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ESIC carries out internal and external evaluation processes on an ongoing basis. The evaluations allow us to improve ESIC's Quality System, favoring the objective analysis through evidence of the proper functioning of the system and the detection of improvements in procedures.

Internal Evaluations

The Internal Evaluations are carried out by expert ESIC auditors with a Professor profile, in addition to having extensive experience and training in Quality Audits and Sector Reference Models (See HR Manual of the Quality Unit).
ESIC performs internal evaluation through audits of all its campuses by means of on-site visits.

  See Internal Audits procedure in Institutional Procedures.

External Evaluations

ESIC requests external evaluations on a voluntary basis from International Certification or Accreditation Bodies. The evaluations include an initial documentation analysis process, with a subsequent on-site audit, and end with the preparation and communication of the Evaluation Report.
As a result of external evaluations, ESIC receives relevant contributions for improvement from academic experts and/or professionals in Quality Management Improvement.
In addition, ESIC receives recognition by obtaining a Certificate or Accreditation of the Reference Model on which it has been evaluated (see section Certifications and Accreditations).
  View Certifications and Accreditations

Internal evaluations performed

Evaluation Date Audit Team Evaluation Scope Reference Model   Description
Campus Marzo de 2020.
Campus Barcelona
Campus Valencia
Campus Zaragoza
Campus Pozuelo Idiomas
Campus Arturo Soria
Campus Málaga
Mrs. Maruchy de Obesso,
Ms. Margarita Núnez,
Ms. Leticia de Aymerich,
Ms. Yolanda Domínguez,
Director of Quality and Accreditations of ESIC.
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Executive Education, ICEMD and complementary and loyalty services. Norma UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015

Reales decretos para Titulaciones Oficiales

Marco de Referencia EPAS y AMBA




The internal audit team formed by the Quality and Accreditation Unit of ESIC proceeds to carry out Internal Audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.

All campuses from April to May 2019 Ms. Leticia Aymerich,
Ms. Yolanda Domínguez,
Ms. Gracia Serrano,
ESIC Quality and Accreditation Unit.
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Executive Education, ICEMD and complementary and loyalty services. Norma UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015

Reales decretos para Titulaciones Oficiales

Marco de Referencia EPAS y AMBA




The internal audit team formed by the Quality and Accreditation Unit of ESIC proceeds to carry out Internal Audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.

All Campuses from February to May 2018 Ms. Leticia Aymerich,
Ms. Tina Godhwani,
Ms. Yolanda Domínguez,
Ms. Gracia Serrano,
D. Roberto Baztarrica,
ESIC Quality and Accreditation Unit.
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Executive Education, ICEMD and complementary and loyalty services. Norma UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015

Reales decretos para Titulaciones Oficiales

Marco de Referencia EPAS y AMBA




The internal audit team formed by the Quality and Accreditation Unit of ESIC proceeds to carry out Internal Audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.

All ESIC Campuses From February to April 2017 Ms. Leticia Aymerich,
Ms. Tina Godhwani,
Ms. Yolanda Domínguez,
Ms. Gracia Serrano,
ESIC Quality and Accreditation Unit.
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Executive Education, ICEMD and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Norma UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008

Reales decretos para Titulaciones Oficiales

Marco de Referencia EPAS



The internal audit team formed by ESIC's Quality Unit proceeds to carry out Internal Audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.

All ESIC Campuses From February to April 2016 Dª. María Baldonedo ,
Dª. Teresa Freire y
Dª. Gracia Serrano Unidad de Calidad de ESIC.
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Executive Education, ICEMD and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Norma UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008

Reales decretos para Titulaciones Oficiales

Marco de Referencia EPAS



The internal audit team formed by ESIC's Quality Unit proceeds to carry out Internal Audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.

Campus Mutilva
– 5 de Mayo de 2015
Campus Sancho El Fuerte
- 5 de Mayo de 2015
Campus Zaragoza
- 5 de Mayo de 201
Campus Sevilla
- 29 de Abril de 2015
Campus Málaga
- 27 de Abril de 2015
Campus Valencia
- 23 de Abril de 2015
Campus Barcelona
- 28 de Abril de 2015
Campus Pozuelo
- 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30 de Abril de 2015
Campus Arturo Soria
– 20 de Abril de 2015
Ms. María Baldonedo,
Ms. Teresa Freire and
Ms. Gracia Serrano ESIC Quality Unit.
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Norma UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 (Executive Education)

Audit (Grado, Postgrado y Servicios complementarios)

Acredita (Titulaciones Grado y Master Universitario )


