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Madrid Campus Másteres Áreas
Abril 2015

IMBA students participating in Google China´s biannual summit in Shanghai

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IMBA students participating in Google China´s biannual summit in Shanghai

Marco Lopez (Spain), Gian Carlo Huertas (Peru), Armando Estrada (Colombia), and Sergio Baldres (Spain), current IMBA students, were invited to Google offices in Shanghai to talk about business opportunities for Chinese companies in Europe and Latin America. The conference was part of the biannual summit organised by Google China to discuss and define the future strategy with their partners.

On the experience, Sergio Baldres one of the four IMBA students, commented, “the conference was a success. We were invited to stay with them and join the activities organised for their partners, including very interesting networking events. It was an unrepeatable experience, we learnt a lot and made a lot of contacts. Google was very satisfied with us and we even talked about repeating the event in the near future. In addition we also discussed about further job opportunities in the company or with their partners, not only in China but also in Europe or Latin America”.


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