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  1. BusinessArticle

    There are three words in the American lexicon that most can agree that they have seen at one point or another in their lives: made in China. As a matter of fact, most other countries aside from the United States can claim to have this phrase all over their shelves. This is essentially a way to demonstrate international trade. International trade basically is the buying and selling of various country exclusive goods by companies to and for different countries.

    ESIC Business & Marketing School
  2. TechnologyArticle

    The times are constantly changing, and in the 21st century, things seem to be changing even faster. Businesses face moments of total fear of the unknown and part of starting a new company means having to take some risks and/or a potential leap of faith. Regardless, there is a terminology for the hardships and difficulties companies, employees, and even leaders face nowadays. It is called VUCA and it stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.

    ESIC Business & Marketing School
  3. TechnologyArticle

    Los buscadores de Internet, también conocidos como motores de búsqueda, son grandes servidores informáticos preparados para realizar búsquedas de información en la world wide web. Cuando se realizan esas búsquedas suelen ser presentadas en forma de lista y entre los resultados obtenidos encontramos imágenes, vídeos, textos o páginas webs.  

    ESIC Business & Marketing School
  4. Marketing and CommunicationArticle

    En un mundo globalizado como el actual, el inglés es necesario prácticamente en cualquier compañía que se dedique al marketing. No importa si, como profesional, te encuentras en el mundo de las agencias, marcas o medios, pues en el sector marketiniano el inglés tiene la primicia, más incluso que el castellano, que es la tercera lengua más hablada del mundo.

    ESIC Business & Marketing School
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