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Logistics improvements to increase your online sales

Logistics improvements to increase your online sales

Commercial and Sales | Article
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  • September 2017
Antonio Sánchez Ramirez

Antonio Sánchez Ramirez

Postgraduate professor at ESIC (LOCS and MMS) and at IMF (MBA and MDM). Expert in sales, training and management of sales teams and coaching for the development of sales professionals. Director of Sales Support; Telesales and Retail at DHL Express.

Sometimes neglected by a good number of fashion and accessories e-retailers, logistics is one of the most critical elements when it comes to measuring the health of any website, and consequently its online sales.

In this post we are going to review six measures that an online seller can put in place to increase sales.

1. To increase the shipping options we offer to our web customers.

It is a fact that as consumers we always prefer to be able to choose between different shipping options. Opting only for standard shipping options and not giving our customers the option to choose other alternatives may cause them to finally decide to finalize their purchase on another website. Therefore, as absurd as it may seem, especially when we are talking about low-priced products, it would not hurt to try to introduce other shipping options on our website. Perhaps we will generate sales that previously ended up on our competitors' websites.

2. Increase delivery options.

Convenience is the most important factor in online shopping today. Therefore, solving the last mile with solutions that allow our customer to choose between different delivery options and even interact and communicate with the logistics operator en route maximizes customer satisfaction and results in a more than likely repeat purchase in our online store. The chain's own stores, home deliveries, deliveries at convenience points, consignment stores or the possibility of changing the delivery location en route are aspects that are increasingly valued by online shoppers.

3. Increase the countries in which you sell your fashion products and accessories.

Spanish fashion has an excellent international recognition that you should definitely take advantage of. It starts with the simple, the European Union is a market of free movement of goods in which you can multiply your potential market by 28. Of course, it involves an effort to adapt our online store in various aspects such as language, payment gateway, local legislation, logistics, returns, positioning, etc.. From there, growth to other more distant and complex markets will be an almost natural step, and Latin America is probably the next most common destination for Spanish textiles.

4. Simple, well-explained and well-resolved returns.

Online purchases of fashion and accessories are the ones with the highest rate of returns. Therefore, the solution we implement for returns can make customers choose to make their purchase on our website or another. And once again, the convenience, the easy solution for the final customer and the possibility for our customer to choose between different options, the most interesting for him, will determine his degree of satisfaction and his rate of repurchase on our website.

The trend in Europe of the big fashion and accessories online retailers is to offer free returns and turn the customer's living room into the fitting room of the physical store, increasing the value of the shopping cart, which justifies this free return due to the increased margin they receive. However, one thing is what is offered and quite another how this return is carried out in practice. It goes without saying that if our website also sells internationally, the solution we adopt must be sustainable in the countries in which we sell and respect the current legislation on returns in each of them.

5. Avoid surprises to your end customers.

There is nothing worse for an online shopper than to be told upon arrival of their shipment by the logistics operator that they must pay something extra if they want their shipment when they were never warned of this during the checkout process. The main reason for these unexpected extra costs are the customs fees that apply to purchases or sales of products outside the EU. Nowadays there are different solutions that allow you to anticipate quite roughly the possible costs, so that they can be included in the purchase process to guarantee the "all inclusive" that customers expect when they finalize their online purchase.

6. Not everything goes.

The shopping experience ends when the customer opens his package and finds what he has bought. The arrival of the product in perfect condition is critical when it comes to online sales of fashion and accessories. The care with which fashion and accessories e-retailers prepare their online orders, the well cared and studied packaging, the additional gift details inside, in order to generate an excellent shopping experience, can be ruined when you receive a deformed package, beaten, where what goes inside seems to be placed in any way and does not reflect at all the care with which that order was prepared. In short, in logistics

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