The institutions that make up ESIC have adopted and apply surveillance and control measures to prevent crimes committed by legal entities, other behaviors contrary to the legal system and actions contrary to their principles and values included in their Code of Ethics, General Policy on Regulatory Compliance, Code of Good Governance, Code of Best Practices -aligned with the rest of the policies and procedures- hence their organizational and management model is aimed at preventing any non-compliance or non-conformity, regardless of their legal nature.
Our destiny is common
This organizational model is designed to establish and make known our values and principles -included in the above documents and in the rest of the Policies, Procedures and documentation, some public and some internal- in order to be able to demand compliance with them from all ESIC stakeholders.
The General Regulatory Compliance Policy is a Corporate Policy and is the keystone of ESIC's entire regulatory compliance architecture. It embodies not only our values and principles, but also the codes of conduct applicable to all members of the institutions that make up ESIC and all those people and stakeholders that relate to the ESIC Community.
The Code of Good Practices is included in the General Policy of Regulatory Compliance and is the guide for the behavior of all members of the institutions that make up ESIC and interested persons who are related to the ESIC Community. This Code materializes the principle of co-responsibility in regulatory compliance, making it necessary to involve everyone with the assumption of responsibilities, providing a text with the duties and obligations by virtue of belonging to ESIC. This guide to ethical behavior is a tangible and enforceable reflection of the basic values and principles of the institutions and people that make up and relate to ESIC and are included in its Code of Ethics.
El Código de Buenas Prácticas forma parte de la Política General de Cumplimiento Normativo y es la guía de comportamiento de todos los miembros de las instituciones que componen ESIC y de las personas interesadas que se relacionan con la Comunidad ESIC. Este Código materializa el principio de corresponsabilidad en materia de cumplimiento normativo, haciendo necesario involucrar a todos con la asunción de responsabilidades, facilitando un texto con los deberes y obligaciones en esta materia por el mero hecho de pertenecer a ESIC. Esta guía de comportamientos éticos es el reflejo, tangible y exigible, de los valores y principios básicos de las personas que forman parte de las instituciones que componen ESIC y están recogidos en su Código Ético.