What are companies doing to improve the health and wellbeing of their employees? | Business School and University Center | ESIC Skip to main content

SDG No. 3, promoted by the United Nations within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, seeks to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. But the world is facing an unprecedented global health crisis as COVID-19 is spreading human suffering, destabilizing the global economy and drastically changing the lives of billions of people around the world.  

Prior to the pandemic, progress was made in improving the health of millions of people. However, more efforts are needed from public and private companies and institutions to address a large number of ongoing and emerging health problems through more efficient financing of healthcare systems, but also through increased hygiene awareness to achieve significant progress. 

19.00 h.Presentation of the webinar and contextualization of the topics to be discussed.      

  • Belén López Vázquez. Director of CSR at ESIC.   

19.05 h. Conference "Corporate Wellness 2.0".      

  • Francisco López González. Director of Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding Europe at Gympass. 

19.20 h.Round table "The corporate contribution to SDG3". 

  • Francisco López González. Director of Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding Europe at GYMPASS. 

  •  Emili Pascual. Director of Employee Experience at BANCO SABADELL. 

  •  Laura Visier. Head of Talent and Learning at UNIÓN DE CRÉDITO INMOBILIARIO (UCI). 

  • Carlos González Alonso. Partner & Founder of EMPATHIC WARRIORS 

  • Moderator: Belén López Vázquez. Director of CSR at ESIC.   

20.00 h. Most relevant conclusions of the debate and closing.    

  • Belén López Vázquez. Director of CSR at ESIC.   


  Oct 27, 2020 | from a
19.00 a 20.00
  Streaming - Via ZOOM
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