Master in People Management and Organizational Development | ESIC Skip to main content

Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development

Learn to lead teams, manage talent and change, and develop an organizational culture that drives performance and innovation with the Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development.

The Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development [MDPO] is an official program that trains you in the management of people and the organization of companies. You will learn to lead the process of transformation of people as strategic assets, to design and implement policies and practices that favor organizational development, internal communication, business ethics and social responsibility. This master's degree will help you to become a company's People director.

The program has two types of internships; short-term (1 week) or long-term (post-program). Long-term stays consist of an additional semester of international teaching mobility or an international internship program between 2 and 12 months.

  12 months
  • Full Time
  • Executive
  Official title




  Available locations

  • Madrid
  • Valencia


Why study?


In a world in constant change, where disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence emerge, become widespread in a few months and are replaced by other amazing technologies, people and their ability to develop and adapt become an indispensable element to compete in any sector of activity. 


At ESIC we know that the best way to learn is by doing. Therefore, our program is designed based on tools, workshops, real cases and the use of licenses so that you can access the labor market with the best possible preparation. Our MDPO stands out for:


High quality training combined with the rigorous and demanding nature of a university program.


With the Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development you have the possibility of extending your studies towards a doctorate.


The Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development has a rigorously selected faculty that combines academic excellence and professional experience.


Official version of the program that occupies the first positions in the ranking of the HR sector of the newspaper El Mundo.


We are proud of the national and international recognition of our programs. But we are even more proud of all the people who make ESIC one of the best institutions in the world. The quality of the faculty, management staff, employers and, above all, the desire to excel of our students and alumni, make ESIC and our program stand out with the following awards: 



Based on the demand for the master's degree, the school's resources and its curriculum. 

The world



ESIC on the podium of best business schools for recent graduates and young professionals 




Focusing on technology and digital innovation of the programs 

tehe economist



Business School and University with the best reputation



More than 55 years of history mean that we have institutional agreements and collaborations that recognize our quality as a business school. These are our accreditations: 


Our MDPO is aimed at those people who want to reach the highest level of management in the people area of a company and want to lead the challenge of putting people at the center of the management of companies, including recent graduates who wish to specialize in people management and want to join a company in a specialist position or higher.

It is also aimed at those people who work in the business world and who have to deal with organizational and/or human resources decisions in the most professional and effective way possible; which means motivating, training and supporting their team members so that they are able to develop their full potential at work. 


Objectives of the Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development


You will develop specific strategic competencies in organization and people management that will allow you to add value to the company through people management.


You will develop the human skills and sensitivity necessary for you to be able to manage talent in your organization with excellence.


You will master the work tools of the human resources area, incorporating the most current trends in each of them, such as: recruitment and selection, training and data analytics, among others.


You will develop and enhance skills and abilities for individual and group work, for problem solving and for the formation of intercultural and interdisciplinary groups.


You will develop and enhance your ability to understand organizational change processes and the creation and maintenance of organizational culture.


The human being is a complex being that must be managed individually while at the same time taking into account his or her influence on the company's value creation, which is why the program has a dual orientation. On the one hand, it develops the key organizational and human resources aspects for good business management that guarantees success and competitiveness. On the other hand, it encourages people management as one of the most relevant organizational factors.  

All these issues are analyzed considering the current demands of the environment: the speed of change, the growth of the Internet, the globalization and diversity of the workforce, the adaptation to legislation, as well as the evolution of work and work-life balance.

