ESIC University is a young university, but it is part of a group with a long educational trajectory that is firmly committed to improving its areas of action (Teaching, Research and Management).
If you want to know some of the actions carried out to date by ESIC, click here.
The activity carried out by ESIC for more than 15 years is evidence of its quest for quality and excellence. The following are some of the associations of which it is a member: Spanish Association for Quality, Excellence Forum and Innovation Forum of the Excellence in Management and Innovation Club and the Association of Business Schools and Universities EMBA Council.
It actively participates in numerous forums, conferences and congresses to ensure that its educational offer meets the highest levels of quality. Quality is also accredited by the certifications it holds, such as the ISO 9001:2008 Standard Certification in all its academic areas, as well as complementary services to training and support activities, the CEL Accreditation granted by the EFMD to its Postgraduate Programs developed under the Management Simulators, the Docentia Accreditation to its Teaching Evaluation Model granted by ANECA and under the guidelines set out in the European Higher Education Area and the EPAS Accreditation granted by EFMD to the IMBA and MIM programs.