The internal audit team formed by ESIC's Quality Unit proceeds to carry out Internal Audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Campus Mutilva
–25 de Abril de 2014
Campus Sancho El Fuerte
- 25 de Abril de 2014
Campus Tudela
- 25 de Abril de 2014
Campus Zaragoza
- 12 de Abril de 2014
Campus Sevilla
- 25 de Abril de 2014
Campus Málaga
- 9 de Abril de 2013
Campus Valencia
- 23 de Abril de 2014
Campus Barcelona
- 15 de Abril de 2014
Campus Pozuelo
- 11, 15, 26, 29 de Abril de 2014
Campus Arturo Soria
– 22 de Abril de 2014
Ms. María Baldonedo,
Ms. Teresa Freire and
Ms. Gracia Serrano ESIC Quality Unit.
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-iso The internal audit team formed by ESIC's Quality Unit proceeds to carry out Internal Audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Bilbao: Camara Comercio Bilbao
- 13 de Marzo de 2013
Granada: Esc. Int. Gerencia
- 12 de Abril de 2013
Campus Mutilva
– 25 de Abril de 2013
Campus Sancho El Fuerte
- 25 de Abril de 2013
Campus Tudela
- 29 de Abril de 2013
Campus Zaragoza
- 12 de Abril de 2013
Campus Sevilla
- 25 de Abril de 2013
Campus Málaga
- 9 de Abril de 2013
Campus Valencia
- 23 de Abril de 2013
Campus Barcelona
- 15 de Abril de 2013
Campus Pozuelo
- 11, 15, 26, 29 de Abril de 2013
Campus Arturo Soria
– 22 de Abril de 2013
Ms. María Baldonedo,
Ms. Teresa Freire and
Ms. Gracia Serrano ESIC Quality Unit.
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-iso The internal audit team formed by ESIC's Quality Unit proceeds to carry out Internal Audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Bilbao: Camara Comercio Bilbao
- 5 de Junio de 2012
Granada: Esc. Int. Gerencia
- 12 de Junio de 2012
Campus Mutilva
- 7 de Junio de 2012
Campus Sancho El Fuerte
- 7 de Junio de 2012
Campus Tudela
- 12 de Junio de 2012
Campus Zaragoza
- 18 de Junio de 2012
Campus Sevilla
- 6 de Junio de 2012
Campus Málaga
- 14 de Junio de 2012
Campus Valencia
- 11 de Junio de 2012
Campus Barcelona
- 15 de Junio de 2012
Campus Pozuelo
- 27 al 14 de Junio de 2012
Campus Arturo Soria
– 14 de Junio de 2012
Ms. María Baldonedo,
Ms. Teresa Freire and
Ms. Gracia Serrano ESIC Quality Unit.
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-iso The internal audit team formed by ESIC's Quality Unit proceeds to carry out Internal Audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Bilbao: Camara Comercio Bilbao
-27 de Marzo de 2011
Granada: Esc. Int. Gerencia
- 13 de Mayo de 2011
Campus Mutilva
- 05 de Mayo de 2011
Campus Sancho El Fuerte
- 5 de Mayo de 2011
Campus Tudela
- 10 de Mayo de 2011
Campus Zaragoza
- 06 de Mayo de 2011
Campus Sevilla
- 12 de Mayo de 2011
Campus Málaga
- 29 de Mayo de 2011
Campus Valencia
- 24 y 25 de Marzo de 2011 Campus Barcelona
- 30 de Mayo de 2011
Campus Pozuelo
25, 26, 27, 28, 29 de Abril/ y 11, 13, 26 y 30 de Mayo de 2011 Campus Arturo Soria
- 29 de Abril de 2011
Ms. María Baldonedo,
Ms. Teresa Freire and
Ms. Gracia Serrano ESIC Quality Unit.
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-iso The internal audit team formed by ESIC's Quality Unit proceeds to carry out Internal Audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Bilbao: Camara Comercio Bilbao - 9 de Marzo de 2010
Granada: Esc. Int. Gerencia
- 25- 26 de Marzo de 2010
Campus Mutilva
- 23-24 Marzo 2010
Campus Sancho El Fuerte (Idiomas)
- 23-24 de Marzo de 2010
Campus Tudela
- 25 de Marzo de 2010
Campus Zaragoza
- 18 de Marzo de 2010
Campus Sevilla
- 25-26 de Marzo de 2010
Campus Málaga
- 25-26 de Marzo de 2010
Campus Valencia
- 6 Y 7 de Abril de 2010
Campus Barcelona
- 8 de Abril de 2010
Campus Pozuelo
- 17 de Marzo de 2010
Campus Pozuelo
- 8 de Marzo de 2010
Campus Pozuelo
- 22 de Marzo de 2010
Campus Pozuelo
- 23 de Marzo de 2010
Campus Arturo Soria
- 22 de Marzo de 2010
Ms. María Baldonedo,
Ms. Teresa Freire and
Dª. Gracia Serrano ESIC Quality Unit
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-iso The internal audit team formed by ESIC's Quality Unit proceeds to carry out Internal Audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Campus Tudela
- 5 de Febrero 2009.
Campus Murcia 
- 5 de Febrero 2009
Campus Pozuelo
- 9 de Febrero 2009
Campus Salamanca
-  9 de Febrero 2009
Campus Bilbao y Santander 
-  9 de Febrero 2009
Campus Granada
- 3 de Marzo 2009
Campus Málaga
- 12 de Febrero 2009
Campus Zaragoza
- 16 de Febrero 2009
Campus Arturo Soria
- 17 de Febrero 2009
Campus Pamplona
- 24 de Febrero 2009
Campus Valencia
- 19 de Febrero 2009
Campus Sevilla 
-  26 de Febrero 2009
Campus Barcelona
- 5 de Marzo 2009
D. Ramon Perez
SGS Consultant
ESIC Idiomas, Postgrado,
Executive Education
y Programas sobre Plataformas.

