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The poetry of social networks sells

  • Date of publication
  • April 2022
ESIC Business & Marketing School

ESIC Business & Marketing School

Paco Lorente, professor at ESIC Business & Marketing School and creative director of Sinaia Marketing


What happens around us, the social events and the busy days around work and constant consumption makes us live urgently every day of our lives. This causes us to pay constant attention to everything that revolves around us, causing the urgent to be the immediate, being these two emotional states that are perfectly in tune with each other. Perhaps for this reason, reading, more specifically, poetry takes center stage in bookstores, because we need it, because poetry is stopping, revealing and thinking differently .

Thus, we find in poetry a genre that year after year stands out and gains followers within a consumption that moves away from everything classic and embraces the new social media. Because, undoubtedly, poetry is in everything and, of course, also in social networks. A flexible poetry that uncovers a genre of short texts, with provocative phrases and that gets the new generations to consume it and make it their own. 

Everything is invented and reinvented. As with any good or service, the passage of time transforms everything that is susceptible to evolution so that the times adapt to the elements. We have seen in recent years how the world of wine has broken conventional patterns to approach with a new language to audiences never imagined, just as poetry now breaks with classical patterns to approach more and different people. 

When the world we see through our reality does not please us, poetry allows us to contemplate the environment in another way. Instagram, even Twitter, are the perfect vehicle for this genre to be revalued among an audience hungry for protest, vindication and a lot to say.

Movements born a few years ago in the United States by the hand of referents such as Rupi Kaur have spread to other countries or markets such as Spain. Angel Zero or Sara Buho are some of the references in our country that connect with a new generation that embraces their activist, socially committed, feminist or combative poetry. True influencers of the most ambiguous and magical genre that literature has given us. 

Consumption sometimes stagnates, sometimes accelerates, but on rare occasions it also transforms. This is happening with poetry that is making its way among consumers where a simple message fits, without major pretensions, urban, pop and with which to feel identified, something that, nowadays is something unusually quite complicated.  

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