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Basic Capabilities:

CB1 Que los estudiantes hayan demostrado poseer y comprender conocimientos en un área de estudio que parte de la base de la educación secundaria general, y se suele encontrar a un nivel que, si bien se apoya en libros de texto avanzados, incluye también algunos aspectos que implican conocimientos procedentes de la vanguardia de su campo de estudio.
CB2 Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar sus conocimientos a su trabajo o vocación de una forma profesional y posean las competencias que suelen demostrarse por medio de la elaboración y defensa de argumentos y la resolución de problemas dentro de su área de estudio.
CB3 Que los estudiantes tengan la capacidad de reunir e interpretar datos relevantes (normalmente dentro de su área de estudio) para emitir juicios que incluyan una reflexión sobre temas relevantes de índole social, científica o ética.
CB4 Que los estudiantes puedan transmitir información, ideas, problemas y soluciones a un público tanto especializado como no especializado.
CB5 Que los estudiantes hayan desarrollado aquellas habilidades de aprendizaje necesarias para emprender estudios posteriores con un alto grado de autonomía.

General Capabilities:

CG1 Ser capaz de identificar, reconocer y comprender los problemas básicos de la rama de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. / Identify, recognise and understand the basic problems of the Social and Legal Sciences field.
CG2 Utilizar herramientas e instrumentos para abordar adecuadamente los fenómenos objeto de estudio. / Use tools and instruments to adequately address the phenomena under study.
CG3 Capacidad para reconocer e identificar las administraciones, empresas, instituciones y organizaciones en general, reglamentaciones y procedimientos necesarios para abordar proyectos y otras actividades. / Become familiar with basic information of administrations, companies, institutions and organisations. Also, the regulations and procedures necessary to tackle projects and other activities.
CG4 Capacidad para planificar, dirigir y controlar el trabajo empresarial, respetando la legalidad, competitividad empresarial, los valores éticos, morales, medioambientales y desarrollo sostenible. / Plan, technically manage and control processes and tasks, respecting the values, rights and legal obligations, business competitiveness, the protection and conservation of the environment and sustainable development.
CG5 Aplicar correctamente herramientas para solucionar problemas de la rama de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. / Correctly apply tools to solve problems in the Social and Legal Sciences field.
CG6 Capacidad para aportar ideas innovadoras y creativas en mercados, proyectos y acciones empresariales y comerciales. / Work for innovation in markets, projects, and other forms of business and commercial actions.
CG7 Capacidad de análisis y pensamiento crítico. / Have critical and analytical skills.
CG8 Capacidad para tomar decisiones, evaluando los diferentes criterios y posturas existentes. / Accept, compare and evaluate different criteria and positions for decision making.
CG9 Comunicarse usando lenguajes formales, gráficos y simbólicos, tanto mediante la expresión oral como la escrita. / Communicate using formal, graphic and symbolic languages, both through oral and written expression.
CG10 Gestionar y coordinar recursos humanos para la ejecución de proyectos. / Manage and coordinate human resources for the execution of projects.
CG11 Trabajar en equipo, con especial atención a la igualdad de género y a los grupos multidisciplinares y multiculturales. / Work as a team, with particular attention to gender equality and multidisciplinary and multicultural groups.
CG12 Capacidad de aprendizaje autónomo en la rama de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. / Have the ability to update knowledge in the Social and Legal Sciences field.
CG13 Capacidad para adquirir los conocimientos fundamentales de la rama de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. / Have the ability to consolidate, expand and integrate the fundamental knowledge of the Social and Legal Sciences field.
CG14 Capacidad para identificar y reconocer metodologías y destrezas de autoaprendizaje para adaptarse a los nuevos conocimientos y avances científicos, a la evolución de las demandas, adoptando aptitudes innovadoras y creativas en el ejercicio de la profesión. / Have self-learning methodologies and skills to adapt to new knowledge and scientific advances, according to the evolving demand needs, adopting innovative and creative aptitudes in the professional working environment.

