Commercial Management and Marketing Degree in Valencia | ESIC Skip to main content

ESIC Miguel Hernández University

ESIC Business & Marketing School in Valencia was inaugurated more than 35 years ago. The university area has 6 official degrees and a degree of its own, and is a center attached to the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH).

Itineraries Of The Degree In Commercial Management And Marketing Of Valencia.

Official Degree +
Specialization Diploma

  • Duration 4 years
  • Price 9.050 €.
  • Credits 240 ECTS

+ Diploma in Management Skills

Official Degree
+ Higher Degree

  • Duration 5 years
  • Price 9.750 €.
  • Credits 375 ECTS

+ Higher Degree in Digital Business


Why study a degree in Business Management and Marketing?

By studying the Official Degree in Commercial Management and Marketing you will learn to work in a team where you will be able to apply the knowledge seen in the classroom in a practical way, thus developing organizational and problem-solving skills. A profile with interest in understanding society and what the consumer needs through decision-making methods and marketing strategies to obtain measurable results that boost the business of companies.




We know that theory alone is not enough. That is why our program focuses on applying marketing concepts and strategies in real situations through group projects and company internships so that you leave prepared to face the challenges of the working world.


By studying the Bachelor's Degree in Business Management and Marketing, you will have the opportunity to acquire solid, up-to-date knowledge of the latest marketing trends and techniques. In addition, you will be prepared to adapt quickly to market changes and take advantage of new business opportunities.

Discover how the Bachelor's Degree in Business and Marketing Management gives you the tools you need to understand your customers, create effective strategies and establish lasting emotional connections with your audience. Become a leader in the marketing field and gain the skills you need to drive business growth and achieve success in an ever-evolving business world.




Be able to draw up a complete annual digital marketing plan and get it approved based on the rigor of the objectives and strategies, action plans with KPIs and clear ROI of the plan as a whole.


Manage digital projects in a practical way by defining digital marketing processes and the use of the main tools in areas such as: SEO, SEM, web, social networks, e-commerce and the cross-cutting effect of data.


From the practice of real company cases on digital marketing scenarios, be able to make decisions that impact the company's business generation by connecting digital marketing investments with financial results.


Development of professional and managerial skills that allow the professional to evolve at the same pace as market disruption, especially in areas such as leadership, communication, innovation, digital transformation, critical thinking... with the limit of ethical values.


In our Bachelor's Degree in Business Management and Marketing, you will immerse yourself in an academic program designed to give you a solid grounding in all the key areas of this constantly evolving discipline. Our educational approach is based on combining theory and practice in a balanced way, so that you acquire both the fundamental theoretical knowledge and the practical skills needed to excel in the field of marketing.



We open the doors of the world to you.

  • From 3rd year onwards
  • Minimum stays of 6 months
  • Access to Erasmus, Munde-ESIC and Horizon Programs

Academic program and subjects

Discover the Academic Program that fits your needs

Select one of the two itineraries to see the academic program and its specific subjects.

Degree in Commercial Management and Marketing

1st semester

Marketing Fundamentals 6 FB María Guijarro García Patricia Vázquez Torres
Labor Law 6 FB Cristina Santos Rojo Francisco Trujillo Pons
Commercial Law 6 FB Amparo Martínez Pardo
Fundamentals of Business Economics 6 FB Araceli Maseda Moreno
Mathematics 6 FB Arturo Ortigosa Blanch
Digital Ecosystem 3 P
Language I 6 P
English I 6 DEHD

2nd semester

Business Administration and Organization 6 FB Ignacio Bellón González José Fernando López Muñoz
Current Basis of the Spanish Tax System 6 FB Rafael Pinazo Monterde
Exploratory Data Analysis 6 FB Marcos Pascual Solers María P. Arnal Pastor
Financial Accounting 6 FB Josefina Novejarque Civera Pilar Perez Ruiz
Principles of Economics 6 FB Vicente Fuerte Bermejo
Digital Art 3 P
Language II 6 P
English II 6 DEHD

1st semester

Innovation and Quality Management 6 OB Norat Roig Tierno
Human Resources Management 6 OB Andrés Mínguez Vela
Introduction to Statistics 6 OB Julián Martínez Moya
Accounting Planning 6 OB Javier Hernández Gadea
Spanish Economy 6 OB Fernando Castelló Sirvent
Robotics 4,5 P
Language III 6 P
English III 6 DEHD

2nd semester

Product Management and Pricing 6 OB Agustín Carrilero Castillo
Customer Analysis and Management 6 OB Esther Pagán Castaño
Commercial Communication 6 OB Myriam Martí Sánchez
Corporate Financial Analysis 6 OB José Mª García García
Econometrics 6 OB Mabel Pisá Bó
Anthropology 3 P
Web Programming 4,5 P
English IV 6 DEHD

