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Madrid Campus
Enero 2016

II Europe Renaissance Meeting: Findings and Conclusions

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II Europe Renaissance Meeting: Findings and Conclusions

Last July was held in Salamanca the II Europe Renaissance Meeting where young undergraduates students from eight different countries; Germany, Hungary, Poland, Morocco, China, Brazil, Venezuela and students from Spain (ESIC students), met to discuss and to analyze and think over about several topics under the title “Europe and Companies”.

International students at the II Europe Renaissance Meeting

Students worked in 4 workshops and took interesting conclusions about intercultural approach to European enterprises, job opportunities, new communication era and Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics.

Participants also had the opportunity to visit an historic city like Salamanca and exchange experiences in an intercultural and international environment.

Students in Salamanca

WORKSHOP 1: Intercultural approach to European enterprises

What is the specific profile of European companies? How do religion, believes and migration impact on the enterprise environment?

WORKSHOP 2: Opportunities in this European working land

Which is the ideal human profile for European companies? What is the new Young talent useful for European companies?

WORKSHOP 3: Communication, digital life and new media

What opportunities and threats does the new era have for us?.

Describe the impact on the business environment. “Profitability” versus “human being”.

WORKSHOP 4: Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics

How can European companies contribute to a better future? Which “best practices” are needed?

Congress findings and conclusions.

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