Specific Competencies:

CE1 Capacidad para identificar e interpretar los fundamentos del Derecho, con especial incidencia en los ámbitos Mercantil, Laboral y Tributario, así como para llevar a cabo su aplicación a la actividad empresarial internacional. Interpret the fundamentals of Law, with particular influence in the Commercial, Labour and Tax areas, as well as to carry out its application to business activity.
CE2 Analizar los problemas generales en el ámbito del Derecho Mercantil, Laboral y Tributario. Analyse general problems in the field of Commercial, Labour and Tax Law.
CE3 Relacionar los conocimientos sobre las teorías e instituciones económicas fundamentales en el ámbito internacional. Connect knowledge about fundamental economic theories and institutions.
CE4 El alumno conocerá y sabrá utilizar nuevas tecnologías relacionadas con el ámbito empresarial y de su entorno económico. Perceive and value the importance of new technologies in the business environment and its economic environment.
CE5 Analizar los problemas generales en el ámbito de la microeconomía y la macroeconomía. Analyse general problems in the field of microeconomics and macroeconomics.
CE6 Analizar la relación entre la empresa y su entorno económico, distinguiendo las áreas funcionales: producción, inversión, financiación y comercialización, así como la técnica contable para obtener la situación económico-financiera con especial énfasis en las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Analyse the relationship between the company and its economic environment, distinguishing the functional areas: production, investment, financing and marketing, as well as the accounting technique to obtain the economicfinancial situation with particular emphasis on small and medium-sized companies.
CE7 Relacionar los conocimientos sobre el funcionamiento y registro de la actividad empresarial singularmente en casos de pequeñas y medianas empresas. Relate knowledge about the operation and registration of business activity, especially in cases of small and medium-sized companies.
CE8 El alumno será capaz de identificar y analizar los problemas generales en el ámbito de la empresa y los mercados internacionales. Analyse general problems in the sphere of business and markets.
CE9 Detectar las tendencias emergentes y los principales cambios que se producen en el entorno global en el que se desarrolla la actividad de una organización. Detect emerging trends and the main changes that occur in the global environment where the company operates.
CE10 Identificar y comprender las políticas económicas implantadas por los organismos competentes a nivel internacional y su efecto en el ámbito empresarial. Understand the economic policies implemented by the competent international organisations. es. Understand how cultural factors.
CE11 Identificar las zonas geopolíticas del mundo y ser capaz de entender su idiosincrasia y sus proyecciones de futuro. Identify the geopolitical areas of the world and be able to understand their idiosyncrasies and their future projections.
CE12 Conocer el sistema jurídico que sustenta las relaciones empresariales en mercados internacionales y aplicarlo en la resolución de problemas legislativos internacionales. Know the legal system that supports business relations in international markets and apply it to solving international legislative problems.
CE13 Capacidad para integrarse en un equipo de trabajo multidisciplinar y multicultural. Develop professional activity in work teams with high cultural diversity.
CE14 Planificar e implementar acciones de marketing que faciliten la consecución de los objetivos de la empresa en los mercados internacionales. Plan and implement marketing actions that facilitate the achievement of the company's objectives in international markets.
CE15 Entender y aplicar las nuevas tecnologías como un conjunto de herramientas de comercialización de alcance global. Understand and apply new technologies as a set of global marketing tools.
CE16 El alumno será capaz de identificar y comprender las bases y elementos que componen la politica exterior de un país y su efecto en el ámbito empresarial. Understand the foundations and elements that make up the foreign policy of a country.
CE17 Capacidad para describir los aspectos básicos de las principales instituciones económicas internacionales, así como su composición y funciones. Understand the basic aspects of the main international economic institutions.
CE18 Diseñar e implantar un plan de marketing internacional. Design and implement an international marketing plan.
CE19 Planificar y poner en práctica proyectos de emprendimiento y otro tipo de iniciativas para la internacionalización de la empresa. Plan and implement entrepreneurship projects and other types of initiatives for the internationalisation of the company.
CE20 Conocer los principales sistemas, procesos y normativas relacionadas con el transporte internacional de mercancías. Know the main systems, processes and regulations related to the international transport of goods.
CE21 Conocer el conjunto de actividades incluidas en los procesos logísticos y de distribución de productos en el ámbito internacional. Know the set of activities included in the logistics and product distribution processes.
CE22 Conocer y utilizar métodos para el análisis de problemas de corte cuantitativo. Know and use methods for the analysis of quantitative problems.
CE23 Capacidad de comunicación y comprensión oral y escrita en una lengua extranjera, empleando terminología específica del ámbito de los negocios internacionales. Acquire fluency in oral and written business communication in a foreign language.
CE24 Saber analizar y sintetizar información para utilizarla en los sistemas de dirección y gestión propios de la empresa. Know how to analyse and synthesise information for it to be used in the company's management control systems.
CE25 Capacidad para analizar, calcular, investigar e interpretar datos de fuentes diversas, en el contexto de negocios internacionales. Search, organise, analyse and interpret data from various sources, in a systematic way.
CE26 Identificar y emprender iniciativas empresariales y profesionales en nuevos mercados. Identify and undertake business and professional initiatives in new markets.
CE27 Entender el funcionamiento de los canales de distribución en el proceso de comercialización y ser capaz de utilizar el más adecuado en cada situación o necesidad. Understand the operation of distribution channels in the marketing process and be able to use the most appropriate one in each situation or need.
CE28 Conocer los fundamentos cambiarios y financieros en la actual economía internacional. Know the foreign currency exchange and financial fundamentals in the current international economy.
CE29 Capacidad de diseñar e implementar actividades vinculadas a la promoción y comunicación comercial en un entorno internacional e intercultural. Carry out promotional and commercial communication activities at an international and intercultural level.
CE30 Entender cómo influyen las variables de carácter cultural en los negocios internacionales. Understand how cultural factors.

