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Rafael Paniagua Gómez-Álvarez

Rafael Paniagua Gómez-Álvarez

Industrial Engineer by the UPM.

He has been working in the aeronautical industry for more than 35 years, in the field of manufacturing engineering and supply chain. He has been responsible for tooling engineering in the former Aeronautical Constructions, for national, European and American programs. He is also responsible for the industrialization of various work packages to ensure productive means and development of the Lean philosophy in the supply chain, with international suppliers.

He has collaborated with ESIC since 1986 and teaches Mathematics, Operations Research, Logistics Calculus, Production and Operations Management and Technology and Business Innovation at ESIC University. Professor of Lean Management and Production Management at ESIC Business School in the Master's Degree in Logistics.

Author and collaborator of books related to mathematics in ESIC editorial.

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