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At ESIC Emprendedores our mission is to foster and promote entrepreneurship, accompanying entrepreneurs, providing them with the necessary knowledge to succeed and promoting connections in the entrepreneurial ecosystem and in corporations to facilitate business opportunities, collaboration and growth.

training process


A methodology that links the growth of the entrepreneur and his project in each of the phases in which it is found. We support students in each of the stages, from the generation of entrepreneurial curiosity to the creation of a business and its scaling.

ESIC Emprendedores creates two new programs that allow entrepreneurs to grow at a steady pace, covering the important milestones of each stage without being overwhelmed by the situation and reaching their goal with a well-built project.

Santander X

The incubation program with which ESIC has a strategic alliance is called Santander X. With the help of Santander Bank, entrepreneurs are guided during the first phase of their entrepreneurship. They start in the initial pre-seed phase, guided by mentors, and are accompanied and helped to develop their idea. Once the objective is clear, the primary analysis, the need is detected and the foundations of their venture are well focused, they are accompanied until the creation of the MVP. At that moment and once the hypothesis has been validated, they are considered ready to access acceleration programs for more advanced projects. At that moment, the projects could access the entrepreneurship Bootcamp.



We teach you to understand the needs of the market.

It is very common that when the projects are already established the needs change, from ESIC Emprendedores we have developed a program that prepares you to understand the different situations that startups go through and how to deal with them. It is no less common that, at this stage, doubts invade entrepreneurs... That is why we accompany and guide you along the way, through mentors with extensive knowledge of the sector that provide you with all the necessary help.


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your project is at?
Use our diagnostic calculator
diagnostic calculator.

project phase


ESIC Emprendedores works with a methodology that allows us to obtain the best results from the Startups that enter our ecosystem. For this reason the methodology is divided into 3 different stages that provide value to the entrepreneur according to their needs.


In many cases, entrepreneurs only know that they want to be entrepreneurs, but do not yet know how to start. In this first stage they are accompanied in the detection of the problem, the primary research to be able to understand if the public really perceives as a problem and feels the need to solve it that the entrepreneur has raised. In addition, at this stage they will learn to assess the opportunity cost and the alternatives proposed by the competition.


Within the incubation stage, when the idea begins to take shape and research is more advanced, projects move to the next step of incubation, called "seed". At this stage the projects are still immature, it will be the time to make the first prototypes that will culminate in the launch of their first MVP. This will allow them to validate the idea or, if necessary, pivot it if the data collected in the research and the validation of the MVP so require.


This is the initial stage of a startup, seeking to validate the idea and build a minimum viable product (MVP). Founders are focused on market research, problem identification and solution validation. They are also looking for seed funding, either from friends and family or from seed investors. Most startups at this stage are less than a year old.


ESIC Emprendedores helps you validate your idea and create a product or service that starts generating revenue. Founders are focused on acquiring customers, growing the company and creating a scalable business model. At this stage, the startup can seek funding from venture capital or business angels to finance its growth and expand into new markets.


A scaleup has proven its business model and has begun to scale nationally or internationally. The company is poised for significant revenue growth and has a strong management team. At this stage, the startup seeks funding to expand and establish itself as a leader in its market. It may also seek an exit, such as an acquisition or an initial public offering (IPO).

From ESIC Emprendedores we connect you with venture capital funds, business angels, public entities, venture corporates and crowdfunding. Our entrepreneurs can benefit from these connections to finance their startups. 

We also have specialized programs in financial education, such as ESIC Investment Club, which helps entrepreneurs to better understand financing processes and prepare them to present their startups to potential investors.


ESIC includes entrepreneurship in its DNA, which is why we are committed to training in entrepreneurship through the Higher Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and specialized courses.
entrepreneurship through the Higher Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and specialized courses.

Higher Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

In the Higher Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation you will be able to launch and bring to market your own business idea and work on real innovation projects with large companies. 

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You will learn how to develop a business idea in different steps addressing the entrepreneur's thinking to achieve success.

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