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Corporate, Strategic, Managerial Skills, Operational and Sectorial

1st edition


Concepts and principles

Rafael Paniagua Gómez-Álvarez

  • Publication: March 2024
  • Edition: 1st
  • Pages: 176
  • Book size: 21.5 x 15 cm.
  • Format: printed book.
  • MODEL: 9788411920353
  • ISBN ebook: 9788411920360
  • Price in printed format: 18€.
  • Ebook price: 10.99€.

Synopsis and Contents

This book is an introduction to the Lean philosophy, in which leadership and people will be an essential part, as it works in transversal and departmental teams to implement the tools in business strategies, continuous improvement and problem solving with the search for their root causes. It is developed from its five basic principles:

   - define value from the customer's point of view,

   - identify the value stream,

   - create flow,

   - to produce according to the Pull system, instead of Push,

   - pursue perfection.

Thus, Rafael Paniagua identifies how to integrate the Lean philosophy with operations in a company to stabilize and improve operational performance towards sustainable, customer satisfaction-oriented, defect-free execution through a robust maturity system.

This book helps to understand and apply the Lean philosophy with its enormous benefits in the development of companies, focusing on what the customer expects from us, the search for continuous improvement and respect for the worker.

Foreword by Ignacio Soret Los Santos

Table of contents:

Lean concept and methodology.- Concept and principles.- Lean culture: Change of mentality and management.- Lean methodology.- Lean pillars: Value, just in time, people, continuous improvement, visual enterprise 2. Other Lean tools.- 3. Applications and practical cases.- Lean service: Model and applications.- Lean logistics: Flow of information and materials.- Lean Six Sigma.- Lean as an integral system with operations.- Benefits of the Lean philosophy.- 4.

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About the author

Rafael Paniagua Gómez-Álvarez

Industrial Engineer by the UPM.

He has been working in the aeronautical industry for more than 35 years, in the field of manufacturing engineering and supply chain. He has been responsible for tooling engineering in the former Aeronautical Constructions, for national, European and American programs. He is also responsible for the industrialization of various work packages to ensure productive means and development of the Lean philosophy in the supply chain, with international suppliers.

He has collaborated with ESIC since 1986 and teaches Mathematics, Operations Research, Logistics Calculus, Production and Operations Management and Technology and Business Innovation at ESIC University. Professor of Lean Management and Production Management at ESIC Business School in the Master's Degree in Logistics.

Author and collaborator of books related to mathematics in ESIC editorial.

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