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Pedro López Sáez

Pedro López Sáez

Professor of Business Organization at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). PhD in Business Management from the UCM (2005), with Extraordinary Award, he has a teaching experience of more than twenty years, of which the last ten have been dedicated to subjects related to entrepreneurship and business creation. Between 2015 and 2019, he has been coordinator of the University Master's Degree in E-Commerce at UCM, and between 2018 and 2023, director of the Pre-incubator of Companies of the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism at UCM. Currently, he is advisor for Entrepreneurship Strategies at the UCM Vice-Rectorate for Lifelong Learning, Employability and Entrepreneurship, director of the UCM-ISMS Forum Extraordinary Chair on Cybersecurity and Data Protection, as well as director of the Master of Lifelong Learning in Data Protection and Information Security (since 2021).

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