1st semester

Commercial Channels and Distribution 6 OB Jose Carlos Ballester Miquel
Negotiation Techniques 6 OB Esperanza Suarez Ruz
Business Creation 6 OB Amparo Martínez Pardo
Project Management 6 OB Emilio Camarena Gil
Market Research 6 OB Norat Roig Tierno
Christian Social Thought 3 P
Web Design 6 P
Christian Social Thought 3 DEHD
Multimedia 3 DEHD

2nd semester

Sales Management 6 OB Tomás Nieto Giménez
Services Marketing 6 OB Agustin Beamud Cortés
Strategy and Strategic Management 6 OB Esperanza Suarez Ruz
Advertising and Public Relations 6 OB Eduard Farran Teixidó
Logistics 6 OB Jose Carlos Ballester Miquel
Business Ethics 3 P
Critical Spirit 3 DEHD
Generation of Digital Spaces 3 DEHD

1st semester

E-Commerce 6 OB Mauro Calza Perez
Strategic Marketing 6 OB Juan Puchalt Sanchís
Marketing Planning 6 OB Mª Pilar Llopis Amorós
E-Commerce 6 OB Juan Manuel García García
Applied Market Research 6 OB Marcos Pascual Soler

2nd semester

Final Degree Project 6 TFG
Internships 12 PE
Internships 6 PE
International Management of the Company 6 OP
International Economy 6 OP
Database Management 6 OP
Decision Models 6 OP
New Trends in Marketing 6 OP
Psychology Applied to Marketing 6 OP
Sociology of Consumption 6 OP
Financial Valuation of Business Decisions 6 OP
Creation of Digital Spaces 4,5 P
Databases 4,5 P
Design Thinking 4,5 P
Data Driven Marketing 4,5 P
Market Research 3 P
Creative Development 3 DEHD
Leadership 3 DEHD
My Digital Footprint 3 DEHD
Business Ethics 3 DEHD

1st semester

Dashboarding 6 P
Enterprise Resource Planning ERP 6 P
Machine Learning 4,5 P
Advanced Digital Analytics 4,5 P
Digital Talent Management 4,5 P
Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies 4,5 P
Advanced e-Commerce 6 P

2nd semester

Business Intelligence 6 P
Social Media Management 4,5 P
Fintech & Blockchain 4,5 P
ESIC Garage 6 P
Financial Resources for Digital Entrepreneurship 4,5 P
Advanced Digital Business Models 4,5 P
Marketing Simulator 3 P
Digital Marketing Metrics and Analitics 1,5 P
Digital Marketing Trends 3 P
Intercultural Negotiation/Global Mindset (English) 3 P
Operations and Technology Management 3 P
Digital Business Models 3 P
Corporate Image Management (English) 3 P
Digital Marketing Intelligence 1,5 P
Financing Solutions for Entrepreneurs 3 P
Budgeting and Marketing Control 4,5 P



ESIC's Professional Development Unit is made up of a team of professionals dedicated to boosting your professional career, whether you are studying in the classroom or as an Alumni. You can count on the UDP if you need to enter the world of work, as they have their own employability portal, although they also collaborate with international portals, fairs and employability events.

We have +6,400 internship offers with more than 3,000 job offers in which more than 2,000 students have completed internships. Some companies: BBVA, Telefónica, Warner Bros, Mapfre, Amazon.


Our Bachelor's Degree in Business Management and Marketing provides you with the skills and knowledge necessary to work in various sectors, such as advertising, public relations, market research, brand management and sales, among others.

A Customer Relationship Manager expert is focused on establishing and strengthening the relationship with customers, understanding their needs and offering them the best service, thus improving the customer experience.

Profile responsible for the strategy of a company in social networks. Responsible for knowing the latest trends of each platform to apply the campaigns correctly and, in addition, to measure the data obtained as a result of these campaigns in order to optimize them.

The main task is to analyze sales data in order to develop a company's business. It collects data by differentiating channel, product, geographic area... and, through measurement and statistical tools, develops recommendations to improve marketing performance.

Oriented to establish the online marketing strategy of a company optimizing, for example, web positioning, email marketing, acquisition and conversion in Paid Media and, ultimately, all digital channels in which the digital campaign is developed, perfecting the results that can be obtained from the digital strategy.

Designs, plans and produces a company's events. He studies and knows both the company and the target audience of the specific event in order to correctly develop the content and the program to be followed. There are multiple types of events and specialized profiles are needed for each of them.

With the aim of increasing sales in retail companies, we offer specialized advice. From the stages prior to the sales process to the communication of the brand or product, we develop strategies for both customer acquisition and customer loyalty, optimizing both external marketing actions and the company's internal resources.