y servicios complementarios
y de fidelización.
Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2000 logo-iso The internal audit team formed by ESIC's Quality Unit proceeds to carry out Internal Audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement in the campuses of Madrid, Valencia, Murcia, Barcelona, Santander, Salamanca, Seville, Malaga, Zaragoza, Bilbao, Pamplona and Tudela.
Campus Navarra (Pamplona)
- 29 de Octubre de 2007
Campus Navarra (Tudela)
- 29 de Octubre de 2007
Campus Granada
- 30 de Octubre de 2007
Campus Málaga
- 30 de Octubre de 2007
Campus Madrid Pozuelo
- 6 de Noviembre de 2007
Campus Madrid Pozuelo
- 7 de Noviembre de 2007
Campus Salamanca
- 8 de Noviembre de 2007
Campus Madrid Arturo Soria
- 12 de Noviembre de 2007
Campus Bilbao
- 13 de Noviembre de 2007
Campus Santander
- 15 de Noviembre de 2007
Campus Barcelona
- 16 de Noviembre de 2007
Campus Zaragoza
- 19 de Noviembre de 2007
Campus Sevilla
- 20 de Noviembre de 2007
Campus Valencia y Murcia
- 21 de Noviembre de 2007
D. Ramon Perez
SGS Consultant
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technology Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-iso On October 29 and 30, 2007 and on November 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20 and 21, 2007, SGS Tecnos, S.A. carried out Internal Audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary services, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement in the campuses of Madrid, Valencia, Murcia, Barcelona, Santander, Salamanca, Seville, Malaga, Zaragoza, Bilbao, Pamplona and Tudela.
Campus Pamplona (MBA e Idiomas)
- 26 de Febrero de 2007
Campus Tudela (Idiomas)
- 27 de Febrero de 2007
Campus Zaragoza (MBA)
- 27 de Febrero de 2007
Campus Zaragoza (Idiomas)
- 28 de Febrero de 2007
Campus Sevilla (MBA e Idiomas)
- 2 de Marzo de 2007
Campus Madrid (Idiomas)
- 5 de Marzo de 2007
Campus Valencia (MBA)
- 8 de Marzo de 2007
Campus Málaga (MBA)
- 9 de Marzo de 2007
Campus Madrid (MBA)
- 12,13 y 14 de Marzo de 2007
Ms. Paloma Velasco and
D. Ramón Pérez
SGS Consultants
ESIC Languages
and MBA Programs
logo-iso The scope of the audit includes, for the Language Unit and the MBA program, the processes of:
  • strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement in the campuses of Madrid, Valencia, Seville, Malaga, Zaragoza, Pamplona and Tudela.

External evaluations performed

Evaluation Date Audit Team Evaluation Scope Reference Model Stamp Description Certificate / Accreditation obtained or renewed
Valencia Campus
September 24th
VALENCIAN EVALUATION AND FORESIGHT AGENCY (AVAP) Degree in International Business/International Business from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.
Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.
Royal Decrees for Official Degrees. logo-evaluations-external ESIC has delivered to the audit panel the evidence related to the evaluation criteria and the self-report requested during the month of April. The physical visit is still pending.
Arturo Soria (Executive and ICEMD Companies), Campus Pozuelo Idiomas, Mutilva, Malaga, Valencia, Barcelona and Tudela Idiomas.
- From May 4 to 6, 2020.
D. Ignacio Lozano, Chief Auditor of BSI. Executive Education (Design and Development of training programs, consulting and advice to Companies, Socioeconomic Entities and Public Institutions, ESIC Languages and ICEMD (Companies). Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 logo-bsi The audit team proceeds to conduct the audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic Area of Executive Education and ESIC Languages, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Audit results:
The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. The following were detected in the audit: 2 Minor Non-conformities and 5 Opportunities for Improvement. Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC to the identified NCs, the BSI Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under the ISO 9001:2015 Standard
Campus Madrid - Pozuelo
September 2019
Foundation for knowledge Madri+d Foundation ESIC Pozuelo Campus. Postgraduate course. Master's Degree in Commercial Management from the Rey Juan Carlos University. Royal Decrees for Official Degrees. logo-evaluations-external Master's Degree in Commercial Management Master's Degree in Commercial Management
Valencia Campus
September 2019
VALENCIAN EVALUATION AND FORESIGHT AGENCY (AVAP) ESIC Valencia Campus. Postgraduate Area. Master's Degree in Marketing and Digital Management from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Royal Decrees for Official Degrees. logo-evaluations-external Prior to the audit date, the AVAP audit team analyzed the information sent by ESIC containing evidence related to the evaluation criteria and the self-report. On the date indicated, the team held meetings with the different stakeholders established in the agenda previously submitted.
Renewal of the Accreditation of the Master's Degree in Marketing and Digital Management by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche.
Master's Degree in Digital Marketing and Management
Zaragoza Campus
December 23rd, 2019
SGS Auditor Accessibility of the Zaragoza Campus. Standard UNE 170001-1:2007
UNIVERSAL ACCESSIBILITY. Dalco criteria to facilitate accessibility to the environment.
logo-evaluations-external The scope of the external audit was as follows:

Review of DALCO requirements.
  • 6.- LOCATION.