Students enrolled in the Bachelor in International Businesst will be governed by the following internal ESIC regulations.

Here you will find detailed information about the subjects in the Bachelor in International Business.

*Students enrolled in the Bachelorin International Business will in turn receive Diploma in Profesional Skills or Diploma in Tools and Multimedia from ESIC Universidad, granting 48 additional credits to those already obtained in the syllabus.

Semester Subject Credits Type Faculty
1 Business Law 6 BT De Vicente De La Casa, Fernando
1 Labour Law 6 BT de Salas Lasagabáster, Federico
1 Fundamentals of Marketing 6 BT Suárez Álvarez-Hevia, Paula
1 Fundamentals of Business Economics 6 BT Gascón Alonso, Ramón
1 Business English 6 BT Ortega Larrea, Ana Lucía
Schlosser, Matthew
Lohan, Rhona
2 Business Administration and Organisation 6 BT Fernández Jiménez, Ana
Muhammad, Azeem
2 Current Tax Bases of the Tax System 6 BT de Salas Lasagabáster, Federico
2 Financial Accounting 6 BT Bujidos Casado, María
2 Principles of Economics 6 BT Colvin Díez, Jorge
2 Data Analysis 6 BT Erdmann, Anett
Recio Ibáñez, Miguel
BT: Basic Training
Semester Subject Credits Type Faculty
1 International Law 6 COM González Ibáñez, Joaquín
1 International Accounting 6 COM Bujidos Casado,María
1 International Economic Environment 6 COM Carnicero Plaza, Ignacio Domingo
Gómez Elvira,Luis Miguel
1 Modern Language I 6 COM Bocquier, Xavier Philippe Michel
Caudron, Fanie Alice Colette
Gaeta Mora,Irene
1 Applied Computing for Business Management 6 COM Espinosa Cano,Eva
2 International Areas and Markets 6 COM Gómez Funes, Andrés
Gascón Alonso,Ramón
2 International Operations & Global Entrepreneurship 6 COM Vega De La Faya, Óscar
Gascón Alonso, Ramón
2 Mathematics of Financial Operations 6 COM Carnicero Plaza, Ignacio Domingo
Gómez Elvira, Luis Miguel
2 Modern Language II 6 COM Caudron, Fanie Alice Colette
Bocquier, Xavier Philippe Michel
Fernández de la Campa González, Adela
2 International Market Research 6 COM Fraile Rojas, Belén
COM: Compulsory
Semester Subject Credits Type Faculty
1 Strategies to Access International Markets 6 COM Centenera Ulecia, Jesús
1 Cross Cultural Management 6 COM Eizaguirre Diéguez, María
1 International Product and Pricing Policy 6 COM Zarzalejos Buesa, Pedro Pablo
1 International Financing 6 COM Bujidos Casado, María
1 International Macroeconomics 6 COM Gómez Elvira, Luis Miguel
2 International Communication Strategies 6 COM López Vázquez, Belén
2 International Politics in the Business World 6 COM González Ibáñez, Joaquín
2 Transport, Logistics, and International Distribution 6 COM Seidel Luvizoto, Eli Merlín
2 International Marketing Management 6 COM Centenera Ulecia,Jesús
2 Tools and Operations on the World Financial Markets 6 COM Bértolo López-Linares, Javier
COM: Compulsory