  • Environment  
  • Company 
  • Analysis of the environment
  • Internal company analysis 
  • Elaboration of strategies for the company and specific people management strategies 
  • CSR and Ethics II 
  • Communication and internal marketing 
  • Strategic processes and HR planning and job analysis and design 
  • Talent Attraction, Selection and Evaluation 
  • Models in the Development of People Management, Competency and Talent Management and current trends: coaching, mentoring, gamification ..... 
  • Diversity and Globalization of people management in the organization. 
  • HR Training 
  • Career management Performance appraisal, dismissal and retirement 
  • Remuneration systems in the company 
  • Legal aspects of labor relations. Principles. Labor inspection. 
  • Individual labor relations 
  • Collective labor relations 
  • Prevention of occupational hazards. Infringements and penalties in the labor order.
  • Design of the generic type of organizational structures coherent with the environment and the company's culture
  • Development of agile methodologies in organizational design 
  • Organizational behavior 
  • Culture and organizational change 
  • Abilities to interact with other people 
  • Personal skills  
  • Professional skills 
  • People management skills 
  • Economic and financial statements 
  • HR Finance 
  • Research methodologies 
  • HR Analytic 
  • AI applied to people management 
  • ERP and tools for HR information management  
  • The contribution of value and its measurement in people management 

At the end of the Master's program, you will present the Master's thesis (TFM), which consists of a group work, with tutorials and a final presentation before an examining board.

*Academic structure subject to change. Some business reality and networking sessions may be delivered in webinars outside of class hours.


- Strategic challenges in HR. Objectives, key to the entire strategic process
- HR management vision from the high-performance sports environment.
- On boarding and engagement strategies
- Head Hunter. The selection of highly specialized professionals
- Best Place to work/ Talent development, the case of REPSOL
- Volunteering session
- Practical business session. Cabify
- People management in the family business
- The customer and sales in HR
- ERP. Dynamic. Microsoft
- Talent development in exponential organizations
- Artificial intelligence (AI) in Human Resources.
- Digital transformation from HR

In this workshop you will be able to design buyer personas for digital marketing plans and campaigns based on the unique record of a single social login user. Being integrated with IBM Watson variables, it provides a unique knowledge of the customer and an excellent opportunity for personalization and business insights. 

This workshop is organized in two parts. In the first part aspects such as: Introduction to Location Intelligence, Introduction to CARTO, What is Location Intelligence, How can Location Intelligence be used to drive better business decisions, Industry / customer use cases with practical examples are covered. In the second part the focus is: training on the CARTO platform, Key components of the CARTO platform, Introduction to CARTO Builder, How to ingest data, create map visualizations, dashboards and run spatial analysis, case study to familiarize you with the platform technology. 

This workshop focuses on this global digital marketing reference tool. In the workshop you will discover how to optimize SEO and how to apply it to content marketing, competitor research, PPC, and social media marketing. 

Group cases are used on a permanent basis in the Master's program and they change every year. Differently in each module, you will have to work on a large case of which you will have to make a group report and then present and defend it in front of a court. The areas to which these cases correspond are the following:

  • Evaluation 01: Company and Environment
  • Evaluation 02: Strategic Direction. Amazon Go
  • Evaluation 03: CSR and Business Ethics
  • Evaluation 04: HR Management
  • Evaluation 05: Human Resources Practices
  • Evaluation 06: Social and Labor Relations
  • Evaluation 07: Organizational Design. Spotify
  • Evaluation 08: Organizational Behavior
  • Assessment 10: HR Finance
  • Evaluation 09: Skills Development
  • Evaluation 11: HR Data Research and Analysis Methodologies

The licenses used are:
- Expert Choice
- Dynamic. Microsoft



It is an innovative training ecosystem that helps you to deploy your talent to the fullest and thus develop professionally and personally.

In your journey of personal transformation, you will interact with five pillars of support, which underpin your learning experience:

  • Business reality brought to the classroom through case studies and practical activities.
  • Soft Skills fundamental for your personal and professional development
  • An expert teaching and sectorial faculty
  • A heterogeneous community of national and international students
  • All the areas and services that ESIC puts at your disposal



The Transformative Learning teaching method helps you by implementing innovative active learning methodologies where the teacher puts you at the center of the learning process and guides you towards academic excellence. The objective is for you to acquire competencies through the practical application of knowledge and tools. 