Review of accessibility chains.

Audit results:
Compliance with DALCO criteria has been verified. No non-conformities were detected in the audit and therefore the BSI audit team granted the certification.
Letter of Certification of Implementation of a Management System under DALCO Universal Accessibility Criteria
Arturo Soria (Executive and ICEMD Empresas), Campus Pozuelo Idiomas, Mutilva, Málaga, Valencia, Barcelona and Tudela Idiomas.
- April 23, April 30 and May 14, 2019
D. Ignacio Lozano, Chief Auditor of BSI. Executive Education (Design and Development of training programs, consulting and advice to Companies, Socioeconomic Entities and Public Institutions, ESIC Languages and ICEMD (Companies). Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 logo-bsi The audit team proceeds to conduct the audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic Area of Executive Education and ESIC Languages, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Audit results:
The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. The following were detected in the audit: 2 Minor Non-conformities and 5 Opportunities for Improvement. Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC to the identified NCs, the BSI Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under the ISO 9001:2015 Standard
Campus Arturo Soria
– 28 de Mayo de 2018

Campus Pozuelo de Alarcón, ICEMD e Idiomas; Barcelona, Pamplona y Sevilla
– 29 y 30 de Mayo de 2018
D. Ignacio Lozano, Chief Auditor of BSI. Executive Education (Design and Development of training programs, consulting and advice to Companies, Socioeconomic Entities and Public Institutions, ESIC Languages and ICEMD (Companies). Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 logo-bsi The audit team proceeds to conduct the audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic Area of Executive Education and ESIC Languages, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Audit results:
The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. Two minor nonconformities and five opportunities for improvement were detected during the audit.

Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC of the identified NCs, the BSI Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under the ISO 9001:2015 Standard
MITB and MDM Programs (Postgraduate and ICEMD)
EFMD. EPAS accreditation for the MITB and MDM Master Programs. EPAS - EFMD Programme Accreditation System. logo-epas The EFMD audit team, one month before the audit date, analyzed the information sent by ESIC following the Self-Evaluation Guide. In addition, the audit team contacted students randomly selected from a list of students and alumni who had taken the Masters, and was able to conclude homogeneity of excellent experiences with both Master programs. EPAS accreditation for MITB and MDM.
MBA Programs (Graduate)
AMBA. AMBA Accreditation for the School's MBA Programs. AMBA Programme Accreditation System. logo-amba One month before the audit date, the AMBA audit team analyzed the information sent by ESIC following the Self-Evaluation Guide. In addition, the audit team contacted students randomly selected from a list of students and alumni who had studied the MBAs, and was able to conclude a homogeneity of excellent experiences with the programs. AMBA accreditation for MBA programs.
Campus Arturo Soria
– 29 de Mayo de 2017

Campus Pozuelo de Alarcón, Valencia, Barcelona y Sevilla
– 30 de Mayo de 2017
D. Ignacio Lozano, Chief Auditor of BSI. Executive Education (Design and Development of training programs, consulting and advice to Companies, Socioeconomic Entities and Public Institutions) and Languages. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-bsi The audit team proceeds to conduct the audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic Area of Executive Education and ESIC Languages, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Audit results:
The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. Two minor nonconformities and four opportunities for improvement were detected during the audit.

Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC of the identified NCs, the BSI Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under the ISO 9001:2008 Standard (2015).
Zaragoza Campus
D. Sergio Notario, SGS Auditor. Accessibility of the Zaragoza Campus. Standard UNE 170001-1:2007
UNIVERSAL ACCESSIBILITY. Dalco criteria to facilitate accessibility to the environment.
logo-evaluations-external The scope of the external audit was as follows:

Review of DALCO requirements.
  • 6.- LOCATION.

Review of accessibility chains.

Audit results:
Compliance with DALCO criteria has been verified. No non-conformities were detected in the audit and therefore the BSI audit team granted the certification.
Letter of Certification of Implementation of a Management System under DALCO Universal Accessibility Criteria
Pozuelo de Alarcón Campus and Valencia Campus 2016 ANECA, Directorate AUDIT SGIC of the ESIC Pozuelo Campus and ESIC Valencia Campus. Follow-up of the Audit Program Implementation Certification (Internal Quality Assurance System for a Higher Education Center in the European Higher Education Area). logo-an-audit The Management of ANECA, on September 19, 2016, and after a review phase of the Self-Monitoring Report provided by ESIC , proceeded to the analysis and evaluation of the file related to the application process for the renewal of the AUDIT Certificate of ESIC BUSINESS AND MARKETING SCHOOL, at its headquarters in Madrid and Valencia. Audit-Campus Madrid and Valencia Implementation Certification Letter: Keeping Certified

