Grado Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas en Madrid | ESIC Skip to main content
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Meeting point Madrid
Meeting point Official Degree + Specialization Diploma (4 years) / Official Degree + Higher Degree (5 years)
Meeting point Condiciones Económicas / Precios por curso. Sujeto a modificaciones 10.800 €/ 11. 700 €

En nuestro grado en publicidad y relaciones públicas adquirirás las competencias necesarias para ser un gran profesional formándote en la gestión y el desarrollo de la publicidad, las relaciones públicas, la comunicación y el marketing, para la gestión estratégica de las empresas. Conocerás como se han realizado las campañas de publicidad más exitosas, podrás poner en práctica todos los conocimientos mediante casos y prácticas en empresas, y adquirirás habilidades que te harán destacar en el mercado.  

You will build a key professional network that will allow you to go further, connect with expert professors and passionate peers like you. 

Tu futuro en la publicidad y relaciones públicas comienza aquí. 

Itinerarios del Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas

Official Degree +
Specialization Diploma

  • Duration 4 years
  • Precio 10.800 €
  • Official Degree Credits 240 ECTS
  • Credits Diploma 48 ECTS

+ Diploma in Management Skills

+ Diploma in Digital Tools and Multimedia

Official Degree
+ Higher Degree

  • Duration 5 years
  • Price 11.700 €.
  • Official Degree Credits 240 ECTS
  • Credits Higher Degree 135 ECTS

+ Higher Degree in Digital Business 

+ Título Superior en Dirección de Marketing 

+ Higher Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

+ Higher Degree in Sustainability Management


*Mandatory fields

¿Por qué estudiar un grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas?

Estudiando el Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas disfrutarás una calidad académica de prestigio, un enfoque práctico de los contenidos y el desarrollo de tus habilidades como trabajo en equipo, comunicación, liderazgo, innovación y networking.  




Immerse yourself in an unparalleled hands-on experience, where every class is an opportunity to apply your knowledge to real projects, work with leading companies and participate in simulated business challenges. We know that theory alone is not enough. That's why we use group projects, real cases and in-company internships to prepare you to face challenges in the working world. 

Nuestro Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas en 2024 ha sido seleccionado como el mejor valorado y más demandado a nivel nacional por tercer año consecutivo.  


Studying a degree at ESIC University means acquiring a comprehensive preparation that combines theory, practice and skills development, enabling you to stand out as a solid professional in the business world. We offer you all the tools you need to enter the job market with confidence and social commitment, fostering the development of individual talent and values such as solidarity, diversity and critical thinking. Our innovative approach and network of contacts will provide you with unique opportunities to boost your professional and personal career.


El perfil de estudiante ideal para nuestro grado en ESIC University es un perfil creativo y con habilidades sociales. Un espíritu apasionado por aprender a crear campañas creativas y llamativas, siempre alineadas con la filosofía de la marca el estilo corporativo que se haya definido.

Mentalidad digital y onmicanal para identificar nuevas tecnologías y soportes para establecer líneas estratégicas, además tiene facilidad para trabajar en equipo y aportar ideas creativas. 


Competencias del Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas


Creatividad al elaborar campañas, pilar clave en el diseño y creación de mensajes capaces de llamar la atención para conseguir los objetivos de posicionamiento y crear engagement.


Podrás gestionar proyectos digitales en medios, conocerás herramientas para gestionar eficazmente el tiempo y el espacio publicitario de los medios para alcanzar los objetivos de comunicación y marketing de un anunciante.


Aprenderás a diseñar eventos desde la planificación hasta la ejecución, punto clave para cualquier empresa en la promoción de la cultura empresarial y la marca, en el fortalecimiento de la imagen corporativa y las relaciones con la comunidad empresarial.


Dirección y gestión de la comunicación, aprenderás a planificar estratégicamente las áreas de comunicación de una empresa, con implicaciones en la imagen y reputación de esta. 


Descubre los itinerarios académicos con el Grado Oficial en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas [GRPUB].