Semester Subject Credits Type Faculty
1 Developing Markets   6 COM Centenera Ulecia, Jesús
1 Strategy and Strategic Management 6 COM Tragant Espeche, José Francisco
1 E-Commerce 4,5 COM Auger, Pierre
1 Business Ethics 4,5 EL *
1 Decision-Making Models 4,5 EL Domínguez Montoli, Ignacio José
1 International Project Management 4,5 EL Gómez Funes, Andrés
1 Human Resources International Management 4,5 EL *
1 International Corporate History 4,5 EL Ryan, Donal
1 European Union 4,5 EL *
1 International Relations, Diplomacy and Corporate Diplomacy  4,5 EL *
1 International Purchasing Management 4,5 EL *
1 Multilateral Institutions Project  4,5 EL *
2 Internship Placement  24 PAE Paradinas Márquez, Mª del Carmen
2 End of Degree Project  6 TFG López Roble, Juan Carlos
COM: Compulsory

EL: Elective

The students who wish to validate or adapt classes taken in other official institutions must comply with the requisites that the University demands for such validations or adaptations and request them in the School Secretary in the given timeframes. The University Rector will then process the petitions. Credits will be validated by the University taking into account the adequacy of competences and the theoretical knowledge associated with the rest of the classes taken by the student and present in the common curricula. The official regulations of admission and transference of credits can be found here

The students who wish to attend these classes must hold a High School Diploma and must have passed the University admission tests or to hold one of the degrees that enable the admission to the university:

The students who wish to attend these classes must hold a High School Diploma and must have passed the University admission tests or to hold one of the degrees that enable the admission to the university:

Pre-enrollment and admission

  1. Hold a Bachelor's degree or its equivalent and to have passed the University Admission Tests.
  2. Complete the tests that the School Board determines.
  3. Complete the tests that the School Board determines.
  4. Have a personal interview with members of the corresponding area Board. Since these are official studies, the student must pre-enroll according to what the Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid establishes every year, and respect the norms and schedules given by this body

Once accepted, the student must complete the payments at the Secretaría del Área de Grado in ESIC, providing the final examination card/credential (source document and 3 photocopies).

Admission and grants

Financial issues should not be an obstacle for applicants to achieve their goals and to receive a great education. In this page you will find several options that will help you find financial aid;there are options offered by ESIC and by public and private organizations. For more information about the admission process, or to request an appointment, contact us .

Bank financing:

ESIC has financing agreements with selected banking institutions to offer preferential conditions to its students. In the Financial Services Office you will find the specific rules and conditions of each of these agreements.


  • ESIC has its own programme of different types of economic scholarships. See conditions HERE
  • These scholarships should be expressly requested by the pupil within the deadlines of the call and in compliance with all the requirements

All participants enrolled in a degree have the possibility to access the scholarship and financial aid program offered by the Ministry of Education (Ministerio de Educación) through the Department of Education (Consejería de Educación).

National scholarships:

  • Ministry of education scholarships and grants. + INFO
  • Scholarships given by the Department of Education. + INFO

International scholarships:

  • ERASMUS schoolarship scholarships for students enrolled in the official degrees, which foster and facilitate the student's academic mobility within European Union Member States + INFO
  • Santander Erasmus scholarships Santander Erasmus scholarships for students who have obtained an Erasmus+ studies


Undergraduate students are supplied with an education insurance, so that in the event of death of the person that bears the tuition expenses (the insured), the student (the beneficiary) will not go through economic difficulties to continue with his or her studies.

Mobility of the Degree:

The Vice-Rector's Office for International Relations at ESIC University is ultimately responsible for the design, implementation and monitoring of international academic activities through its two units.

On the one hand, the International Programmes Department coordinates the international academic relations of the University and is responsible for the design of short term programmes (Summer Camps, Summer Courses and Study Tours), and long term programmes (Dual, Double and Joint Degrees) that the University implements to promote the international vision and experience of our students.

On the other hand, the International Relations Office, in charge of the attention to international students, both incoming and outgoing in all these programmes, and especially dedicated to the management and fulfilment of the international mobility processes of the students of our university degrees and master's degrees.

Therefore, it is the responsibility of this Vice-Rector's Office to collaborate actively to promote the construction of a new European area and thus fulfil one of the objectives of the University's general policy. To this end, it provides information and advice to the university community on the different training actions in the international sphere of higher education and manages and develops both international and national student and lecturer mobility programmes. On the University's website, you can find all the information related to mobility in the university environment.

ESIC University actively participates in student mobility programmes both at international and national level and has the ECHE with code Erasmus E MADRID232.