MIM and IMBA (Postgraduate) Programs 2016 EFMD EPAS Accreditation for MIM and IMBA Master Programs EPAS - EFMD Programme Accreditation System logo-epas The EFMD audit team, one month before the audit date, analyzed the information sent by ESIC following the Self-Evaluation Guide. In addition, the audit team contacted students randomly selected from a list of students and alumni who had completed the Masters, and was able to conclude homogeneity of excellent experiences with both Master programs. EPAS Accreditation for MIM and IMBA

Campus Arturo Soria (Madrid), Pozuelo de Alarcón
– 25 de Abril de 2016

Campus Pozuelo de Alarcón, Valencia, Barcelona y Sevilla
– 30 de Mayo de 2016
Ms. Ana López, Chief Auditor of BSI. Executive Education (Design and Development of training programs, consultancy and advice to Companies, Socioeconomic Entities and Public Institutions) Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-bsi The audit team proceeds to conduct the audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic Area of Executive Education, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Audit results:
The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. The following were detected in the audit: 3 minor nonconformities and 4 opportunities for improvement.

Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC of the identified NCs, the BSI Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under the ISO 9001:2008 Standard (2015).
Campus Zaragoza 2016 D. Sergio Notario, SGS Auditor Accessibility of the Zaragoza Campus Standard UNE 170001-1:2007
UNIVERSAL ACCESSIBILITY. Dalco criteria to facilitate accessibility to the environment.
logo-evaluations-external The scope of the external audit was as follows:

Review of DALCO requirements.
  • 6.- LOCATION.

Review of accessibility chains.

Audit results:
Compliance with DALCO criteria has been verified. The following minor nonconformities were detected during the audit: 1 minor nonconformity.

Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC of the identified NCs, the BSI Audit Team grants the Certification.
Letter of Certification of Implementation of a Management System under DALCO Universal Accessibility Criteria

Arturo Soria (Madrid) and Valencia, Zaragoza and Seville campuses.
- May 11, 2015
D. Ignacio Lozano, Chief Auditor of BSI. Executive Education (Design and Development of training programs, consulting and advice to Companies, Socioeconomic Entities and Public Institutions). Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-bsi The audit team proceeds to conduct the audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic Area of Executive Education and ESIC Languages, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.

Audit results:
The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. The audit identified: no minor nonconformities and 4 opportunities for improvement.

Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC of the identified NCs, the BSI Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under the ISO 9001:2008 Standard
Pozuelo de Alarcón Campus and Valencia Campus 2015 ANECA, Directorate AUDIT SGIC of the ESIC Pozuelo Campus and ESIC Valencia Campus. Follow-up of the Audit Program Implementation Certification (Internal Quality Assurance System for a Higher Education Center in the European Higher Education Area). logo-an-audit The Management of ANECA, on September 19, 2016, and after a review phase of the Self-Monitoring Report provided by ESIC , proceeded to the analysis and evaluation of the file related to the application process for the renewal of the AUDIT Certificate of ESIC BUSINESS AND MARKETING SCHOOL, at its headquarters in Madrid and Valencia. Audit-Campus Madrid and Valencia Implementation Certification Letter: Keeping Certified

Zaragoza Campus 2015 D. Sergio Notario, SGS Auditor Accessibility of the Zaragoza Campus Standard UNE 170001-1:2007
UNIVERSAL ACCESSIBILITY. Dalco criteria to facilitate accessibility to the environment.
logo-evaluations-external La auditoría externa tuvo por alcance:

Revisión de requisitos DALCO.
Revisión de cadenas de accesibilidad.

Resultado de Auditoría:
Se ha verificado el cumplimiento de los criterios DALCO. Se detectaron en la Auditoría: 4 No Conformidades Menores.

Dado el tratamiento satisfactorio por ESIC a las NC identificadas, el Equipo Auditor de BSI concede la Certificación.
Letter of Certification of Implementation of a Management System under DALCO Universal Accessibility Criteria

All Campuses 2015 President:
Bará Temes, Javier

(Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña) Members :
Merino Jerez, Luis

(University of Extremadura) Zaballa Pérez, Gloria
(University of Deusto) Fernández Marcos, Tatiana (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Secretariat
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) Secretary :
Juárez Casalengua, Elvira

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Docentia program based on Quality Assurance in Higher Education institutions developed by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and under The Personnel Evaluation Standards, developed by The Joint Committee of Standards for Educational Evaluation. logo-docentia ESIC, dentro del marco de mejora continua que se lleva desarrollando desde el año 2007, presentó en Febrero de 2010 su Modelo Docentia para la evaluación de la Actividad Docente del profesorado. El Modelo fue evaluado por una Comisión de Evaluadores nombrada por ANECA, quien determino un POSITIVO al Modelo presentado por ESIC.

En 2015 se lleva a cabo la segunda Convocatoria Docentia para el Profesorado. Los resultados de la Convocatoria fueron remitidos a la Aneca en Julio 2016 para su evaluación.