We open the doors of the world to you.

  • A partir de 3º de carrera
  • Estancias mínimas de 6 meses
  • Acceso a los programas Erasmus, Munde-ESIC y Horizon

Academic program and subjects

Discover the Academic Program that fits your needs

Select one of the two itineraries to see the academic program and its specific subjects.

1st semester

Historia del Mundo Actual 6 FB
Lenguaje en la Publicidad y la Empresa 6 FB
Marketing 6 OB
Principios de Economía 6 FB
Teorías de la Comunicación 6 FB
English I 6 P
Introduction to Marketing 3 P
Digital Ecosystem 3 P
Language I 6 P
English I 6 P
Business Models I: Product-Market Fit 3 P
English I 6 P
Introduction to Sustainability 3 P
English I 6 DEHD
Project planning: Ms Project 3 DEHDM
Digital Image Editing: Photoshop 3 DEHDM

2nd semester

Estructura Social Contemporánea 6 FB
Fundamentos de la Publicidad 6 OB
Fundamentos de las Relaciones Públicas 6 OB
Nuevas Tecnologías y Sociedad de la Información 6 FB
Teoría de la Información 6 OB
Anthropology 3 P
English II 6 P
Digital Art 3 P
Language II 6 P
English II 6 P
Agile Methodologies 3 P
English II 6 P
Global Challenges: From Globalization to Sustainable Development Goals 3 P
English II 6 DEHD
Vectorial Design and Infographics: Illustrator 3 DEHDM
Audiovisual Narrative and Video Editing: Premiere 3 DEHDM

1st semester

Organización y Administración de Empresas 6 FB
Planificación Estratégica Publicitaria 6 OB
Sociología del Consumo 6 OB
Documentación Informativa 6 OB
Ppios. Jurídicos Básicos: Deontología Profesional e Igualdad 6 FB
English III 6 P
Investigación Científica 4,5 P
Robotics 4,5 P
Language III 6 P
Business Models II: Social Entrepreneurship 3 P
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem I 3 P
Critical Spirit 3 P
Stakeholder Engagement 3 P
Social Challenges: Human Rights, Poverty and Inequalities 4,5 P
Critical Spirit 3 P
English III 6 DEHD
Motion Graphics and 3D: After Effects 3 DEHDM
Information Architecture & UX: Invision, XD, Optimize 360 3 DEHDM

2nd semester

Dirección de Comunicación 6 OB
Estrategias Creativas en Publicidad 6 OB
Lenguaje y Tecnologías Audiovisuales 6 OB
Derecho de la Comunicación 6 FB
Christian Social Thought 3 P
Analysis and Trend Search 4,5 P
Anthropology 3 P
Web Programming 4,5 P
Christian Social Thought 3 P
Negotiation Methodologies and Come 4,5 P
Anthropology 3 P
Environmental Challenges: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Waste 4,5 P
Anthropology 3 DEHD
Multimedia 3 DEHD
Web Page Creation: WordPress 3 DEHDM
Anthropology 3 DEHDM


Idioma Moderno (Inglés IV) 6 FB

1st semester

Creatividad en la Elaboración del Mensaje Publicitario 6 OB
Planificación Estratégica de las Relaciones Públicas 6 OB
Técnicas y Recursos de Relaciones Públicas 6 OB
Diseño Gráfico y Dirección de Arte 6 OB
Estructura del Sistema de Medios Publicitarios 6 OB
Negociación Comercial 4,5 P
Christian Social Thought 3 P
Web Design 6 P
Personal Skills I: Personal Branding and Networking 4,5 P
Business Models III: Intrapreneurship 3 P
Personal Skills I: Negotiation, Networking and Partnerships 3 P
Christian Social Thought 3 P
Generation of Digital Spaces 3 DEHD
Critical Spirit 3 DEHD
SEO, SEM and ASO: Google Tools, Semrush, Sistrix 3 DEHDM
e-Commerce Creation: Prestashop, Magento 3 DEHDM

