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  1. InternationalArticle

    Luego de haber estudiado una licenciatura y culminado todo el proceso que esto conlleva, lo más común es que se despierten en ti las ganas de complementar dichos estudios universitarios con un grado superior. Entonces, qué mejor manera de hacerlo que elegir la opción de estudiar una maestría en Madrid. 

    ESIC Business & Marketing School
  2. TechnologyArticle

    Those directly involved with any form of commercial endeavors, specifically those geared towards e-commerce, are aware that without customer satisfaction, there is no business. The customer dictates the flow and distribution of any product or service. That is why a logistics department is imperative to any functioning business. Without it, customer satisfaction cannot be measured and the process in which a product reaches a customer would not be calculated correctly.

    ESIC Business & Marketing School
  3. InternationalArticle

    Cuando de cursar estudios universitarios se trata, nos encanta mencionar un destino que, por mucho, ha sido, es y seguirá siendo uno de los predilectos para tal fin: hoy queremos hablarte acerca de las becas para estudiar en España y de todas las oportunidades que, siendo extranjero, puedes aprovechar.  

    ESIC Business & Marketing School
  4. TechnologyArticle

    The Entity-Relationship Model is something you definitely need to know about if you work with a database. Databases are widely used in business. They are essentially the virtual equivalent of a storage unit. They can store all the information about employees, customers, etc. If the data within a database is disorganized, it is nearly impossible to navigate. 

    ESIC Business & Marketing School
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