During our more than 53 years of history, we have developed institutional agreements and first-class collaborations in the business world, which has allowed us to become a benchmark of quality in education thanks to nationally and internationally recognized models.
An accreditation held by only the most prestigious educational institutions. Only 2% worldwide.
"ESIC MBAs, among the best internationally".
Associations of MBAs Acredited.
Established in 1967, and based in London, the Association of MBAs is an impartial and equitable organization that grants global accreditations to business education institutions on postgraduate management. They are one of the three main worldwide accreditation bodies, and are committed to enhancing the quality standards of business education for the benefit of all the stakeholders: business schools, students and alumni, and employers. Their accreditation service constitutes the global standard for all MBA, Master, and DBA programs. Currently AMBA accredits programs from the top 2% of business schools in over 70 countries.
AMBA has awarded their accreditation to four ESIC programs: Executive MBA, International MBA, MBA and MBM. This recognition denotes the highest standard of achievement in postgraduate business education, which is a core value our School has had deeply ingrained since its foundation in 1963.
+ informationESIC's Business Simulation Methodology accredited by EFMD
In September 2008, ESIC received the CEL Accreditation (Programme Accreditation for Technology-Enhanced Learning) for its Simulation Methodology, awarded by the prestigious EFMD Association.
This methodology is applied in both Closed Programs (Postgraduate Area) and Open Programs (Global Business Game). The CEL Accreditation is one of the four Accreditations granted by the EFMD with recognized international prestige.
The integration of accredited simulators in ESIC's programs has improved student learning through contact with real business experiences throughout their training period.
The EFMD's CEL accreditation by ESIC reinforces the School's initiative in the use of business simulators as a suitable learning methodology for students participating in its programs.
+ information Click here to see the certificatePrinciples for Responsible Management Education (PRME)
ESIC Business & Marketing School joined Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) on November 25, 2010. PRME's mission is to inspire and promote responsible management education, research and thought leadership worldwide.
ESIC, from its Social Responsibility Project, develops programs aimed at achieving this purpose from four areas: academic, social, business and research. The School is an academic institution committed to its mission and values. ESIC, as a participant of PRME on a biannual basis, provides a Progress Report on the activities developed around the principles of PRME. For more information visit PRME y ESIC Social Responsibility.
The QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM of ESIC Sede Madrid certified by ANECA under the AUDIT Program.
El marco EEES y los nuevos cambios introducidos en la normativa española, establecen que las universidades deben garantizar en sus actuaciones el cumplimiento de los objetivos asociados a las enseñanzas que imparten, buscando además su mejora continua. Por ello, las universidades deben contar con políticas y Sistemas de Garantía Interna de Calidad (SGIC) formalmente establecidos y públicamente disponibles. AUDIT es la denominación del modelo de referencia para los sistemas de calidad en el sistema universitario español. La certificación AUDIT está bajo el nuevo marco regulatorio europeo de educación superior, cuya implantación está regulada por el Ministerio de Educación Español, a través de la mencionada agencia estatal.
En julio de 2014 el campus Madrid de ESIC recibió, por parte de la Comisión de Certificación constituida por ANECA, el informe favorable sin condiciones sobre la implantación de su Sistema de Garantía Interna de Calidad bajo el Modelo de referencia AUDIT. La certificación Audit supone para ESIC un reconocimiento oficial consecuencia del esfuerzo que está realizando hacia un modelo de gestión enfocada a la garantía de la calidad formativa que ofrece a su alumnado. En febrero de 2019, el Campus de Madrid ha renovado exitosamente la Certificación Audit.
AUDIT Campus Madrid 2014 AUDIT Campus Implementation Certification Report
Certificate of AUDIT Campus Madrid 2014 IMPLEMENTATION
Follow-up Report on the Certification of the Implementation of AUDIT Madrid and Valencia Campuses 2015
Follow-up Report on the Certification of the Implementation of AUDIT Madrid and Valencia Campuses 2016
Follow-up Report on the Certification of the Implementation of AUDIT Campus Madrid and Valencia 2017.
Renewal of the AUDIT Campus Madrid 2018 Implementation Certification.
View publication of AUDIT Certification Reports in ANECA
The QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM of ESIC Sede Valencia certified by ANECA under the AUDIT Program.