2nd semester

Procesos Periodísticos y Relaciones con los Medios 6 OB
Gestión de la Comunicación 6 OB
Empresa Publicitaria y Gestión de Cuentas 6 OB
Investigación de Audiencias y Planificación de Medios 6 OB
Comunicación Digital Multimedia 6 OB
Consumer Behavior 4,5 P
Business Ethics 3 P
Business Ethics 3 P
Anthropology 3 P
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem II: Financial and Legal 3 P
Narrative Methodologies 4,5 P
Personal Skills II: Leadership, Coaching and Team Management 3 P
Multiculturality Management 3 P
Christian Social Thought 3 DEHD
Creative Development 3 DEHD
SEO Audit: Screamming Frog, SEO meta in one click 3 DEHDM
Christian Social Thought 3 DEHDM

1st semester

Academic Credit Recognition 6 OB
Métodos de Investigación en Comunicación 6 OB
Elective 1 6 OP
Elective 2 6 OP
Elective 3 6 OP


Internships 24 OB
Final Degree Project 6 OB

Optativaº semestre

Publicidad Interactiva 6 OP
Publicidad y Cultura de Masas 6 OP
Redacción Publicitaria 6 OP
Opinión Pública 6 OP
Arte y Cultura Contemporánea 6 OP
Psicología de la Comunicación 6 OP
Relaciones Públicas Especializadas 6 OP
Cultura e Imagen de la Empresa 6 OP
Estadística Aplicada a la Comunicación 6 OP

2nd semester

Product Marketing 4,5 P
Pricing 4,5 P
Autodiagnóstico 3 P
Trade and Retail Marketing 4,5 P
Markcom 4,5 P
Leadership 3 P
Creation of Digital Spaces 4,5 P
Databases 4,5 P
Design Thinking 4,5 P
Data Driven Marketing 4,5 P
Market Research 3 P
Business Ethics 3 P
Business Models IV: Go to Market 3 P
Personal Skills II: Leadership, Self-Management and Team Management 3 P
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem III: Attendance at Trade Fairs, Companies, Bootcamps, Awards 3 P
E-Markets 4,5 P
ESIC Garage I: Team Coach 6 P
Business Ethics 3 P
Impact Measurement 4,5 P
Energy Transition 4,5 P
Responsible Consumption and Production 3 P
ESIC Service Learning I: Volunteering in the Community 6 P
Mindlab 3 DEHD
Business Ethics 3 DEHD
Leadership 3 DEHD
My Digital Footprint 3 DEHD
Data Visualization in BSS Intelligence: PowerBi, Tableau 3 DEHDM
Customer Management and Community Management: SalesForce 3 DEHDM
Business Ethics 3 DEHDM
Diploma Thesis 3 DEHDM

1st semester

Sales Management 4,5 P
Marketing Management 4,5 P
Digital Marketing Strategies 4,5 P
Marketing Intelligence 4,5 P
Digital Marketing Metrics and Analytics 4,5 P
Data Driven Marketing 4,5 P
My Digital Footprint 4,5 P
Dashboarding 6 P
Enterprise Resource Planning ERP 6 P
Machine Learning 4,5 P
Advanced Digital Analytics 4,5 P
Digital Talent Management 4,5 P
Advanced Digital Marketing Strategies 4,5 P
Advanced E-Commerce 6 P
Digital Production I 6 P
Global Innovation: Processes, Product and Structure 4,5 P
Elective 1 3 P
Elective 2 4,5 P
ESIC Garage II: Team Coach 12 P
Sustainability Management 6 P
Reporting and Accountability 4,5 P
Demographics, Transportation and Mobility: Smart Cities 3 P
Personal Skills III: Public Speaking, Debate and Interpretation 3 P
New Economies 4,5 P
ESIC Service Learning II: Social Business Consulting 12 P