The University, within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), participates in the Lifelong Learning Programme - Erasmus+ (Lifelong Learning Programme - Erasmus). Within this programme, agreements have been signed with the best European universities. And ESIC University, in compliance with the new quality assurance criteria required by the European Commission, develops the entire process in the digital environment, through the EWP Platform (Erasmus without Papers). The credit recognition procedure is regulated by the programme regulations, and is based on the signing of academic agreements that bind three parties: the two institutions involved and the students. Credit recognition is automatic, as all institutions participating in the programme use the ECTS system as the academic reference, and quality assurance processes are complied with through the signing of the corresponding learning agreements, which can be consulted at any time through the EWP platform.

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. And for the period 2021-2027, the programme puts particular emphasis on social inclusion, green and digital transitions, and promoting young people's participation in democratic life.

It supports the priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, the Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda. The programme also supports the European Pillar of Social Rights, implements the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, and develops the European dimension of sport.

ESIC University, taking into consideration the importance of international experience for students, also maintains international academic agreements with higher education institutions outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), developing student mobility programmes outside the Erasmus Programme, through ESIC University's own programmes, Global Terra and Munde.

On the other hand, ESIC Idiomas encourages the study and practice of foreign languages among students, teaching staff and all University staff, as well as among all those of legal age who are interested in learning modern languages. All the programmes of the courses organised by ESIC Idiomas correspond to the guidelines of the levels of linguistic competence set out in the Council of Europe document called: ‘The Common Framework of Reference for Languages’. Therefore, these courses are aimed at:

Improving students' language skills Preparing for official exams Promoting international university mobility.

Students can take advantage of the mobility programmes offered by ESIC University for up to one semester, equivalent to 30 ECTS.

Students must have sufficient knowledge of the language required for the corresponding placement. In this sense, it is an essential requirement to be in possession of and be able to accredit a minimum level of C1 in order to apply for a mobility place.

  Evaluation of mobility actions

Mobility actions have evaluation mechanisms that may differ from one to another. Common to all the programmes, the International Relations Office of ESIC University carries out an exhaustive monitoring of the programme by carrying out surveys to both host and incoming students. In addition, the International Relations Service also organises visits to the universities with which we have an agreement in order to guarantee and evaluate their quality.

With regard to specific mechanisms, the European Union's Erasmus Programme has its own evaluation mechanism, through the analysis and control of some of the programme's beneficiaries chosen from a random sample carried out by the Autonomous Body for European Programmes (external to the University).

In addition, all beneficiaries of mobility actions related to the degree programme answer a questionnaire which is subsequently evaluated by the Quality Assurance Commission. In this way, the proposals of both own students and host students for the revision and improvement of the development of the syllabus are especially valued.

  Credit allocation mechanisms

The degree has two Academic Exchange Managers who are in charge of guaranteeing the credit allocation mechanism.

In the case of the Erasmus+ Programme, as already mentioned, the credit recognition procedure is regulated by the programme's regulations, and is based on the signing of academic agreements that bind three parties: the two institutions involved and the student. Credit recognition is automatic, as all institutions participating in the programme use the ECTS system as the academic reference. In this case, the Teaching Managers are responsible for guiding and helping students to make the right choice of subjects, in coordination with their counterpart in the foreign universities.

In the case of the MUNDE programme, since the external institutions are all outside the ECTS system, the mechanism is also to evaluate the workload in ECTS credits of the external institutions' courses and, on the basis of this evaluation, to determine the correct allocation of credits. This allocation and assessment is also carried out by the Learning Managers. Once the equivalence has been determined, an academic agreement is signed, binding all three parties: the two institutions involved and the student.

  Support mechanisms for mobile students

All information regarding mobility programmes is available on the University's website. In addition, ESIC University has an International Relations Office. This office provides administrative support to students. This support includes information about agreements, grants, insurance, etc. Academic support is provided by the Outgoing Managers, who provide students with information about possible destinations, profiles of the destinations and the suitability of the students to the profiles. Personalised and individualised support and follow-up is also offered to groups in specific conditions as stated in the Erasmus+ Inclusion and Diversion Strategy for the period 2021-2027.

  Mobility grants

All programmes are co-funded by the University. The Erasmus+ Programme has external bodies or institutions that provide additional financial support to students: Ministry of Universities, European Union, Santander Universities and the Community of Madrid.

The MUNDE programme is funded by the University and its beneficiaries are also eligible for grants from Banco Santander.

