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Rankings y reconocimientos Institución
Noviembre 2017

QS Business masters rankings 2018 recognizes ESIC as one of the best business schools in the world

Published by: Institution
QS Business masters rankings 2018 recognizes ESIC as one of the best business schools in the world

According to the report “QS Business School Rankings 2018”, published for the first time by QS (a British consultant agency specialist in undergraduate and graduate studies programs) ESIC is one of the best Business Schools in the world, after being considered the 31st European School in terms of ROI and the acknowledgement of the employers in the Global MBA rankings. ESIC was also recognized as the 58th best Business School within the Management sector (in the Masters in Management ranking) and the 65th within the Finance sector (in the Master in Finance ranking).

In addition, this ranking places ESIC as the 4th best Business School in Spain regarding the employability and ROI that its MBA programs offer, and as the 1st Business School in Spain regarding the ROI that its Management and Finances programs offer.

In this edition, QS has considered and evaluated several quality indicators of MBA programs, such as employability, faculty and student body, MBA participants’ executive profiles, and the career opportunities offered to these participants when they complete the program. The sources of information used by QS were Elsevier Publishing House, Forbes’ 2000 CEOs information, and several surveys conducted to obtain information academic experts and employers around the world.

“In ESIC, we train leaders to be committed contributing both economically and socially to the companies and societies they develop their careers, and to face the challenges that arise in today’s constantly-changing global market. We train leaders to be capable of innovating, with a focus on comprehensive knowledge in Digital Economy, entrepreneurial mindset, critical thinking, and the development of a solid academic training,” said Gastón Fornes, director of the International MBA, Global MBA and Marketing in Management programs in ESIC Business & Marketing School.

ESIC currently offers an MBA portfolio -MBA Full Time, International MBA and Executive MBA- in order to meet the demands of today’s competitive and multicultural environment managers and executives develop their careers. In addition, this academic year, ESIC will offer the new Global MBA program, which is entirely taught in English, and which provides its participants with the option of studying in Europe, Asia, and America, so that they obtain a degree given by three internationally renowned institutions: Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), Florida International University, and ESIC.

Regarding the Master in Management Rankings 2018, ESIC has been recognized as the 58th (out of 122) best business school in the world, and the 1st regarding its programs’ ROI in this sector. ESIC currently offers a portfolio in Management programs, which includes the Master in Business Management and Marketing (MADEM), the Certificate Program in Executive Development, the Senior Management Program in Digital Business or the Senior Management Program in Digital Talent, among many others.

“The results of this ranking are largely due to the profile of these master’s participants, which generates training experiences that will lead them to success in their careers. The program’s participants are trained so that they improve their management and business capabilities, using them later to achieve their professional goals in executive management, marketing and digital economy,” said Antonio Martín, director of the Master in Business Management and Marketing (MADEM) program, in ESIC.

Regarding the best Masters in Finance ranking, ESIC has been recognized as the 65th (out of 131) best business school in the world, thanks to its Master in Financial Management, which is also ranked as the 1st best master program in terms of Return On Investment. This program is aimed at executive experts in business finances, and focuses on assuring a comprehensive financial training and the development of executive capabilities.

The survey that serves as source for these rankings includes the analysis of more than 150.000 data, almost 50.000 educational leaders’ biographies, entrepreneurs, LinkedIn influences, TED lecturers, and more than 150 lists of the most important contributors to international society. In addition, the ranking has also drawn information out of the biggest academic and research databases in the world, has analyzed information contained in more than 2000 emails, and has considered the direct opinion of more than 150 relevant institutions.

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