2nd semester

Glocal Marketing 4,5 P
E-Markets 4,5 P
Global Communication 4,5 P
Decision Making 4,5 P
Marketing Plan 4,5 P
Finanzas de Marketing 4,5 P
Transformación y Cambio 4,5 P
Business Intelligence 6 P
Social Media Management 4,5 P
Fintech & Blockchain 4,5 P
ESIC Garage 6 P
Financing Resources for Digital Entrepreneurship 4,5 P
Advanced Digital Business Models 4,5 P
Digital Production II 6 P
Global Mindset 4,5 P
Elective 3 4,5 P
Personal Skills III: Public Speaking, Debate and Interpretation 3 P
ESIC Garage III: Team Coach 12 P
Corporate Governance 3 P
CSR 4,5 P
Circular Economy 4,5 P
International Scenario: Global Institutions in International Trade and Policy 4,5 P
Sustainable Investment - ESG 4,5 P
ESIC Service Learning III: Social Entrepreneurship 12 P




Dirigir y coordinar todas las actividades de comunicación de una organización, tanto internas como externas, con el fin de construir y proteger la reputación de la empresa y fortalecer su relación con los stakeholders. 

 Tiene la responsabilidad de gestionar la comunicación entre una organización y su público objetivo, con el fin de construir y mantener una imagen positiva y una buena reputación.     

Realización y gestión de eventos desde la planificación hasta la ejecución. Juega un papel crucial en la planificación y ejecución de eventos, asegurando que todo se desarrolle sin contratiempos y que se cumplan los objetivos establecidos. 

Se llevan a cabo una serie de actividades orientadas a crear y creación de contenido publicitario persuasivos con el fin de promover productos llegando al target de una manera efectiva, seleccionando en que canales offline u online se colocarán para lograr el impacto deseado.

His responsibilities within social media include creating and publishing content, interacting with the audience, analyzing metrics and developing strategies to increase engagement and reach across platforms.

La publicidad y el marketing están totalmente interrelacionados en el contexto de la promoción de productos, servicios o marcas, y trabajan juntos para alcanzar los objetivos de negocio de una empresa mediante la comunicación efectiva con el público objetivo, por lo tanto también es una posible salida laboral.  




ESIC's Professional Development Unit is made up of a team of professionals dedicated to boosting your professional career, whether you are studying in the classroom or as an Alumni. You can count on the UDP if you need to enter the world of work, as they have their own employability portal, although they also collaborate with international portals, fairs and employability events.

We have +6,400 internship offers with more than 3,000 job offers in which more than 2,000 students have completed internships. Some companies: BBVA, Telefónica, Warner Bros, Mapfre, Amazon.


University exchange within the European educational space.

European Union countries

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For 3rd, 4th and 5th year students In the case of single Official Degrees it will be a maximum of one year, either full or two separate semesters. In the case of Double Degrees (Official Degrees + Higher Degrees) it will be a maximum of 3 semesters**.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

**The maximum of 3 semesters could be separated into one semester each year (one semester in 3rd, one semester in 4th and one semester in 5th) or a full year in 3rd and one semester in 4th or 5th year.

The Erasmus scholarship depends on the country of destination.

University exchange within the non-European educational area.

Asia, Africa, Latin America, America.

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For students of 3rd, 4th and 5th year In the case of single Official Degrees it will be a maximum of one year, either full or two separate semesters. In the case of Double Degrees (Official Degrees + Higher Degrees) it will be a maximum of 3 semesters**.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

**The maximum of 3 semesters could be separated into one semester each year (one semester in 3rd, one semester in 4th and one semester in 5th) or a full year in 3rd and one semester in 4th or 5th year.

The amount corresponding to the course at ESIC will be paid.

University exchange in multiple destinations according to agreements.

United States, Ireland and France.

It can be one semester or two semesters (one full year) *.

For 3rd and 4th year students It will be a maximum of one year, either a full year or two separate semesters.

*If the stay is for a full year, it must be done in the 3rd year.