El 6 de Noviembre de 2015 la Dirección de Aneca, D. Rafael Van Grieken remite Informe final de Evaluación de Seguimiento de Docentia. La Comisión de Evaluación de ANECA para el seguimiento de Docentia ha revisado la segunda implantación del Modelo de Evaluación de ESIC y ha dado como destacado:

La Comisión de Evaluación del Seguimiento valora muy positivamente el segundo año de implantación experimental del modelo, realizado, en general, de forma muy completa y ajustada al manual. Destacan especialmente la cobertura de la convocatoria, la sostenibilidad del proceso y la buena acogida tenida por esta convocatoria entre los agentes implicados.

Otros aspectos positivos son: informe de seguimiento contiene una buena descripción de la convocatoria y sus resultados, y destaca por la claridad en la presentación de los datos, por la objetividad en la interpretación de los mismos, y por la descripción pormenorizada del proceso y de los cambios introducidos en el mismo y en el manual; felicita de nuevo a ESIC por la reflexión crítica que hace de su modelo y de su puesta en práctica, así como por su capacidad de hacer propuestas de mejora que, en buena y justa medida, sustentan las mejoras y recomendaciones de este Informe de evaluación. Además, otros aspectos positivos son: la amplia difusión de la convocatoria en diferentes estamentos y por diferentes vías y el grado de satisfacción con el proceso de los agentes consultados (aunque no se ha recabado la opinión de todos los implicados), y una buena parte de las mejoras y recomendaciones propuestas en el anterior Informe de evaluación se han resuelto en la presente convocatoria, aunque aún subsisten algunas otras pendientes de ejecución.
Evaluation Report on the Monitoring of ESIC's Teaching Evaluation Model under the Docentia Criteria 2015

Campus Arturo Soria
– 12 de Mayo de 2015

Campus Valencia, Zaragoza y Sevilla
– 13 de Mayo de 2015
D. Ignacio Lozano, Chief Auditor of BSI. ESIC Executive Education and complementary and loyalty services. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-bsi The audit team proceeds to conduct the audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic Area of Executive Education, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.

Audit results:
The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. The following were detected in the audit: 0 major and 7 minor nonconformities.

Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC of the identified NCs, the BSI Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under the ISO 9001:2008 Standard (2015).
All Campuses 2014. ANECA's Teaching Model Evaluation Commission. Undergraduate and Postgraduate. Docentia program based on Quality Assurance in Higher Education institutions developed by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and under The Personnel Evaluation Standards, developed by The Joint Committee of Standards for Educational Evaluation. logo-docentia ESIC, dentro del marco de mejora continua que se lleva desarrollando desde el año 2007, presentó en Febrero de 2010 su Modelo Docentia para la evaluación de la Actividad Docente del profesorado. El Modelo fue evaluado por una Comisión de Evaluadores nombrada por ANECA, quien determino un POSITIVO al Modelo presentado por ESIC.

En 2014 se lleva a cabo la primera Convocatoria Docentia para el Profesorado. Los resultados de la Convocatoria fueron remitidos a la Aneca en Julio 2014 para su evaluación.

El 1 de Abril de 2015 la Dirección de Aneca, D. Rafael Van Grieken remite Informe final de Evaluación de Seguimiento de Docentia. La Comisión de Evaluación de ANECA para el seguimiento de Docentia ha revisado la primera implatanción del Modelo de Evaluación de ESIC y ha dado como destacado:

La Comisión de Evaluación del Seguimiento valora muy positivamente el primer año de implantación experimental del modelo, realizado, en general, de forma muy completa y ajustada al manual. Destacan especialmente la cobertura de la convocatoria, la sostenibilidad del proceso y la buena acogida tenida por esta primera convocatoria entre los agentes implicados.
Otros aspectos positivos son: la amplia difusión de la convocatoria en diferentes estamentos y por diferentes vías y el grado de satisfacción con el proceso de todos los agentes consultados (aunque no se ha recabado la opinión de todos los agentes implicados).
Evaluation Report on the Monitoring of ESIC's Teaching Evaluation Model under the Docentia Criteria 2014

Campus Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
– 28 de Abril 2014

Campus Valencia
– 29 de Abril 2014.
D. Carlos Arias, Profesor Titular de Universidad de Sevilla. Auditor ANECA.

Dª Mercedes Sacristán, Directora de Calidad de Universidad de Burgos. Auditor ANECA.
ESIC Pozuelo Campus and ESIC Valencia Campus. Certification of the Implementation of the Audit Program (Internal Quality Assurance System for a Higher Education Center in the European Higher Education Area). logo-an-audit La Comisión de Certificación de ANECA, reunida en la sede de ANECA el día 23 de julio de 2014, y tras una fase de documentación y auditoría realizada por un Equipo Auditor de ANECA, procedió al análisis y evaluación del expediente relativo al proceso de solicitud de certificación de ESIC BUSINESS AND MARKETING SCHOOL, en su sede de Madrid y Valencia.

