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Case ABBA Forever! From Waterloo to Voyage, passing through Mamma Mia!

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Communication, Advertising and Image, Marketing

1st edition

Case ABBA Forever! From Waterloo to Voyage, passing through Mamma Mia!

Arturo Gómez Quijano

  • Publication: March 2024
  • Edition: 1st
  • Páginas: 52
  • Tamaño del libro: 1.95 MB
  • Formato: ebook.
  • ISBN: 9788411920575
  • ISBN ebook: 9788411920575
  • Precio ebook: 6€

Synopsis and Contents

ABBA: the soundtrack of my whole life

Why is ABBA suddenly appearing in our lives now? My sister-in-law asked me in a family reunion when I told her that I was writing a case of ABBA. Many people will think that the main reason is because I am an ABBA freak. Nothing could be further from the truth. The main reason is because it seems to me that we do have a lot to learn from Björn and Benny’s career. One of the longest-lived and most productive creative couples in the history of music. They met on 5th June 1966 and, and they are still active and successful today.

However, my sister-in-law’s question remained in my teacher’s mind. In class I jokingly say that this is the question of José Mourinho, a famous football coach: Why? It is also the question of the researcher, the journalist, the academic, the businessperson. It is the question that drives us forward as human beings. Man seeks explanations. There are many businesses from which many things can be learned, but why ABBA?

It was then that I realized ABBA was the soundtrack that had been with me all my life. I was born in Galicia, in the Northwest of Spain, in the early sixties of the last century. From there, when I was just a child, I watched them, live and in black and white, win the Eurovision Song Contest. It was 1974. At that moment, ABBA was born. The group, designed by Stig Anderson, was formed after that triumph, to manage the success. For the next eight years they swept the world. They went as far as Australia where, when a special TV program about their visit to the country was broadcast, it had a 54% audience share, beating the record set by the broadcast of the man landing on the moon a few years earlier. I saw them born.


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About the author

Arturo Gómez Quijano

Nació en Ferrol (La Coruña) en 1961 y desde 1979 vive en Madrid.

Docente, investigador y emprendedor en comunicación, con más de 38 años de experiencia profesional en medios, agencias, empresas e instituciones. Fundador y socio director de la consultora zonawebste!

Es doctor en periodismo con una tesis sobre la historia y el modelo de negocio de los diarios gratuitos españoles. Licenciado en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y PDD por IESE Business School.

Actualmente, imparte formación de grado y postgrado en ESIC Business & Marketing School, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ICEX-CECO Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo y en la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón de Puerto Rico.

Ha formado profesionales en España y en Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Estados Unidos, Honduras, México, Polonia, Portugal, Puerto Rico y República Dominicana. Autor de los libros Comunicación para ejecutivos. Las tres distancias de la comunicación en las organizaciones (2009); La prensa más cara del mundo (2016); La prensa más barata del mundo (2017); Comunicación para ganar (2018); Manual urgente de periodismo en tiempos de redes sociales (2018); y Piensa, luego insiste (2021). y Caso Mamma Mia!: Música, marketing y tres mujeres (2021).

Sus áreas de interés son comunicación corporativa, periodismo especializado e investigación de mercados.

Born in Ferrol (La Coruña, Spain) in 1961, he has lived in Madrid since 1979.

Lecturer, researcher and entrepreneur in communication, with more than 40 years of professional experience in media, agencies, companies and institutions. Founder and Managing Partner of the consultancy firm zonawebste!

He holds a PhD in journalism, with a thesis on Spanish free newspapers. He holds a degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, and a PDD from IESE Business School.

He is currently a university professor and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses at ESIC Business & Marketing School, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, IESE Business School, ICEX-CECO, Universidad del Sagrado Corazón de Puerto Rico, and at CESA – Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración in Bogotá.

He has trained professionals in Spain and in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, United States, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic. Author of the books: Communication for executives. The Three distances of communication in organizations (2009); The most expensive press in the world (2016); The cheapest press in the world (2017); Communication to win (2019); Urgent manual of journalism in times of social networks (2019); Think, then insist (2021); Case Mamma Mia: Music, marketing and three women (2021).

LinkedIn: in/arturogomezquijano

Twitter: /ArturoGomezQuij

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