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ESIC's QMS was designed within the reference framework of the ISO 9001:2008 Standard, adapted to training services in a first phase, with the aim of standardizing academic and management processes.

In a second phase, the monitoring, review and improvement systems, so developed by the EFQM Model, were incorporated to the Quality system based on the ISO Standard, which was an important contribution to the initial system.
In a more recent phase, ESIC's quality system has been improved through the AUDIT Accreditation Program, which is a reference model for our university system under the new European space and which is promoted by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA).
Likewise, the Quality Assurance System of ESIC, in its official degrees taught as a Center attached to the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and the Universidad Miguel Hernández, meets the requirements of the Quality Assurance Systems of the respective Universities mentioned.

ESIC's Quality Documentation System is composed of :

  • Quality Policy 

    The Quality Policy reflects ESIC 's philosophy on quality, setting objectives that the management establishes and commits itself to fulfill.

  • Quality Manual 

    This document contains both the policy and values shared by the people who are part of ESIC, as well as the organization and general lines of action followed in the performance of the different tasks and activities.

  • Process Map 

    The process map is a graphic representation that reflects all the procedures that exist in the ESIC Quality System, and their interrelation among them.

  • Procedures 

    Documents defining what, who, how and when a general activity or process developed at the University is carried out.

  • Policies

    Internal regulations linked to the development of a specific procedure. They establish times, costs or other variables that govern the operation of a procedure.

  • Human Resources Manuals

    Document that establishes the Human Resources Objective of an area, organization chart, profiles and activities to be developed by job position. All human resources manuals are linked to procedure 4.20 Personnel Management (for non-academic management personnel) and POST-GR.4.20 Personnel Management (Academic).

  • Formats

    Templates that support the development of a Procedure and allow the standardization of its operation by all the personnel involved in it.

  • Indicators

    Parameters that allow the measurement of a procedure as well as the establishment of objectives under the Quality Policy and compliance with them.


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