Fruto de este análisis, la Comisión de Certificación entiende que:
El Sistema de Garantía Interna de Calidad (SGIC) de ESIC-Madrid y ESIC-Valencia, a la luz de los resultados documentados por el equipo auditor, concluyó que el SGIC se encuentra suficientemente implantado y resulta eficaz en su desempeño, estando orientado hacia la mejora continua de los procesos.
Audit-Campus Madrid Implementation Certification Report

Audit-Campus Valencia Implementation Certification Report
Campus Málaga
– 6 de Mayo de 2014

Campus Sevilla
– 6 de Mayo de 2014

Campus Arturo Soria
– 7 de Mayo de 2014

Campus Pozuelo
– 7 de Mayo de 2014
D. Ignacio Lozano
Auditor Jefe de BSI.

D. José Corrales Auditora de BSI.
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-bsi The audit team proceeds to conduct the audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Audit results:
The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. The following were detected in the audit: 0 Major and 4 Minor Nonconformities.

Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC of the NCs identified, the SGS Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under the ISO 9001:2008 Standard (2014).

Spanish version:

English version:
All Campuses 2013. ANECA's Teaching Model Evaluation Commission. Undergraduate and Postgraduate. Docentia program based on Quality Assurance in Higher Education institutions developed by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and under The Personnel Evaluation Standards, developed by The Joint Committee of Standards for Educational Evaluation. logo-docentia ESIC, dentro del marco de mejora continua que se lleva desarrollando desde el año 2007, presentó en Febrero de 2010 su Modelo Docentia para la evaluación de la Actividad Docente del profesorado. El Modelo fue evaluado por una Comisión de Evaluadores nombrada por ANECA, quien determino un POSITIVO al Modelo presentado por ESIC.

La Comisión de Evaluación de ANECA que ha revisado el Modelo de Evaluación de ESIC ha dado como destacado el Modelo con la mención de Modelo Excelente.
Certificate of the ESIC Teaching Evaluation Model Design under the Docentia Criteria 2013
Campus Zaragoza
– 20 de Mayo de 2013

Campus Sevilla
– 20 de Mayo de 2013

Campus Málaga
– 21 de Mayo de 2013

Campus Barcelona
– 21 de Mayo de 2013

Campus Pozuelo
– 22 de Mayo de 2013

Campus Arturo Soria
– 22 de Mayo de 2013
D. Ignacio Lozano
Auditor Jefe de BSI.

Dª. Reyes Román
Auditora de BSI.
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-bsi The audit team proceeds to conduct the audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Audit results:
The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. The following were detected in the audit: 0 major and 7 minor nonconformities.

Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC of the NCs identified, the SGS Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under the ISO 9001:2008 Standard (2013)

Spanish version:

English version:
Campus Arturo Soria
– 2 de Julio de 2012

Campus Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
– 3 y 4 de Julio de 2012
D. Ignacio Lozano
BSI Chief Auditor
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-bsi The audit team proceeds to conduct the audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Audit results:
The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. The following were detected in the audit: 0 Major and 4 Minor Nonconformities.

Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC of the NCs identified, the SGS Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under the ISO 9001:2008 Standard (2012)
Pozuelo de Alarcón Campus Madrid
- November 7th and 8th, 2011
Prof. Dr. Dieter Euler
Director Institute of Business Education and Educational Management (IWP), University of St.Gallen, Switzerland

Dr. Stuart Dixon
Director of Euro*MBA, The Netherlands
Renewal of CEL Accreditation for the Simulation-based Learning Methodology. EFMD Accreditation for TeChnology-Enhanced Learning (CEL) logo-credited The EFMD audit team one month before the audit date analyzed the information sent by ESIC following the Self-Assessment Guide. In addition, the audit team contacted students randomly selected from a list of students and alumni who had taken programs based on the Simulation Methodology sent by ESIC, and was able to conclude homogeneity of excellent experiences with the simulation methodology.

The team concluded that the business simulation methodology represents a high-end product, mainly due to the following facts:
  • Despite the high complexity, the simulation is transparent and well structured;
  • It is realistic and close to business reality;
  • It allows a high degree of flexibility by taking the quantitative dimension as a starting point for role-playing and reflections in the meeting with the CEO of the company.
  • The information tools are detailed and provide a high potential for analysis and reflection. ESIC renewed the CEL Accreditation for its Simulation Methodology with a favorable result.
Renewal of ESIC's Accreditation under CEL Criteria (EFMD) (2008)
Campus Mutilva (Pamplona)
– 7 de Junio de 2011