University exchange within the European educational space.

European Union countries

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For 3rd, 4th and 5th year students In the case of single Official Degrees it will be a maximum of one year, either full or two separate semesters. In the case of Double Degrees (Official Degrees + Higher Degrees) it will be a maximum of 3 semesters**.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

**The maximum of 3 semesters could be separated into one semester each year (one semester in 3rd, one semester in 4th and one semester in 5th) or a full year in 3rd and one semester in 4th or 5th year.

The Erasmus scholarship depends on the country of destination.

University exchange within the non-European educational area.

Asia, Africa, Latin America, America.

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For students of 3rd, 4th and 5th year In the case of single Official Degrees it will be a maximum of one year, either full or two separate semesters. In the case of Double Degrees (Official Degrees + Higher Degrees) it will be a maximum of 3 semesters**.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

**The maximum of 3 semesters could be separated into one semester each year (one semester in 3rd, one semester in 4th and one semester in 5th) or a full year in 3rd and one semester in 4th or 5th year.

The amount corresponding to the course at ESIC will be paid.

University exchange in multiple destinations according to agreements.

United States, Ireland and France.

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For 3rd and 4th year students It will be a maximum of one year, either a full year or two separate semesters.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

This program entails payment of training at the host university and payment of the course fee at ESIC.

The student can look for a destination of his/her preference to make an agreement and be able to carry out this mobility program in that destination.

University exchange for students of the Higher Degree in Global Marketing Management and for 5th year students studying a Double Degree (Official Degree + Higher Degree).


Stay for only one semester, either the 1st or 2nd semester. In the case of Double Degrees, it can be your third international semester.

Mobility to add an official degree from the country of destination by studying abroad for one year.

France, Germany and Amsterdam.

For 3rd year students.

Short-term summer mobility.

Destinations such as London or the USA

Depending on the destination, the duration varies from 2 to 6 weeks.

  • Official accreditation certificate in the language in which the mobility is to be carried out and, in some cases, a specific certification requested by the host university. The level and score of the language varies according to the destination and institution.
  • If you are studying for a Bachelor's Degree in English, you must have a minimum level of B2 or equivalent.
  • If you are studying an Official Degree in Spanish, you must have a minimum level of C1 or equivalent.
  • For destinations in the United States: TOEFL or IELTS.
  • Depending on the destination or program, you must have passed all the courses of the first year at the time of application.
  • The application for the chosen mobility program must be made in the year prior to the year in which the mobility is to be carried out.

*International destinations are limited, subject to change.

All international options incur additional costs.


We accompany you throughout the whole process, guiding and advising you to choose the best option for your professional career. These are the steps to follow:

1 Requirements and

  1. You request information and an appointment with the admissions department.
  2. Send the required scanned documentation to your advisor prior to the admission tests. 

2 Admission
admission tests

You can do it in both Spanish and English

It consists of 3 phases

It lasts 1h. 30 min. approx.

  1. Request an appointment
  2. Confirmation
  3. Admission test
  4. Resolution


When should you do it?

  1. Once you have passed the admission tests, you will receive a pre-enrollment letter.
  2. You must pay the reservation fee by the deadline indicated in order to guarantee your place.


  1. The tuition fee will be paid when the student meets the university entrance requirements.
  2. You will find the indications in your pre-enrollment letter and the Student Services Office will tell you the next steps to follow.


Are you thinking of pursuing a university degree after finishing your Higher Level Training Cycle or do you simply want to change universities?

  • - Gather the necessary information to make your application for credit recognition.
  • - We will evaluate your application and will give you an answer as soon as possible with the credit recognition study.
  • - Once the results have been received, you will be able to apply for the admission test for the Official Higher Degree in which you are interested.
More information


Financial issues should not be an obstacle that prevents you from achieving your goals. Make sure you have a training with a future.

  • - National Mobility
  • - International Alumni
  • - Academic Excellence
  • - Enrolled Siblings
  • - Alumni
  • - Large Family
  • - Single Parent Family
  • - Entrepreneurship
  • - Diversity Scholarship
  • - ESIC Study Grants
  • - Doctorates
  • - Agreement with educational centers
  • - ESIC CFGS Students
  • - Agreement with companies
More information

Where is it taught?

Official Degree in Commercial Management and Marketing

ESIC Business & Marketing School in Valencia was inaugurated more than 35 years ago. The university area has 6 official degrees and a degree of its own, and is a center attached to the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH).


ESIC Campus in Valencia

Av. de Blasco Ibañez, 55 | 46021 Valencia
View in Google Maps


96 361 48 11

Modalidad Presencial

Language: Spanish

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