Título Superior en Digital Business | ESIC Skip to main content



Estudiando el Título Superior en Digital Business te transformaremos digitalmente para que puedas transformar empresas y organizaciones. Un título con filosofía innovadora, adaptativa y cambiante. Fomentando una forma de pensar y actual diferente a medida que se vayan produciendo avances tecnológicos en diferentes entornos.  




We know that theory alone is not enough. That is why our program focuses on applying marketing concepts and strategies in real situations through group projects and company internships so that you leave prepared to face the challenges of the working world.


Al estudiar el Título Superior en Digital Business, aprenderás a crear un e-commerce y una estrategia de venta y generación de valor. Además, generarás ideas de negocio digital y entenderás conceptos básicos de programación.  

Explora cómo este Título Superior te proporciona las herramientas para crear una estrategia de comunicación digital desde su concepción hasta su puesta en marcha y control. 




Interés por el lenguaje y lógica matemática/estadística en el planteamiento de un problema económico empresarial.


Facilidad para el uso de herramientas informáticas necesarias para el desempeño de las futuras responsabilidades en la empresa.


Organización y planificación de una empresa, entendiendo su ubicación competitiva e institucional e identificando sus fortalezas y debilidades


Analizar, sintetizar y valorar a partir de los registros relevantes de información sobre la situación, y previsible evolución de una empresa.

Academic program and subjects

Discover the Academic Program that fits your needs

Select one of the two itineraries to see the academic program and its specific subjects.

1st semester

subject ECTS type
Introduction to Economics 4,5 P
Business Environment 4,5 P
Digital Ecosystem 4,5 P
Ofimática 4,5 P
English I 6 P
Anthropology 3 P
Ser Profesional 3 P
Digital Art 4,5 P

2nd semester

subject ECTS type
Business Mathematics 4,5 P
Critical Spirit 4,5 P
Estadística Aplicada 4,5 P
Sistemas de Información Contable 4,5 P
English II 6 P
Introducción al Marketing y Entorno Digital 4,5 P
Robotics 4,5 P
Mooc's 1,5 P

1st semester

subject ECTS type
Marco Jurídico 4,5 P
Marketing Digital Avanzado 4,5 P
English III 6 P
Búsqueda y Análisis de Tendencias 4,5 P
Web Design 4,5 P
Databases 4,5 P
Técnicas de Persuasión y Ventas 4,5 P
Mooc's / Certificaciones 1,5 P

2nd semester

subject ECTS type
Investigación Digital de Mercados 4,5 P
Web Programming 4,5 P
Tecnología de la Economía Digital 4,5 P
Datamining 4,5 P
Derecho Digital 4,5 P
English IV 6 P
Creation of Digital Spaces 4,5 P
Mooc's / Certificaciones 1,5 P

1st semester

subject ECTS type
E-Commerce 4,5 P
Digital Communication 4,5 P
Design Thinking 4,5 P
Digital Talent Management 4,5 P
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 4,5 P
Management & CSR 4,5 P
Christian Social Thinking 4,5 P
Mooc's / Certificaciones 3 P

2nd semester

subject ECTS type
UX 4,5 P
Digital Marketing Strategies 4,5 P
Data Driven Marketing 4,5 P
Social Media Management 4,5 P
Financials 4,5 P
Digital Business and Entrepreneurship 4,5 P
Business Ethics 3 P
Mooc's / Certificaciones 3 P

1st semester

subject ECTS type
Digital Business Models 4,5 P
Global Innovation 4,5 P
Dashboarding 4,5 P
Financing Resources for digital Entrepreneurs 4,5 P
Machine Learning 4,5 P
Digital Analytics 4,5 P
Mooc's / Certificaciones 3 P

2nd semester

subject ECTS type
ESIC Garage 6 P
Business Intelligence 6 P
Fintech & Blockchain 4,5 P
Strategic Management 4,5 P
Mind Lab 3 P

º semestre

subject ECTS type
Trabajo Fin de Título 6 P
Prácticas Curriculares 24 P


Nuestro Grado Oficial en Dirección y Gestión de Empresas en el Ámbito Digital / Digital Business te proporciona las habilidades y conocimientos esenciales para destacar en una variedad de áreas y sectores, incluyendo comercio electrónico, estrategias de marketing digital, análisis de datos, gestión de presencia en línea y desarrollo de negocios en entornos digitales, entre otros.