Campus Sancho El Fuerte (Idiomas)
– 7 de Junio de 2011

Campus Barcelona
– 8 de Junio de 2011

Campus Arturo Soria
– 9 de Junio de 2011

Campus Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
– 9 de Junio de 2011
D. Ignacio Lozano
BSI Chief Auditor.
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-bsi The audit team proceeds to conduct the audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Service delivery support .
  • Support processes - improvement
Audit results:
The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. The following were detected in the audit: 0 Major Nonconformities and 8 Minor Nonconformities. Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC to the identified NCs, the SGS Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under the ISO 9001:2008 Standard (2010)
All Campuses 2010 ANECA's Audit Model Evaluation Commission. Undergraduate and Postgraduate. Audit Program (Internal Quality Assurance System for a Higher Education Institution in the European Higher Education Area). logo-an-audit ANECA, after examining the documentation which integrates the design of the IQAS of the above mentioned Center, according to the evaluation criteria and guidelines included in the documents "Guidelines, definition and documentation of Internal Quality Assurance Systems of the university education" and "Evaluation Guide of the design of the Internal Quality Assurance System of the university education", having analyzed the modifications presented, and considering the existence of elements which advise to modify the qualification granted in the first instance, issues a POSITIVE final assessment. ESIC IQAS Design Certificate under the Audiit 2010 Criteria
Campus Sevilla
– 17 de Mayo de 2010

Campus Valencia
– 17 y 18 de Mayo de 2010

Campus Arturo Soria
– 13 de Mayo de 2010

Campus Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
– 13 y 20 de Mayo de 2010
D. Ignacio Lozano
Auditor Jefe de BSI.

D. Enrique Cubillo
Auditor de BSI.
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-bsi The audit team proceeds to conduct the audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Service delivery support .
  • Support processes - improvement
Audit results:
The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. The following were detected in the audit: 0 Major Nonconformities and 8 Minor Nonconformities. Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC to the identified NCs, the SGS Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under the ISO 9001:2008 Standard (2010)
Campus Zaragoza
– 30 de Marzo de 2009

Campus Barcelona
– 30 de Marzo de 2009

Campus Valencia
– 31 de Marzo de 2009

Campus Arturo Soria
– 1 de Abril de 2009

Campus Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
– 1 de Abril de 2009
Dª. Belén de Rabago Gómez Jefa Auditora de SGS ICS Ibérica.

Dª. Lourdes Carabias y D. Jesús Millán Auditores de SGS ICS Ibérica
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-evaluations-external The audit team proceeds to conduct the audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement.
Audit results:
The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. The following were detected in the audit: 3 Major and 10 Minor Nonconformities. Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC to the identified NCs, the SGS Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under the ISO 9001:2008 Standard (2009)
Pozuelo de Alarcón Campus Madrid
- June 23rd and 24th, 2008
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bernath

Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, former Director, Center for Distance Education, Germany University of Maryland University College, Adjunct Professor, USA

Mr. Jan Kingsley
Director, Corporate Services, EFMD, Brussels
Simulation-based learning methodology. EFMD Accreditation for TeChnology-Enhanced Learning (CEL) logo-credited El equipo Auditor de la EFMD un mes antes de la fecha de auditoría analizó la información enviada por ESIC siguiente la Guía de AutoEvaluación. Además el equipo audito contacto con 5 alumnos seleccionados aleatoriamente de una lista de alumnos y antiguos alumnos que habían cursado Programas basado en la Metodología de Simulación enviada por ESIC.

El equipo auditor durante los días de auditoría realizó entrevistas con Directores de Programa, Personal de Apoyo, Profesorado involucrados en la Metodología de Simulación. Finalmente, el Equipo Auditor llega a la conclusión de que la metodología de Simulación Empresarial ESIC cumple con los criterios de calidad para la acreditación CEL.
ESIC Accreditation under CEL Criteria (EFMD) (2008)
Campus Mutilva (Pamplona)
– 10 de Diciembre de 2007

Campus Sancho El Fuerte (Idiomas)
– 10 de Diciembre de 2007
Campus Arturo Soria
– 11 de Diciembre de 2007

Campus Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
– 13 de Diciembre de 2007
D. Álvaro Rodríguez de Roa Gómez
Auditor Jefe de SGS ICS Ibérica

D. Jesús Millan Moreno
Auditor de SGS ICS Ibérica
ESIC Languages, Postgraduate, Executive Education and Programs on Technological Platforms and complementary and loyalty services. Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-evaluations-external The audit team proceeds to conduct the audits at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope.

The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement
Audit Result: The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. The following were detected in the audit: 0 Major Nonconformities and 8 Minor Nonconformities. Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC to the identified NCs, the SGS Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under ISO 9001:2008 Standard (January 2008)
Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
- April 17, 18 and 19, 2007
D. Álvaro Rodríguez de Roa Gómez Auditor Jefe de SGS ICS Ibérica.

Dª. Belén de Rabago Gómez Auditora de SGS ICS Ibérica
ESIC Languages and MBA Programs Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 logo-evaluations-external The audit team proceeds to conduct the audit at the Main Campus and at the Campuses covered by the scope. The scope of the audit includes, for the Academic and Management Areas, the processes of:
  • Strategic planning.
  • Customer service.
  • Provision of training and complementary services.
  • Support for service delivery.
  • Support processes - improvement
Audit Result: The corrective actions related to nonconformities issued in the previous audit have been reviewed and their effective implementation has been verified. The following were detected in the audit: 0 Major Nonconformities and 7 Minor Nonconformities. Given the satisfactory treatment by ESIC to the identified NCs, the SGS Audit Team grants the renewal of the Certificate.
ESIC Certificate under the ISO 9001:2008 Standard
(May 2007) 



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