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Navarra Employability
May 2024

ESIC Navarra continues to create talent in Strategic Digital Transformation

Published by: david.garralda...
Agents of Change_May 20

In ESIC we bring a new edition of the exclusive program for Navarra "Digital Generation, Agents of Change".

Through this training, 100% subsidized by Next Generation EU funds, we are creating agents of change that will drive the digital transformation of SMEs in our community.

The next session of the course begins on May 20 at the Mutilva campus.

We invite you to see the benefits, the syllabus and request more information about schedules, access requirements and upcoming calls for this fantastic expert program, click here. hereí.

Our admissions colleagues will be in touch with you.

In addition, if you are an ESIC Alumni, remember that you have preferential access.

Reserve your place now!

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