The resources you will have at your disposal are:

  •   Asynchronous support materials, videos, readings, etc.
  •   Self-evaluation
  •   Tutored application and feedback
  •   Practical and experiential activities
  •   Evaluation system that combines the demonstration of individual and group achievements.
  •   Supervised final project

Faculty and guest speakers

La esencia de nuestro programa reside en un excepcional claustro de profesores. Nuestro claustro está compuesto por destacados profesionales y académicos con una vasta experiencia en el ámbito del marketing y las ventas. Estos expertos combinan su profundo conocimiento teórico con una sólida experiencia práctica, ofreciendo a los estudiantes una perspectiva única y valiosa. Además, muchos de nuestros profesores ocupan posiciones de liderazgo en empresas de renombre, lo que garantiza una conexión directa con las últimas tendencias y prácticas del sector.

Carlos Alberto Pérez Rivero

Carlos Alberto Pérez Rivero

Program Director

*Faculty and guest speakers subject to change.



The Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development develops organizational capabilities and human, intellectual and technical skills necessary to face the current business world in a continuous process of change. Among the main positions held in the first year of work after completing the Master's degree, the following can be mentioned:

  • Recruitment Coordinator
  • Digital Talent Acquisition
  • HR Consultant
  • Talent Development Consultant
  • Consultant Partner
  • General HR Technician
  • International Recruitment Associate
  • HRBP. Human Resources Business Partner




ESIC's Professional Development Unit is made up of a team of professionals dedicated to boosting your professional career, whether you are studying in the classroom or as an Alumni. You can count on the UDP if you need to enter the world of work, as they have their own employability portal, although they also collaborate with international portals, fairs and employability events.

With almost 4,000 internship offers and more than 2,000 job offers, the UDP has an employability rate of 95% for students advised in the area of Marketing and Sales, or 100% for the area of Communication, among others.


In the Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development [MDPO] you will have constant contact with working professionals from pioneering companies, either through workshops or interventions in the program. In addition, you have curricular internships to strengthen ties with the professional world, so you will be able to take advantage of everything you have learned by working in top companies in the sector. Among them we highlight:



As an MDPO student you will be able to participate in a one-week stay in a top European destination. This stay has a one-time cost of 120 euros of tuition, as you will receive a financial aid to cover the expenses of your stay. During this experience, you will receive specific training cycles adapted to the theme of the program and according to the most relevant international events of the moment. You will also have the opportunity to train with students from the host university in a multinational and multicultural environment.

On the other hand, if you prefer a long-term stay, you will be able to complete an additional semester at an international university or an international internship program between 2 and 12 months (at the end of your TFM). This experience has the possibility of being financed with ERASMUS+ funds.

*Si por alguna razón fuera de nuestro control, este destino no está disponible, haremos todo lo posible para ofrecer una alternativa adecuada. Plazas sujetas a disponibilidad. Experiencia Internacional 100% en inglés. Se aplican tarifas adicionales. Salida desde: Madrid/Barcelona. El precio del programa incluye la docencia de la experiencia internacional, alojamiento y traslados con salida únicamente desde Madrid/Barcelona.

Campus y precios

Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development in Madrid

The Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development in Madrid is taught at the ESIC University campus. The Madrid campus offers specialized training with fully equipped facilities, including classrooms, library and sports facilities. The campus is the ideal place to network, work on your ideas and learn. But above all, it is the perfect place to live the present and build the future.

ESIC Campus in Madrid

Camino de Valdenigriales, s/n. 28223
Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid
View in Google Maps



91 452 41 00

Convocatorias y Precios

  - Septiembre 2024
Precio: 16.200 €

Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development in Valencia, Spain

At ESIC Valencia we offer master's and postgraduate programs specialized in business management, marketing, digital business, technology, international trade and business, human resources and, of course, our Master's Degree in Digital Marketing in Valencia. Every year more than 1000 national and international students choose to train at our campus in Valencia and thus train to be the leaders of tomorrow.

