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Since July 2006, ESIC, through its Quality Committee (Delegation of the Executive Board), has maintained an active policy of extending continuous improvement in its three main focus areas (Teaching, Research and Management). 

ESIC has developed multiple activities in relation to national and international Quality Associations, sector and multi-sector, as well as accreditation/evaluation processes in multiple Quality Management Reference Models. As a sample of some of the actions carried out during this period, a small summary is listed below:


July 2006 ESIC is an active member of the Spanish Association for Quality AEC. ESIC is an active member of the Excellence in Management and Innovation Club.
September 2006 ESIC forms part of the Committee for Quality in Education of the Spanish Association for Quality AEC. 
March 2007 ESIC obtains the ISO 9001:2008 Standard Certification in its MBA Programs and the ESIC Languages area.

ESIC forms part of the Excellence Forum and Innovation Forum of the Excellence in Management and Innovation Club.

ESIC is admitted to the Association of Business Schools and Universities EMBA Council, after a rigorous admission process and the fulfilment of the established quality criteria.
May 2007 ESIC attends the Annual Congress of Business Schools and Universities AMBA in Moscow, a model in the formation of MBA Programs.
October 2007 SIC organizes, together with the AEC, a Conference on “Accreditation and Certification for Educational Quality” on the Campus of Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid).
July 2008 ESIC obtains the CEL Accreditation granted by the EFMD for its Postgraduate Programs that are developed under the Management Simulators.
September 2008 ESIC renews its ISO 9001:2008 Standard Certification in its MBA Programs and the ESIC Languages area and extends its scope to the entire area of Postgraduate, Executive Education and Programs under the Technological Platform. ESIC forms part of the governing body of the Committee for Quality in Education.
December 2008 ESIC forms part of the University Forum of the Excellence in Management and Innovation Club.
March 2009 ESIC forms part of the Governing Body of the Excellence in Management and Innovation Club.
July 2009 ESIC renews its ISO 9001:2008 Standard Certification in the area of Postgraduate, Executive Education, Programs under the Technological Platform and ESIC Languages, and extends its scope to the Undergraduate area. ESIC joins the Social Values Forum promoted by the Excellence in Management and Innovation Club.
November 2009 ESIC forms part of the Human Capital Forum of the Excellence in Management and Innovation Club. ESIC attends the III Conference of Excellence in University Management at the University of Cadiz, organized by the Excellence in Management and Innovation Club.
December 2009 Presentation by the Director of Quality at ESIC to the AEC Intercommittee Congress at the University of Comillas on "The Bologna Treaty, University and Business" December 2009. Director of Quality.  
April 2010 Presentation by the ESIC Quality Director at the Excellence Forum of the Excellence in Management and Innovation Club, at Telefónica's headquarters, on "Handling Complaints".
May 2010 ESIC attends the BET Seminar: Quality Systems: verification and monitoring of new degrees at the University of Cadiz, organised by ANECA and the University of Cadiz.

ESIC attends the annual Congress of European Schools and Universities of the North American Association EMBA Council, in Copenhagen.
July 2010 ESIC obtains a POSITIVE for the Design of the ESIC Quality System under the AUDIT Model granted by the ANECA, under the Quality requirements established in the European Framework for Higher Education.

ESIC attends the Conference "Evaluation, monitoring and accreditation of university education: past, present and future" organised by ANECA and the Menéndez Pelayo University.
June 2011 ESIC renews its CEL Accreditation granted by the EFMD to its Postgraduate Programs that are developed under the Management Simulators.
July 2011 ESIC attends the Conference "The accreditation programmes of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation" organised by ANECA and the Menéndez Pelayo University.

ESIC attends the annual Congress of European Schools and Universities of the North American Association EMBA Council, in Milan.
October 2011 ESIC attends the "Almagro XIII Forum: Monitoring and accreditation: tools for quality assurance of university degrees" organised by ANECA and the University of Castilla La Mancha.
May 2012 ESIC attends the Annual European Congress of the Association of Business Schools and Universities AACSB in Prague.
October 2012 ESIC attends the Annual European Congress of the Association of Business Schools and Universities AACSB, in Barcelona.
November 2012 ESIC attends the "Almagro XIV Forum: Quality Assurance of University Degrees" organised by ANECA and the University of Castilla La Mancha, in Almagro (Ciudad Real).
February 2013 ESIC attends the "I Conference on Good Practices for the Teaching programme", organised by ANECA at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
June 2013 ESIC renews its ISO 9001:2008 Standard Certification in all its academic areas as well as complementary services to training and support activities.

ESIC renews as a member of the Quality Committee in Education Governing Body, for the period 2013-2016.
July 2013 ESIC's Quality Management is selected by ANECA to form part of the Evaluation Committee of Experts that evaluate 7 Universities in the Pilot Phase for the Implementation Certification of the Internal Quality Assurance System under Audit Accreditation organized by ANECA.
September 2013 ESIC obtains the Teaching Accreditation for its Teaching Evaluation Model granted by ANECA and under the guidelines set by the European Higher Education Area.
July 2014 ESIC obtains a POSITIVE for the Implementation of the ESIC Quality System under the AUDIT Model granted by ANECA, under the Quality requirements established in the European Framework for Higher Education.
February 2016 ESIC obtains the EPAS Accreditation granted by EFMD to the IMBA and MIM programs.
July 2016 ESIC modifies its Organisation and Procedures for Quality, Accreditation and other Acknowledgements.
2016 ESIC participates in an external audit carried out by ENQA on the Quality and Prospective University Agency of Aragon - ACPUA to become members of ENQA and form part of the EQAR register.
2017 ESIC attends a Seminar for QA agencies on the European dimension of quality assurance organized by ENQA.
2017 ESIC participates in the external audit conducted by ENQA for ANECA to renew its membership in ENQA.
2017 ESIC participates with a paper on "Internal Quality Assurance Systems. Implementation of IACS in private and affiliated centers" at the meeting "Institutional accreditation, a challenge for the Spanish university system" organised by the Madrid Foundation for Knowledge and the UIMP.
2018 ESIC's MBA programs obtain the AMBA International Accreditation. In addition, ESIC obtains the EPAS Accreditation granted by EFMD to the MITB and MDM programs.

ESIC participates in lectures at the conference "A decade of AUDIT and TEACHING in ANECA: evolution and future" organised by ANECA. ESIC also participates in presentations of the "Training Programme on Quality Management Systems. SISCAL" addressed to all staff of the Quality Units of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. ESIC renews its ISO 9001:2015 Standard Certification with an extension to ICEMD Companies.
2019 Renewal of the AUDIT Certification granted by ANECA, under the Quality requirements established in the European Framework for Higher Education at the Madrid and Valencia Campuses, with a scope of all its degrees.

AMBA accreditation for Master in Business Management MBM.



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