- Date of publication
- November 2022
- Business
- Article
ESIC Business & Marketing School
ESIC Business & Marketing School.
As time moves forward, certain aspects of any profession need to be updated or adapted. Sometimes the economy shifts, certain unexpected things become popular, or a global pandemic can radically change the landscape of businesses and how they choose to organize themselves. All aspects of the business landscape are subject to change at any time, so leaders and organizers have to adjust to be able to have their companies and businesses thrive in times of difficulty, and of course, profit in the meantime as well.
We invite you to take a look at our Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development.
We will now explain all the organizational trends that can exist in a company and from which you can benefit.
Probably the biggest shift in the organization of companies has been the implementation of digitalization across all fronts. After the pandemic, many companies were required to shift many aspects of their usual routines. Things like meetings, assignments, and projects had to be done at home and within the confines of digital use. After the pandemic, however, many companies found use for this platform and decided to keep up their digital revolution. Most people feel more comfortable working from home, and companies require less maintenance for their employees in the return. It seems to benefit both parties in many ways.
Motivation of employees
Salary is an important aspect of why an employee wants to be a part of a company. Money secures people in their positions and encourages them to work harder for more profit. However, a new development has begun where companies and business leaders are encouraging their employees to be passionate about their work and give it a sense of purpose. More humanitarian alternatives have shown to allow employees to feel more encouraged to work as well as perform to the best of their abilities. This type of organizational development also encourages the use of a team and the importance of bouncing ideas off of one another as well as having unanimous conclusions as to what the workflow should wind up looking like.
Executive coaching
As opposed to training, coaching seems to emphasize self-improvement over general knowledge and overall training. With the landscape always changing, it is important for employees to feel supported and ready for the changes to come. That is why executive coaching is so important, as it works for both the leader and the employee. In allowing both parties to develop themselves and prepare them both mentally and practically for any incoming challenges. It creates a flow of reception and feedback, which may seem to invite conflict at first, but if the mentalities align and everyone gets on the same page, then a unified sense of improvement will assuredly be both felt and clearly seen in the results of the company's growth.
Mental health
In a similar vein to executive coaching, self-improvement is also clearly shown within the context of improving mental health. Things like counseling and therapy are now included in employee benefits, being that companies see the improvement of their employees' morale as an important way to continue the organization and stability overall of their company or business. Here, as opposed to executive coaching, the employee gets outside and professional help instead of allowing the improvement to occur within the relationships created and maintained at the workplace. In addition, the pandemic and working from home could have proven to be a big hit to some people and the way they prefer to get their work done, so this implementation allows them to address those problems and hopefully reach solutions within either themselves or their leaders that allow them to perform at the best of their capabilities.
It seems as though companies have acquired a more progressive way to allow their employees to organize themselves in an effort to organize the companies as a whole. Things like self-improvement and communication seem to be dominating the organization of businesses all around and could prove to continue so long as the results confirm the changes.
We recommend that you continue updating yourself on the latest trends and acquire the right knowledge. If you want to know more about the development of company organization, we invite you to take a look at our Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Development.
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