El marco EEES y los nuevos cambios introducidos en la normativa española, establecen que las universidades deben garantizar en sus actuaciones el cumplimiento de los objetivos asociados a las enseñanzas que imparten, buscando además su mejora continua. Por ello, las universidades deben contar con políticas y Sistemas de Garantía Interna de Calidad (SGIC) formalmente establecidos y públicamente disponibles. AUDIT es la denominación del modelo de referencia para los sistemas de calidad en el sistema universitario español. La certificación AUDIT está bajo el nuevo marco regulatorio europeo de educación superior, cuya implantación está regulada por el Ministerio de Educación Español, a través de la mencionada agencia estatal.
En julio de 2014 el campus Valencia de ESIC recibió, por parte de la Comisión de Certificación constituida por ANECA, el informe favorable sin condiciones sobre la implantación de su Sistema de Garantía Interna de Calidad. La certificación Audit supone para ESIC un reconocimiento oficial consecuencia del esfuerzo que está realizando hacia un modelo de gestión enfocada a la garantía de la calidad formativa que ofrece a su alumnado. En febrero de 2019, el Campus de Valencia ha renovado exitosamente la Certificación Audit.
AUDIT Valencia Campus 2014 Certification Report on the IMPLEMENTATION of AUDIT Campus Valencia.
Certificate of AUDIT Campus Valencia 2014 IMPLEMENTATION
Follow-up Report on the Certification of the Implementation of AUDIT Madrid and Valencia Campuses 2015
Follow-up Report on the Certification of the Implementation of AUDIT Madrid and Valencia Campuses 2016
Follow-up Report on the Certification of the Implementation of AUDIT Campus Madrid and Valencia 2017.
Renewal of the AUDIT Valencia Campus Implementation Certification 2018
View publication of AUDIT Certification Reports in ANECA
ESIC's QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM certified by ANECA under the AUDIT Program.
El marco EEES y los nuevos cambios introducidos en la normativa española, establecen que las universidades deben garantizar en sus actuaciones el cumplimiento de los objetivos asociados a las enseñanzas que imparten, buscando además su mejora continua. Por ello, las universidades deben contar con políticas y Sistemas de Garantía Interna de Calidad (SGIC) formalmente establecidos y públicamente disponibles. AUDIT es la denominación del modelo de referencia para los sistemas de calidad en el sistema universitario español. La certificación AUDIT está bajo el nuevo marco regulatorio europeo de educación superior, cuya implantación está regulada por el Ministerio de Educación Español, a través de la mencionada agencia estatal.
En octubre de 2010 todos los campus de ESIC recibieron, por parte de la Comisión de Certificación constituida por ANECA, el informe favorable sin condiciones sobre el diseño de su Sistema de Garantía Interna de Calidad.
AUDIT DESIGN Certification Report 2010
In the assessment of teacher quality assurance, a fundamental element is the performance of their teaching activity. Thus, knowing how the teacher plans, develops, evaluates and improves his or her teaching is key to making a judgment on his or her teaching competence.
The DOCENTIA Program was born out of the recommendations for Quality Assurance in Higher Education institutions developed by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), which establishes that institutions must have the means to guarantee that their teaching staff is qualified and competent for teaching. The program also takes into account the standards established by internationally recognized organizations in the field of personnel evaluation, such as The Personnel Evaluation Standards, developed by The Joint Committee of Standards for Educational Evaluation.
ESIC joins the Docentia Program and receives an EXCELLENT Rating in the Model designed for the Evaluation of the Teaching Activity of its Faculty.
ANECA's Evaluation Commission congratulates ESIC Business & Marketing School for the production of an excellent manual, clear and complete in all its details, and which fits perfectly with the objectives and models of the Docentia program.
+ information Click here to see the certificate9 ESIC Bachelor's and 5 Master's Degrees evaluated POSITIVELY by ANECA
The VERIFICA program evaluates proposals for degree curricula designed in accordance with the European Higher Education Area.
ANECA, cumpliendo con el Real Decreto Real Decreto 1393/2007 de 29 de octubre, ha evaluado positivamente los planes de estudio, de acuerdo con sus protocolos y guías de verificación, presentados por ESIC, como Centro Universitario Adscrito a la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, a la Universidad Miguel Hernández y a la Universidad San Jorge.
Therefore, ESIC offers the Degrees accredited by the Verifica Program:
- Official Degree in Marketing from URJC University (Madrid)
- Official Degree in Business Administration from Universidad URJC (Madrid)
- Official Degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the URJC University (Madrid).
- Official Degree in Digital Business Management from the URJC University (Madrid, Spain).
- Official Degree in Business Administration from the UMH University (Valencia)
- Official Degree in Communication and Public Relations from the UMH University (Valencia).