For more information, please contact the International Office of ESIC University:


Infrastructure and Facilities

The infrastructure available to students is the one the School owns, located in Camino de Valdenigriales s/n en Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid), as well as all the other facilities the School provides its students with in the rest of the head offices in Spain (libraries, newspaper libraries, computer rooms, sports facilities, etc).

Access to facilities complies with the universal accessibility regulations. The entrance has easy access ramps and the buildings have elevators adapted to wheel chairs.

According to special needs and to the access list of Disabled Quota, the Center provides adaptable desks to students with wheel chairs, as well as communication mechanisms for class follow-up for the students with special needs.

The Infrastructure Service is made up of professionals in several sectors whose mains tasks are maintenance and repairs of the equipment and facilities of the entire center.

The School has maintenance contracts with specific providers for the area of office automation.

Below is a list of the infrastructure and facilities of the University that are available to the Degree students.

Theory Classrooms

Of all the ESIC classrooms, there are currently 31 theory classrooms for the degree studies, with sizes oscillating between 47 m2 and 57 m2. All our classrooms have the technical equipment necessary for the correct development of each class (computers, data projector, fixed projector attached to the ceiling, projection screen, etc.).

Additionally, the Languages Department provides 3 classrooms of 45 m2 and 3 Seminar Rooms of 15 m2 approximately.

Moreover, we have extra materials in case of need (laptops, mobile projectors, etc). As well as TV monitors with video, for when necessary.

Computer Science Classrooms

The ESIC-Pozuelo facilities offer 5 computer science rooms, with a total of 205 seats. Each classroom provides the necessary audiovisual material. All the classrooms are equipped with the same audiovisual materials described above, and have the necessary programmes to provide students with the techniques and tools for a good development of the skills that are required by the market.

Seminars Room

Three fully furnished room of 80 m2 are available, as well as 3 rooms of 40 m2, equipped with a teacher desk, multimedia, a projector, Internet connection and suitable furniture arrangement for working in groups.

Working Classrooms

In order for the different work groups to get together, there are, besides the above-mentioned classrooms, four working classrooms of 15 m2 each, with a working desk and the right furniture distribution for teamwork

IT and Internet Connections

There is WIFI in all the premises, free and available to all members of the university community (students, PAS and PDI). Furthermore, all the computers in the classrooms are connected to Internet.


The new ESIC Municipal University Library was inaugurated in September 2013, in a separate building near the School. It offers its services to both ESIC students and students from any other university.

The services are distributed throughout the building in the following way:

Ground Floor

  • Control
  • Online public access catalogue (OPAC) point
  • Computer room: 24 terminals
  • Group work rooms: 6 (4 occupants in each one)
  • Study room: 72 reading stations
  • Newspaper archive

First Floor

  • Online public access catalogue (OPAC) point
  • Reading room (16 places)
  • Group work rooms: 8 (8 occupants in each one)
  • Study room: 72 reading stations
  • Study room: 42 reading stations


The ESIC library has a collection with the following characteristics:

  • A collection of approximately 13.500 volumes specialised in marketing, publicity, economics, businesses, commerce, etc.
  • 200 periodicals specialised in the same materials.


  • General study and reading Room. Free library access previously registering as a user.
  • Group work rooms. Accessible with 24 hour prior booking and it is essential that you are registered as a library user.
  • Access and consultation of library subscribed databases and electronic documents.
  • OPAC consultation: here.
  • Personal loans: 3 books per week.
  • Periodicals and reference consultation.

Opening Hours:

  • Monday to Friday from 9am to 9pm.
  • Saturdays from 10am to 2pm.
  • Extraordinary exam period opening times: From 9am to 7am.

Degree Classrooms

There is a Ceremony Rooms, equipped with all the audiovisual media described for the theory classes. It has 190 m2 and a 200 people capacity.

Reprographic Service

Among the services the School provides, there is a reprographic service, with two options: one run by school personnel and another one with self-service machines that operate with prepaid cards.

Cafeteria and Catering

The School has a cafeteria and a catering service with capacity for 150 seats, which can serve up to 300 daily meals for students, professors, administrative staff and services.

Multimedia Classroom

It has three separate units with a surface area of 52m2. It offers the School’s students facilities and resources where they can work the different multimedia design areas.

The following activities can be carried out in the Multimedia Classroom:

Multimedia Workshop for advanced works.