El objetivo principal de este perfil es conseguir la máxima optimización de la página web de una compañía para mejorar el posicionamiento de la misma en base a unos criterios de contenido, diseño, palabras clave y linkbuilding entre otras.

Encargado de recopilar y analizar los datos obtenidos de diversas acciones a través canales digitales con un plan de medición específico. Contará con el uso de herramientas y plataformas necesarias para la recogida de dichos datos y se analizará la eficacia de cada una de las acciones.

Oriented to establish the online marketing strategy of a company optimizing, for example, web positioning, email marketing, acquisition and conversion in Paid Media and, ultimately, all digital channels in which the digital campaign is developed, perfecting the results that can be obtained from the digital strategy.

Este perfil se centrará en impulsar los canales online con los que trabaje la compañía, con el objetivo de generar y mejorar las ventas acordes a la planificación estratégica de la compañía. Para ello deberá conocer las tendencias actuales, tener formación en tecnología y conocimiento de logística.

Priorizando las necesidades y satisfacción del cliente, este perfil se encargará de diseñar una segmentación y una estrategia a seguir que le permita conocer a fondo el perfil del cliente (Buyer Person) para poder crear una conexión sostenible en el tiempo entre la marca y el usuario.


University exchange within the European educational space.

European Union countries

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For 3rd, 4th and 5th year students In the case of single Official Degrees it will be a maximum of one year, either full or two separate semesters. In the case of Double Degrees (Official Degrees + Higher Degrees) it will be a maximum of 3 semesters**.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

**The maximum of 3 semesters could be separated into one semester each year (one semester in 3rd, one semester in 4th and one semester in 5th) or a full year in 3rd and one semester in 4th or 5th year.

The Erasmus scholarship depends on the country of destination.

University exchange within the non-European educational area.

Asia, Africa, Latin America, America.

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For students of 3rd, 4th and 5th year In the case of single Official Degrees it will be a maximum of one year, either full or two separate semesters. In the case of Double Degrees (Official Degrees + Higher Degrees) it will be a maximum of 3 semesters**.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

**The maximum of 3 semesters could be separated into one semester each year (one semester in 3rd, one semester in 4th and one semester in 5th) or a full year in 3rd and one semester in 4th or 5th year.

The amount corresponding to the course at ESIC will be paid.

University exchange in multiple destinations according to agreements.

United States, Ireland and France.

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For 3rd and 4th year students It will be a maximum of one year, either a full year or two separate semesters.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

This program entails payment of training at the host university and payment of the course fee at ESIC.

The student can look for a destination of his/her preference to make an agreement and be able to carry out this mobility program in that destination.

University exchange for students of the Higher Degree in Global Marketing Management and for 5th year students studying a Double Degree (Official Degree + Higher Degree).


Stay for only one semester, either the 1st or 2nd semester. In the case of Double Degrees, it can be your third international semester.

Mobility to add an official degree from the country of destination by studying abroad for one year.

France, Germany and Amsterdam.

For 3rd year students.

Short-term summer mobility.

Destinations such as London or the USA

Depending on the destination, the duration varies from 2 to 6 weeks.

  • Official accreditation certificate in the language in which the mobility is to be carried out and, in some cases, a specific certification requested by the host university. The level and score of the language varies according to the destination and institution.
  • If you are studying for a Bachelor's Degree in English, you must have a minimum level of B2 or equivalent.
  • If you are studying an Official Degree in Spanish, you must have a minimum level of C1 or equivalent.
  • For destinations in the United States: TOEFL or IELTS.
  • Depending on the destination or program, you must have passed all the courses of the first year at the time of application.
  • The application for the chosen mobility program must be made in the year prior to the year in which the mobility is to be carried out.

*International destinations are limited, subject to change.

All international options incur additional costs.

Where is it taught?


ESIC Campus in Malaga

Calle Severo Ochoa, 49 | 29590 Campanillas
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95 202 03 69

Modalidad Presencial

Idioma: Bilingüe

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