Company, Management Skills, Human Resources
1st edition
Josefina Novejarque Civera Mabel Pisá Bó Vanessa Roger Monzó
Carlos Llorente, Marketing Director of the Liceo Sorolla School, reflects on the evolution of this educational institution located in Pozuelo de Alarcón. His grandfather, Ángel Llorente, founded the school more than 50 years ago, based on a differentiating educational proposal. Currently, the school is run by César Llorente, Carlos’ father. His main objective is to design strategies that allow them to position themselves in the market.
In his reflections, Carlos identifies the school’s efforts and progress both in its professionalization process and in the evolution of the marketing department. Precisely, with the creation of this department, it has been possible to solve one of the main problems that has occurred globally: the downward trend in the number of students in public schools in the Community of Madrid in recent years.
Carlos knows that the days when the school had long waiting lists are but a memory. Today, market conditions, pupil profiles, needs and parents’ expectations have changed. Moreover, educational innovation is present in all the strategic plans of schools... Today, innovation is more complex and difficult. What are the next steps for Liceo Sorolla?
Estudios Universitarios: Tesis Doctoral. Universitat de València Diploma de Estudios Avanzados. Universitat de València. Programa de doctorado: Tercer Ciclo Doctorado. Universitat de València. Licenciatura en Administración y Dirección de empresa. Universitat de València Diplomada en Ciencias Empresariales. Universitat de València.
Situación Laboral actual: Profesora en Esic Business Marketing School, sede Valencia. Centro adscrito a la UMH. Profesora Asociado en la Universidad Jaume I, Castellón.
Trayectoria Investigadora: Pertenece a distintos grupos de investigación. Forma parte de varios proyectos competitivos y no competitivos de entidades públicas y privadas. Publicaciones en revistas científicas indexadas y de divulgación. Participación en congresos nacionales e internacionales: área de Contabilidad y Auditoría e Innovación Docente.
University studies: Doctoral thesis, Universitat de València. Advanced Studies Diploma, University of Valencia. Doctoral programme: Third Doctoral Cycle. University of Valencia. Degree in Business Administration and Management. University of Valencia. Diploma in Business Studies, Universitat de València. Current employment situation: Lecturer at Esic Business Marketing School, Valencia. Centre attached to the UMH. Associate Lecturer at the Jaume I University, Castellón. Research career: She belongs to different research groups. She is part of several competitive and non-competitive projects of public and private entities. Publications in indexed scientific and divulgation journals. Participation in national and international conferences: area of Accounting and Auditing and Teaching Innovation.
Licenciada en Ciencias Económicas y doctora en Economía por la Universidad de Valencia. Máster en Gestión Comercial y Dirección de Marketing en ESIC Business Marketing School. En el campus de Valencia de ESIC es coordinadora del Departamento de Economía, profesora titular de grado y posgrado y coordinadora de la asignatura de prácticas externas en posgrado. Sus líneas de investigación se concretan en salarios de eficiencia, productividad y emprendimiento. Forma parte de proyectos no competitivos de entidades privadas.
Publicaciones en revistas científicas indexadas y de divulgación. Participación en congresos nacionales e internacionales: área de economía aplicada, marketing e innovación docente.
Experience: ESIC Business & Marketing School. PDI and coordinator of the Economics Department (currently). CEU Cardenal Herrera: lecturer (September 2009 - August 2012). Education: ESIC Business & Marketing School. Commercial Management and Marketing Management (2014-2015). University of Valencia: PhD in Economics, Economic Analysis (2012- 2014). Diploma of Advanced Studies, Economic Analysis (2002-2004). Bachelor’s degree in Economics, (1998-2002). Publications: An analysis of the hotel sector: the importance of the operating account. Size, R&D and Technical Efficiency in the Industrial Sector of the Spanish. The new concept of collaborative tourism: the community. Work incentive and productivity in Spain.
Doctora en Comunicación Audiovisual (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2010) y acreditada por ANECA. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Información –rama Imagen Visual y Auditiva– (CEU San Pablo, 2000) con calificación final Premio Extraordinario en Periodismo (Universidad de Valencia, 2005) y en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2015). Durante más de 15 años ha trabajado en diversos medios de comunicación. Profesora e investigadora en ESIC Business & Marketing School y consultora independiente de Estrategia de Marketing y Comunicación. Investigadora principal del grupo de investigación SEDDeS (sociedad, economía digital y desarrollo sostenible).
She holds a PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the Universitat Politècnica de València (2010) and she is accredited by ANECA. She also has a bachelor’s degree in Information Sciences –Branch Visual and Auditory Image– by CEU San Pablo (2000) with the final qualification of Extraordinary Prize, in Journalism by University of Valencia (2005) and in Advertising and Public Relations from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (2005). For over 15 years, she has worked in various media. Currently, she is a professor and researcher in ESIC Business & Marketing School.
Company, Management Skills, Human Resources
Empresa, Habilidades Directivas
Habilidades Directivas, Recursos Humanos
Empresa, Estratégico, Habilidades Directivas
Habilidades Directivas, Recursos Humanos