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BeReal: What is this new social network and what is it for?

Marketing and Communication | Article
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  • March 2023

BeReal, literally translated as "be real", is the new social network on the rise in Spain. This new channel is against what is known as "postureo" on social networks. Unlike Instagram and the rest of its competitors, the BeReal experience is anti-filter and anti-planning.



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What is BeReal?


BeReal is an application used to share one photo a day of an impromptu moment without filters. The launch of its first version took place in Paris in 2019. Its two founders, Kévin Perreau and Alexis Berreyat, were perfecting it until the fall of 2020, when the download rate began to skyrocket. From 2022, BeReal got tens of thousands of monthly downloads and word of mouth took effect among friends of friends to continue to grow. In the United States, it is already the second most downloaded application thanks to the university program that the platform initiated to achieve popularity. However, it is not until the second half of 2022 that this new social network becomes known worldwide.


In Spain, the use of BeReal has doubled over the last year, according to a study by Smartme Analytics. The share has grown by 10% since its launch in our country, reaching 5% of the population between 18 and 24 years old. In general terms, 1% of the Spanish population already uses BeReal. This figure has been achieved especially since August and September 2022, when the application has been enabled for Android devices. At the age level, we can know thanks to this research that the average user is around 24 years old, and more than 70% are between 18 and 24 years old. In terms of gender, the majority of users are women with 53%, followed by men with the remaining 47%.


What is BeReal for and how does it work?


With BeReal we can share spontaneous moments of our day to day in the most casual and fast way. It is not allowed to edit or add filters and only allows us to publish one photo per day, captured by both the front and rear cameras in order to show both perspectives of what we are doing at that moment. The application alerts us with a notification at a random time of the day to make the publication in two minutes. In case of not posting anything at that time and doing it later, the image will appear as a "late BeReal". In addition, once posted it is possible to share the image on other social networks such as Instagram or Twitter.

In short, in BeReal we can find a wall of images posted by our friends one after the other. of images published by our friends one after the other. Users can react to the pictures with different emoticons of their own, but they cannot send private messages.


How to create our first BeReal?


  1. Create an account with basic personal data such as phone number, date of birth, user name and nickname. The application is available on both iOs and Android.
  2. Find our friends and connect with them. This can be achieved by synchronizing the application with our contact list.
  3. Taking a BeReal photo. It is important to note that the camera takes both the front and rear photo at the same time.
  4. Add a caption describing what we are doing in the image.
  5. Publish BeReal by clicking on the "send" button.
  6. Time to explore! Now we can see and react to our friends' photos, and also visualize the reactions that our photos are generating.


Finally, let's not forget that this application promotes 100% real content. It is advisable to connect with those users with whom we have a relationship of trust. Do you dare to download BeReal and upload your first publication?  


We recommend that you keep up to date with the latest trends and acquire the right knowledge about the BeReal social network. I invite you to take a close look at the Official Degree in Marketing

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