This program entails payment of training at the host university and payment of the course fee at ESIC.

The student can look for a destination of his/her preference to make an agreement and be able to carry out this mobility program in that destination.

University exchange for students of the Higher Degree in Global Marketing Management and for 5th year students studying a Double Degree (Official Degree + Higher Degree).


Stay for only one semester, either the 1st or 2nd semester. In the case of Dual Degrees, it may be your third international semester.

Mobility to add an official degree from the country of destination by studying abroad for one year.

France, Germany and Amsterdam.

For 3rd year students.

Short-term summer mobility.

Destinations such as London or the USA

Depending on the destination, the duration varies from 2 to 6 weeks.

  • Official accreditation certificate in the language in which the mobility is to be carried out and, in some cases, a specific certification requested by the host university. The level and score of the language varies according to the destination and institution.
  • If you are studying for a Bachelor's Degree in English, you must have a minimum level of B2 or equivalent.
  • If you are studying an Official Degree at Spanish, you must have a minimum level of C1 or equivalent.
  • For destinations in the United States: TOEFL or IELTS.
  • Depending on the destination or program, you must have passed all the courses of the first year at the time of application.
  • The application for the chosen mobility program must be made in the year prior to the year in which the mobility is to be carried out.

*International destinations are limited, subject to change.

All international options incur additional costs.


We will accompany you throughout the process, guiding and advising you to choose the best option for your professional career.

1 orientation

  1. Request information by leaving your contact information and you will receive confirmation of your request.
  2. The admissions team will contact you to coordinate a personalized counseling.

2 requirements and

After the orientation, you will need to arrange with your counselor a day to take the admission tests, which you can take any day of the week.

In addition, you will need to send the required scanned documentation to your consultant before testing.

3 admission
admission tests

The tests are conducted in the language of the degree you wish to study (Spanish or English). It consists of 3 phases and lasts approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.

  1. Motivation Letter.
  2. Business Case
  3. English test*.

* This test is not exclusive. Candidates who have an official English certificate do not need to take this language test.


Once you pass the admission tests, you will receive a pre-enrollment letter. To secure your place, you must pay the reservation and registration fees within the period indicated by your advisor.

The formalization of the enrollment will take place when you have access to the virtual campus and the corresponding period opens.

The Student Services Office will advise you on the next steps to take.


Are you thinking of pursuing a university degree after finishing your Higher Level Training Cycle or do you simply want to change universities?

  • - Gather the necessary information to make your application for credit recognition.
  • - We will evaluate your application and we will give you an answer as soon as possible with the credit recognition study.
  • - Once the results have been received, you will be able to apply for the admission test for the Official Higher Degree in which you are interested.
More information


Financial issues should not be an obstacle that prevents you from achieving your goals. Make sure you have a training with a future.

  • - National Mobility
  • - International Alumni
  • - Academic Excellence
  • - Enrolled Siblings
  • - Alumni
  • - Large Family
  • - Single Parent Family
  • - Entrepreneurship
  • - Diversity Scholarship
  • - ESIC Study Grants
  • - Doctorates
  • - Agreement with educational centers
  • - ESIC CFGS Students
  • - Agreement with companies
More information

Where is it taught?

ESIC University

ESIC University Campus

Cam. Valdenigriales, S/N
Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid
View in Google Maps


91 452 41 67

Madrid Excelente

On-site modality

Language: Spanish


El Diploma consiste en tener asignaturas complementarias durante tu Grado y en 4 años te otorgarán el título del Grado más el diploma. En cambio, con el Título Superior tendrás asignaturas complementarias durante el grado más un 5º año exclusivo de asignaturas del título. Por lo tanto, acabarás tu experiencia universitaria en 5 años con el título del Grado y el del Título Superior

Depending on the type of scholarship or grant there is a different deadline. You can access this link to check them.

Yes, you can study our Higher Degree in Global Marketing Management at ESIC University, which is the degree with the highest degree of specialization in marketing and a reference in Spain.


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