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Malaga Entrepreneurs
June 2020

ESIC will hold the first virtual edition of its event 'Hoy es Marketing'.

Published by: Málaga

Even Today is Marketing will take place on June 16 between 16h and 18.30h and will be attended by Pilar Lopez, president of Microsoft Spain, Jean Christophe Bonis 'The French Futurist', Alvaro Zamacola, country manager of Blablacar Spain and Portugal, Manuel Balsera, CEO of AMC Networks International Southern Europe, Chema Martinez, Olympic athlete and Sacha Michaud, co-founder of Glovo.

ICEMD, the Innovation Institute of ESIC, has prepared the study 'Innovate in times of Covid19: a new scenario', with the aim of knowing what have been for Spanish leaders the novelties that will be the levers of development in this new scenario, from the social, economic and business perspective that will be presented at the event.

The participants shared their personal and professional views on five main issues: the future of the business, new customer needs, specific advances in the new scenario, the talent needed to drive them and the current importance of innovation in organizations.

In recent weeks, the word "digitization" has become even more prevalent in the business world. The healthcare crisis that we have experienced in recent weeks has highlighted the importance of a process that is becoming increasingly essential, but which cannot be undertaken lightly.

For Rob Wolcott, co-founder and president of The World Network (TWIN), we are facing The Digital Rubicon. Thus, evoking Julius Caesar, Wolcott affirms that the pandemic has shown us the urgency of launching ourselves into digital transformation, to take a decisive step that is not without risk. For the expert, the next five years will be key for companies to remain competitive or become irrelevant. And for this, being innovative will not be enough.

"There will always be a company that is faster than you in customer perception, and that's what they will demand from you," Wolcott says. Innovation is necessary, yes, but done well. For example, increasing digitization in production sectors where you were already betting on it will not be enough; you have to locate which other points of the company need that reinforcement to be really effective. "Big Data, the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence are advancing at such a speed that production is more and more in line with the moment when the product is in demand," Wolcott emphasizes, stressing how difficult it is to stand out in this regard.

"Since the 2008 crisis, this is the best opportunity for companies to lead digitization, if they don't want to be left behind," he explains. That's why he argues that leaders must be able to act with an eye on both the short and the long term. "Now, more than ever, real leadership is important," he argues.

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