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Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs Madrid Campus News Alumni
October 2019

Entrepreneurship Workshop: BE THE ENTREPRENEUR YOU WANT TO BE

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Entrepreneurship Workshop: BE THE ENTREPRENEUR YOU WANT TO BE

We kicked off the 2019-2020 academic year with the first entrepreneurship workshop entitled "Be the entrepreneur you want to be" on October 1. The speakers will be Irene Ibáñez and Andrea Amaro, young entrepreneurs and Founders of Avantis.

The activity started with a reflection; Don't you always have project ideas and don't know where to start? Whether you have a project idea or you want to find it, this workshop proposed a way of working through the Design Thinking methodology on what are the steps to follow and the tools needed to detect a need in your environment and turn it into a real project. For all this, the idea to be developed by groups was focused on the SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals, an initiative promoted by the United Nations to give continuity to the development agenda after the Millennium Development Goals.

During the three-hour workshop, a teamwork environment was created in which leadership and critical thinking skills were developed, awakening the leadership and creativity of each team member through group dynamics.

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