The Multimedia Classroom has a physical space where students can carry out works with a professional finish in the ambits of video editing, television, radio and graphic design.

Planning for Courses and Seminars.

The Multimedia Classroom will have a permanent programme of highly practical courses that are designed to meet the professional expectations required in today’s market. The courses and seminars will be given by professionals and teachers from the different areas of digital design and production.

Sports Complex

Covering 2.200 m2 and made up of two multi-use courts to practice sports like handball, basketball, indoor football, volleyball, etc. The facilities include showers and toilets.

Outdoor car park

Covering some 9.300 m2 with capacity for some 300 vehicles.


ESIC has a chapel with a surface area of 139 m2 and capacity for approximately 100 people.

Every year, as a ceremony held before the beginning of classes, there's an informative session for students (and family of the First year Students) enrolled in the different courses if the Degree Studies. In this session, students are told about news and course characteristics and information about the School.

Before the beginning of classes, there will be "leveling" courses for the students to strengthen those areas of study that, as our experience has shown, need it.

This action aims at giving new students the quantitative knowledge they might need to start the course with more guarantees and efficiency.

These classes are:

  • Pre-requirements in Mathematics Course
  • Pre-requirements in Accounting Course.

ESIC has a Plan of Action for Tutoring (P.A.T.) for the "welcoming" of students in their admission process and adaptation to the School.

At the beginning of the classes, a tutor will be assigned to each student, who will be his/her referent in the personal and academic environments. Both will maintain a series of meetings and orientation interviews during the academic year, so the students feel guided and accompanied during their adaptation to University life.

The tutor's responsibilities will be to show the student the School (philosophy and resources), provide information about the Master's, make the university process a dynamic one and facilitate the integration, both personal as well as into the group.


Professional Work Meeting

Once a year, there is a work meeting called MEET, organized by the Professional Opportunities Department in ESIC. MEET connects companies in search for management talent with the students that learn every year in our classrooms, with the aim of connecting the potential candidates to the recruiting companies for possible hirings.

The companies involved carry out selection processes and sectorial presentations that complete the knowledge the students need of the different programmes at ESIC.

Workshop for Job Searches

Through the development of the Programmes, ESIC organizes a series of workshops in collaboration with INFOEMPLEO with the aim of helping the assistants to improve their personal and professional skills when facing work interviews.

Professional Careers Department

It offers ex-students two important salient advantages:

  • Offers national coverage: That is, ESIC students can choose any national level offer, independently of the city where they attended classes.
  • Offers its services throughout the student's working life: Does not limit itself to the search for their first job, but also helps in the development of the student's degree.

The student can make use of an on-line platform to improve the service it offers ex-students as well as collaborating companies.

Through the website, ESIC ex-students can register with their username and password, and activate their candidatures and have access to more than 250 monthly offers that the Department handles on a national level.

The candidates, besides uploading and codifying their CVs, can indicate their own preferences and restrictions as regards positions, sectors, geographical areas, responsibilities and retribution.

The candidates receive information about job offers to which their CVs have been sent to from the Professional Opportunities Department. At the same time that their CVs are sent to the companies that have required candidates with his/her professional profiles, they receive an email with all the information about the company and the job offer to which they have been recommended for.

All services offered by the Professional Opportunities Department at ESIC are free, for the ex-students as well as for the collaborating companies.

Learn more abou Professional Opportunities Department.

ESIC offers to all ex-students who are interested, the possibility to become a member of the Asociación de Antiguos Alumnos (Alumni) . Alumni was created in 1972 and nowadays has about 5.000 members, a group formed by business professionals and ESIC graduates. Alumni's main objectives are: to promote and strengthen networking, to foster the professional development of their members and to facilitate the ongoing training of its members. When becoming a member, the ex-students will be able to enjoy discounts in all the workshops and activities that ESIC organizes.

All members will receive in their houses the Alumni publication, with interviews and articles of interest.

Improving ESIC's quality day by day

ESIC's Quality Guarantee system (SGC_ESIC) was created in 2006, with the aim of improving the quality of teaching in all areas of training. This system outlines how ESIC makes use of its organs, regulations, criteria, processes, etc, to improve the quality of the degrees, the selection and promotion of its professors, the planning and development or the results of learning and also how to include different interest groups in design, development, evaluation and broadcasting of its training activities. All this Guarantee System is included inside a Continuous Memory work philosophy.

How we organize the project...

