Commercial and Sales, Communications, Strategic, Marketing
Commercial and Sales, Communications, Strategic, Marketing
Commercial & Sales, Direct, Digital & Interactive, Corporate, Strategic, Marketing, Operational and Sectorial
Commercial and Sales, Strategic, Marketing
Commercial and Sales, Direct, Digital and Interactive, Marketing
Commercial and Sales, Business, Finance, Marketing
Cristina López Caro, Miguel Ángel Peña Cerezo, Vicente Ruiz Herrán
Commercial and Sales, Business, Finance, Marketing
Cristina López Caro, Miguel Ángel Peña Cerezo, Vicente Ruiz Herrán
Comercial y Ventas, Empresa, Estratégico, Marketing, Operativo y Sectorial
Commercial and Sales, Direct, Digital and Interactive, Marketing
Comercial y Ventas, Directo, Digital e Interactivo, Estratégico, Marketing
Diana Gavilán, Gema Martínez Navarro, Susana Fernández-Lores
Commercial and Sales, Direct, Digital and Interactive, Marketing
Comercial y Ventas, Logística y Distribución, Marketing, Operativo y Sectorial
Comercial y Ventas, Comportamiento del Consumidor, Empresa
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