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Rankings y reconocimientos Institución
Octubre 2017

ESIC is the 2nd Business School with greatest capacity to attract and retain talent in Spain

Published by: Institution
ESIC is the 2nd Business School with greatest capacity to attract and retain talent in Spain

According to the results presented today by the 12th Merco Talento Ranking, which determines the best 100 companies with greatest capacity to attract and retain talent in Spain, ESIC not only has been recognized, for the second time in a row, as the 2nd best business school in the sector, being ahead of EAE, IESE, and ESADE, but it has also been recognized as the 51st company among the top 100 most talented companies in Spain. This is the first audited monitor in the world, since tracking and verifying its development process and results are independently reviewed by KPMG Consulting.

Result ranking MERCO 2017

MERCO Talento seeks to collect and analyze the different reputational factors linked to talent using all the groups that determine how effective companies are when it comes to attracting and retaining talent. Therefore, this report considers the opinion of more than 19,000 workers employed at the companies ranked, more than 9,000 students in the last year of their degree, 130 HR executives, 1,200 citizens, 750 business school alumni, 42 experts and head-hunters, as well as a comparative analysis of the best management policies at the main companies that are part of this ranking. These individuals evaluate companies by looking at three key values that affect and determine the appeal of working at them: job quality, value as an employer, and internal reputation.

In this edition, reputation monitor Merco Talento emphasizes that ESIC is the 7th best company to work for in Spain, with less than 1,000 employees.

HR executives and experts agree on what they think are the three main aspects for attracting and retaining talent: ethical and professional values, the fact that senior managers are highly reputed professionals, and the employees’ pride of belonging. They also state that conciliation, equality, and maintaining a good relationship with middle management are the weakest points of Spanish companies.

Merco is the only monitor in Spain whose methodology for developing of ranking is independently reviewed by KPMG Consulting.

This monitor is a reference tool for big companies when it comes to evaluating their intangible values, and it represents the first evaluation phase in the Merco Business Leaders ranking, who also establishes the ranking of the 100 most-reputable companies in Spain, in which ESIC as well as its CEO, Eduardo Gómez Martín, is also present.

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