For the design and implementations of the SGC ESIC we have had the collaboration of all the professors and non-professors staff in the School. The project was directed by the School Management Committee, supported by the academic and management Campus Boards and Areas Boards. These Boards have made each and everybody of their staff collaborate, making the project a success that everyone can make good use of. All of them have had the support of the Quality Unit, formed by the quality managers of each area and coordinators of each campus, which helped the widespread and the participation of everybody in the project.

Which are our Reference Quality Models?

ESIC's SGC has been designed under the reference frame of the ISO standard 9001:2008, adapted to the training services in a first phase, with the aim of standardizing the academic and management processes.

On a second phase, the follow up, revision and improvements systems were added to the Quality system based on the ISO standard, much developed by the EFQM model, which resulted in an important improvement to the initial system.

More recently, the ESIC quality system has been upgraded through the AUDIT Accreditation Programme -which is the model of reference for our university system under the new European space and which is promoted by ANECA (Agencia Nacional de la Calidad y Acreditación). Moreover, ESIC's Quality Guarantee System complies with the requirements of the SGC (Sistema de Garantía de Calidad) of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Universidad Miguel Hernández, since it is an attached training center for both institutions.

All Interest Groups at ESIC collaborate on the ESIC Improvement Project through their participation in the different existing commissions, and are listed in the ESIC Quality Handbook. These Groups regularly manifest their satisfaction as regards the training and complementary services, so that the "Services to Keep" are identified (because of the high levelof satisfaction they get), as well as "Services to be improved" and "newly identified needs".

Besides the Commissions, he ESIC students collaborate with the ESIC Improvement Project through Satisfaction Opinion Polls. Institución. ESIC conducts a Satisfaction Opinion Poll of Students towards Professors in every finished course, and a Satisfaction Opinion Poll of Students towards the Institution.

Satisfaction Opinion Poll for Students towards Professors.

  • Degree Area, the Satisfaction Opinion Poll towards Teachers is sent out twice for each academic year, always at the end of each class in each four-month period.
  • Graduate Studies Area, the satisfaction Opinion Poll towards Professors is sent at the end of each seminar.

Satisfaction Opinion Poll for Students towards the Institution.

All students at mid-point and at the end of their programmes, in Degrees as well as in Graduate Studies Courses, are interviewed to know their level of satisfaction towards ESIC. The aspects taken into consideration are: Programme taken, Facilities, Assistance, and Future Expectations.

Satisfaction Opinion Poll in International Mobility

All students who come from other Universities around the world and take classes at ESIC, as well as ESIC students who take classes in another University through the Institutional Agreements that ESIC offers, take part in a Satisfaction Poll which considers the following aspects: Assistance Services specific for International Mobility, Programme taken, Assistance received, Facilities and Future Expectations. constant improvement...

ESIC formulates under its Quality System Guarantee different channels through which the possible improvements can be identified and implemented in the Institution or new needs which have not yet been detected.

All the ESIC interest groups are represented within the Boards , and collaborate with the identification of improvements regularly, as declared in the ESIC Quality Handbook.

Moreover, through the Satisfaction Polls of the different Interest Groups declared which are generated by the Opinion Poll Plans, possible improvements are identified, as regards academic and other service matters that ESIC offers.

Furthermore, all interest groups collaborate with their opinions through Regular and Web Email, which helps bring about improvements for ESIC.


Degrees’ Committees Each degree has a Committee organized in the following way:

  • The Director of the Degree Academic Committee, who will preside its meetings.
  • A Coordinator from Undergraduate Studies.
  • Two to five professors from the degree’s faculty.
  • The Degree’s Class Representative and theDeputy Class Representative.
  • A representative from the Academic Management Personnel (PAS)
  • One or two external experts.

The Committee’s main goal is to assure the quality of the degree by promoting its constant improvement. For this, it develops the following functions:

  • The monitoring of the objectives of the Degree’s curriculum.
  • The proposal, implementation and monitoring of the improvement actions for the program.
  • The developing of the Quality Management System for the Degree.
  • The performance of the appropriate evaluations of the qualitative and quantitative data included in the Degree’s assessment reports and the improvement proposals based their information.
  • The elaboration of the Degree’s Annual Report.
  • The integration of the Academic Directors in the continuous improvement of the degree.
  • The integration of the Non-Academic Directors in the continuous improvement of the non-academic services for the degree’s participants.

Frequency: 2 meetings per academic year and program (Degree).

See Policy for Degree's Committees.

See Policy for Faculty Coordination


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