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Navarra Editorial
January 2024


Published by: Editorial

Conference and presentation of the book "Wine Marketing. Strategy, value and digitalization" at the Marketing Club of Navarra.

Next Thursday, January 25 will take place at the Marketing Club of Navarra the conference "Marketing of quality wine: new trends, consumers and markets. Diversity, difference and value" as well as the presentation of the book Wine Marketing, recently published by ESIC Editorial.

The program of the conference, as well as the invited speakers, is as follows:

  • Complexity and saturation in the sector. The differential factor, by Sergio Martínez-Berriobeña, managing partner of Commercial Criterio.
  • Diversity and difference. The case of Viña Zorzal Wines, by Rafael Regadera, head of strategic, economic-financial and administrative management at Viña Zorzal Wines.
  • How to approach new trends, consumers and markets? The Vintae case, by Ricardo Arambarri Pérez, General Manager of Vintae Revolutionary Wineries.
  • Viticulture, varieties and markets. The Ochoa case, by Adriana Ochoia, technical director of Bodegas Ochoa.
  • Buying value, creating value and selling value. Presentation of the book "Marketing del vino" by ESIC Editorial, by Alfredo Ruiz Santolaya, managing partner of Commercial Criterio and author of the book. Ruiz Santolaya, managing partner of Commercial Criterio and author of the book.

To close the event, a wine tasting will be offered to the attendees.

Thursday, January 25th , 18-19:30 h.

Marketing Club of Navarra. Av. Anaitasuna, 31. Mutilva.

Capacity is limited



More information about the book and its author:

Wine marketing. Strategy, value and digitalization

Alfredo Ruiz Santolayafounded the Escuela Superior de Marketing de La Rioja, which has trained more than 600 young entrepreneurs and managers from across the business community in northern Spain, and has signed collaboration agreements with the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom. In 2005 he began work on the development of the first Wine Marketing Forum in Spain, which over time has been transformed into the Wine Land event of which he has been the coordinator in 2022. Since 2010, together with Sergio Martínez-Berriobeña, he has directed the consultancy firm Commercial Criterio, which provides strategic marketing services for various sectors, including the wine industry.
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