and will give you an answer as soon as possible with the credit recognition study.
  • - Once the results have been received, you will be able to apply for the admission test for the Official Higher Degree in which you are interested.
More information


Financial issues should not be an obstacle that prevents you from achieving your goals. Make sure you have a training with a future.

  • - National Mobility
  • - International Alumni
  • - Academic Excellence
  • - Enrolled Siblings
  • - Alumni
  • - Large Family
  • - Single Parent Family
  • - Entrepreneurship
  • - Diversity Scholarship
  • - ESIC Study Grants
  • - Doctorates
  • - Agreement with educational centers
  • - ESIC CFGS Students
  • - Agreement with companies
More information

Where is it taught?

ESIC University

ESIC University Campus

Cam. Valdenigriales, S/N
Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid
View in Google Maps


91 452 41 67

Madrid Excelente

On-site modality

Language: Spanish


Sí, tenemos el Doble grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas + Marketing. Podrás adquirir ambos títulos oficiales en 5 años y aprender más conocimientos, además, ESIC University está totalmente especializada y diferenciada respecto al mercado en ambas disciplinas. 

El grado en ADE se puede estudiar 100% en inglés, la titulación en inglés se denomina BACHELOR’S DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT, la puedes cursar en ESIC University también. 

Nuestro programa está enfocado en proporcionar una base sólida en gestión empresarial y, ofrecer asignaturas y actividades extracurriculares centradas en el emprendimiento, como cursos de creación de empresas, talleres de desarrollo de planes de negocio, mentoría por parte de empresarios exitosos y acceso a recursos de apoyo para startups.

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