- Official Degree in Commercial Management and Marketing from the UMH University (Valencia, Spain)
- Official Degree in International Business from the UMH University (Valencia, Spain)
- Official Degree in Marketing from the USJ University (Zaragoza)
- Máster Universitario en Dirección de Personas y Desarrollo Organizativo por la Universidad URJC (Madrid)
- Máster Universitario en Dirección de Comunicación y Nuevas Tecnologías por la Universidad URJC (Madrid)
- Máster Universitario en Gestión Comercial por la Universidad URJC (Madrid)
- Máster Universitario en Dirección de Personas y Desarrollo Organizativo por la Universidad UMH (Valencia)
- Máster Universitario en Marketing y Gestión Digital por la Universidad UMH (Valencia)
Profesorado del Claustro Universitario de ESIC Acreditados bajo el Programa PEP otorgado por ANECA
The National Accreditation Program for Access to the University Teaching Corps (PEP Program) evaluates the profile of applicants for access to the university teaching corps in private university centers.
ESIC faculty members are accredited under this PEP accreditation program, granted by ANECA, and/or by the Accreditation Program of the Regional Evaluation Agencies.
5 undergraduate and 4 master's degrees at ESIC renew their accreditation by the Foundation for Knowledge Madri+d and AVAP
5 undergraduate and 4 master's degrees at ESIC renew their accreditation by the Foundation for Knowledge Madri+d and AVAP
The ACREDITA program carries out an assessment for the renewal of the initial accreditation of official degrees.
ANECA, cumpliendo con el Real Decreto 1393/2007 de 29 de octubre, ha emitido informes de acreditación positivos, de acuerdo con sus protocolos y guías de renovación, para los títulos presentados por ESIC, como Centro Universitario Adscrito a la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y a la Universidad Miguel Hernández, ante la Fundación para el conocimiento Madri+d y la Agència Valenciana d'Avaluació i Prospectiva (AVAP) respectivamente.
Therefore, ESIC offers the following degrees accredited by the Program ACREDITA:
- 23/10/2015. Máster Universitario en Gestión Comercial por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (ESIC Madrid) Registro de Renovación en RUCT
- 23/02/2016. Graduate in Communication and Public Relations from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (ESIC Valencia). Renewal Registration in RUCT
- 20/07/2016. Graduate in Business Administration and Management from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (ESIC Valencia). Renewal Registration in RUCT
- 04/10/2016. Máster Universitario en Dirección de Personas y Desarrollo Organizativo por la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (ESIC Valencia) Registro de Renovación en RUCT
- 23/06/2017. Graduate in Advertising and Public Relations from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (ESIC Madrid). Renewal Registration in RUCT
- 23/02/2018. Máster Universitario en Dirección de Personas y Desarrollo Organizativo por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (ESIC Madrid) Registro de Renovación en RUCT
- 23/02/2018. Máster Universitario en Dirección de Comunicación y Nuevas Tecnologías por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (ESIC Madrid) Registro de Renovación en RUCT
- 23/02/2018. Graduate in Business Administration and Management from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (ESIC Madrid). Renewal Registration in RUCT
- 23/02/2018. Graduate in Marketing (ESIC Madrid) Renewal Registration in RUCT
ESIC's Quality Management System certified under the ISO 9001:2015 Standard. ES Certificate | EN Certificate
ESIC's Quality Management System certified under the ISO 9001:2015 Standard.
ESIC has certified its Quality Management System under the ISO 9001:2015 Standard by the BSI Certification Company.
Click here to see the EN certificate
Click here to see the EN certificate
The scope of the certificate is:
Design and delivery of Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Executive Education (training, consulting and advice to Companies, Socioeconomic Entities and Public Institutions) and language and learning programs on technological platforms. Recruitment process, attention to participants (students and companies), provision of training, complementary and loyalty services.
In our concern to improve every day, we initiated a Continuous Improvement Project, whose objective is to articulate throughout the School the processes and sufficient resources to implement a Quality Policy towards Excellence. Obtaining this certification has meant an important recognition to the effort developed in this sense.
If you want to study Business, Marketing or Technology, we present the most specialized offer in these disciplines in Spain.
We open the doors to the world and you can enjoy our lifetime employment opportunities.
If you want to start your business, receive advice or access to our business incubator, you are in the right place.
ESIC Alumni
You will be part of a community of more than 66,000 alumni around the world.
A reference in innovation and vanguard. A driving force for the growth and development of those who will be the creators of tomorrow.
Committed to training and ethics.
Learn Business, Marketing and Technology from anywhere in the world, at your own pace.