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Institution Social Responsibility
June 2021

ESIC renews its commitment to the Diversity Charter

Published by: Madrid

Aware of the importance of diversity in organizations, ESIC renews its commitment to the Diversity Charter, a European charter signed to make visible the commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. An act with which the School seeks to break the notion that a community of people that forms any organization is homogeneous, assuming that the workforce is composed of subjects of very different personal, cultural, social and demographic skills.

For this reason, ESIC joins the more than one thousand signatory companies in Spain (and 12,000 in the European Union) in committing to spread a message to the entire company environment - employees, clients, suppliers - that fosters a community that shares the same 10 principles of the Diversity Charter:

  1. Raise awareness: the principles of equal opportunity and respect for diversity must be included in the company's values and disseminated among employees.
  2. To make progress in building a diverse workforce: the company must encourage the integration of people with diverse profiles (regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, beliefs, age, disability, etc.).
  3. Promote inclusion: integration must be effective, avoiding any type of discrimination (direct or indirect) in the workplace.
  4. Consider diversity in all people management policies: diversity management should not be just another human resources practice, but a cross-cutting factor that is at the basis of all decisions made in this area.
  5. Promote work-life balance through a balance between work, family and leisure time: organizations must establish mechanisms that allow the harmonization of work, family and personal life for all employees.
  6. Recognize the diversity of customers: organizations must know the profile of their customers, recognizing that their diversity is also a source of innovation and development.
  7. Extend and communicate the commitment to employees: the commitment that the organization acquires by becoming a signatory of the Diversity Charter must be shared transversally throughout the company.
  8. Extend and communicate the commitment to supplier companies: inviting them to join the community of companies in Spain that adhere to the voluntary commitment promoted by the Charter.
  9. Extend and communicate this commitment to administrations, business organizations, trade unions and other social agents.
  10. Reflect the activities in support of non-discrimination, as well as the results obtained from the implementation of diversity policies in the company's annual report.
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