ESIC Campus in Valencia

Av. de Blasco Ibañez, 55 | 46021 Valencia
View in Google Maps



96 361 48 11

Convocatorias y Precios

  - Octubre 2024
Precio: 15.400 €


We accompany you throughout the whole process, guiding and advising you to choose the best option for your professional career. These are the steps to follow:

1 Application

  1. Request information through our form.
  2. A consultant will contact you within 24-48 hours. 
  3. You will have a first contact call and a consultancy will be convened for questions and doubts. 
  4. You have a second call where all your doubts are solved and you are guided in everything you need.

2 Test

  1. If the program fits you, you proceed to apply. 
  2. You prepare the necessary documentation (such as university degree or certificates).
  3. You make a personal and professional rehearsal.
  4. You deliver all the documentation.

3 Interview

  1. Once the documentation is approved, you will be scheduled for an interview with the program director. 
  2. In this interview, you will be able to discuss specifics you want to know about the program, as well as any questions you may have. 

4 Enrollment

  1. After the interview, your consultant will contact you within 24-48 hours to notify you if you have been accepted into the program.
  2. Once you have been accepted, you have about 5 days to formalize your registration.
  3. As soon as the registration is completed, you will be given all your access (virtual classroom, e-mail...).
  4. Of course, our last step is always to congratulate you and wish you to make the most of your training.


We do not want economic issues to be an obstacle for you to achieve your goals and ensure a training with a future, therefore, we present a wide range of possibilities that will help you in this regard, both the Scholarship Plan that we have developed from ESIC, as well as those that are available to you from different public or private organizations. The scholarships and grants available are as follows:

  • - Own scholarships
  • - National scholarships
  • - International scholarships
  • - Mobility grants for international internships
  • - Insurance and assistance
More information

investment FINANCING

ESIC has financing agreements with certain banks under preferential conditions for students enrolled in any of the school's programs. The specific rules and conditions of each of these agreements can be found in the Secretary's Office. ESIC helps you with the financing of your career.

If you live outside of one of the cities where ESIC has a campus, and you are looking for accommodation, we recommend a series of companies and residences dedicated to student housing. Find the one that best suits your needs.

More information

ESIC has partnered with the Flywire platform to accept payments from foreign students from all over the world. You can make your payment easily and securely in your own currency, using local payment methods from the safety and comfort of your home. You will have real-time tracking and multilingual support around the clock.

More information


The study grants will be communicated to you during the selection process. Our grants are adapted to each profile and date of enrollment. In addition, you can find out about the scholarships that we have both from ESIC and those offered by other public and private organizations.

Yes, there is a compulsory attendance percentage in the face-to-face Masters. However, you may have a small percentage of unexcused absences.

As regulated by Royal Decree 822/2021, of September 28, which establishes the organization of university education and the procedure for quality assurance, at ESIC we offer you various programs including MBAs, Master's Degrees and Master's Degrees in Lifelong Learning backed by the prestige of our university: ESIC University.

In this way, you will be able to choose between:

  • University Masters, with which you will obtain an official degree from ESIC University.
  • Lifelong Learning Masters, with which you can obtain a degree issued by ESIC University.
  • Private Master's Degrees issued by ESIC Business & Marketing School




Rethink file
  1. La implantación de la tecnología en todas las áreas de las empresas ha supuesto un antes y un después en el mundo de los negocios.

  2. Los datos han llegado para quedarse.

  3. ¿Alguna vez te has parado a pensar en la evolución que ha sufrido la publicidad? Si echamos la vista atrás, podemos darnos cuenta de cómo ha cambiado el mensaje transmitido, el lenguaje, la comunicación… incluso los canales.

  4. En el competitivo mundo empresarial actual, la búsqueda de financiación se ha convertido en una tarea esencial para las empresas.



The EMBA aims to prepare future business managers to maximize the economic and social value of the companies and communities in which they compete, knowing how to lead all stakeholders towards an innovative, profitable and more sustainable company. 

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IMBA is a novel, unique and internationally recognized program designed to train managers from an international perspective. It is accredited by EFMD and AMBA. 

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The MBA is a Master's Degree that seeks to bring you closer to the business phenomenon from a transversal and global perspective, so that you can study the international market by learning how to design customized balanced scorecards. 

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