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Characteristics of entrepreneurs that lead to success

Characteristics of entrepreneurs that lead to success

Business | Article
  • Visit
  • October 2017
  • Date of publication
  • October 2017
  • Business
  • Article
Antonio Martín

Antonio Martín

Director of the official BBAM degree, coordinator of the strategy module in the EMBA and professor at ESIC. Lecturer in entrepreneurship, business strategy and change management.

Aren't you envious of successful entrepreneurs? You can be one of them; maybe you have the main characteristics that define them. Successful entrepreneurship is not easy, but here are some concepts to work with.

I propose seven that I consider very relevant and that are key to making your dreams come true.

  1. Perseverance: The good entrepreneur is aware that there are days when nothing goes right, even moments when it is inevitable to think if it is worth all the sacrifice. However, it is clear to him that after every night the day comes back and a new opportunity arises to work to achieve his goals. Don't give up; you will succeed.
  2. Acceptance of risk: Starting a business means taking a risk, and that means that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Good entrepreneurs are aware of this and accept it as part of the rules of the game, the word risk is inseparable from the word entrepreneur, you have to accept it. But avoid unnecessary risks.
  3. Nonconformism: To be an entrepreneur is not to be satisfied with the business working acceptably, but to look for its continuous growth, the increase of profitability and the continuous creation of value, knowing that the day you stop being nonconformist will be the beginning of the end of your company, don't be satisfied, always have the next challenge in mind.
  4. Realism: Startup founders have a vision of what they want their business to be. It is a necessary but not an illusory dream, because if we get too far away from reality, the blow can be very hard when we wake up.
  5. Reflective: The entrepreneur is ultimately responsible for what happens to his business. There are good and bad situations, and we learn from all of them. It is necessary to reflect on what we have done well, and what we can improve. Even if you don't have hours left, take some time every day to reflect on what you are doing, why and how you are doing it. It will help you take the pulse of the business.
  6. Observer: Many entrepreneurial ideas come from simply observing what is around us. Successful entrepreneurs pay attention to what is going on around them. They get a better understanding of what the customer wants, what the competition is doing or identify new opportunities for growth. Keep your eyes open and listen continuously.
  7. Communicator: The founders never tire of telling about their proposal, regardless of the forum or the channel, because their passion for the project makes them need to communicate it. Besides, no one tells it better than them, because they have given birth to it and know it like no one else.

It's not about being heavy, but think and work on communication. Don't get tired of talking about your project.

These are seven key personal characteristics that will help you become an entrepreneur and achieve success. Some are part of the personality, but others can be developed and perfected. You just have to be willing to do it.

"Never stop believing and being consistent."


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  • Date of publication
  • October 2017
  • Business
  • Article
  • Author

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