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March 2024

The future of law is redefined: a new approach in Law and NewLaw to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

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Presentation Law Degree and NewLaw Diploma
  • ESIC University will offer, starting in the 2024/2025 academic year, its new degree in Law and diploma in NewLaw.
  • During this day, a round table on the future opportunities in law opportunities of the future in law: Legaltech, analytics and business.

Madrid, March 22nd, 2024. The way in which law is practiced today is changing at breakneck speed. The rise of technology, globalization and digital transformation are giving rise to new legal needs and demands in companies. This is why NewLaw is emerging: a new way of practicing law that adapts to the legal needs and demands of businesses in the 21st century.

ESIC University will offer, starting in the 2024/2025 academic year, its new law degree and diploma in NewLaw, which aims to provide students with a new perspective for practicing law, through the acquisition of legal and tax knowledge to address business legal demands in the context of technology, globalization and digital transformation, while providing them with tools to handle traditional legal issues and explore new opportunities.

To publicize all the details of the new program, ESIC University organized a presentation event aimed at professionals from the legal sector, the education sector, family members and the media.

On this day, there was a round table on the opportunities of the future in Law: Legaltech, analytics and business, with the participation of Patricia Manca, partner in charge of NewLaw at PwC Tax & Legal; Albert Ferré, CEO of Global Legaltech hub; Eduardo de Urbano, Magistrate on leave of absence and Of Counsel at Kepler-Karst; Ricardo Rodríguez Fernández, magistrate and Francisco González Fernández Mellado, Partner - PwC Tax & Legal Responsible for NewLaw Tax Reporting & Strategy and which was moderated by Pablo Fernández Burgueño, director of the NewLaw diploma at ESIC University.

At the round table, there was a discussion on the legal profession, where the speakers agreed with Albert Ferrer that "Our work, our profession is wonderful. We have the facility to know things that people do not know, and that is wonderful, because if everyone knew it, we would not need it. Universities have more and more adapted technical capabilities. With artificial intelligence, we're going to create publishers, just as humans invented readers with the printing press."  

Patricia Manca added, "We must encourage people to be good professionals in terms of technical aspects. Studying will be much more important than before, because much of your work will be given to you and you will have to be much more critical. You have to open people's minds, and know that they are going to have to question the ways of doing things, because that is the only way to open their minds", to which Francisco González responded "students and future professionals must be curious and eager to learn and, in the end, technology is a fundamental lever. We cannot see it as something aspirational or as something that few people like. Technology is going to empower and augment our professionals, and whoever does not embrace it is going to be left behind. It's a necessity to know technology in your day-to-day life in order to dedicate yourself to the legal world."

The round table concluded with two pieces of advice offered by Eduardo de Urbano and Ricardo Gómez, who commented: "To ESIC University I would say that it has to position itself in its curriculum, and its approach to law and legaltech based on the fact that theory is very important, a solid foundation is very important and has to be combined with the possibility of doing practical cases: visits to companies, visits to courts or other public bodies. And to the students: that they start with enthusiasm and illusion. Law is the most complete career, it allows us to get to know the people we deal with twenty-four hours a day."

A case study was also organized for all attendees on"Application of NewLaw solutions to the legal function", led by Sara de Pablo Yánguez, NewLaw Associate at PwC Tax & Legal, which helped all attendees to understand different processes of streamlining the processing of data thanks to technology and offer a new vision of technology as part of the legal world.

The purpose of ESIC University goes beyond success and recognition, they drive the transformation of students to make their companies, in the future, the best companies in the world and for the world. That is why, with this law degree and diploma in NewLaw, they want to offer future students a revolutionary new approach to the legal and tax world.

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