Corporate, Strategic, Operational and Sectoral
Irakaskuntza kasua. Foto Ikatzek Fotoprix erosi du: eta orain zer?
Amaia Lafuente Ruiz de Sabando, Oihana Valmaseda Andia, Jon Hoyos Iruarrizaga, Cristina López Caro
PhD in Economics and Business Administration from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), postgraduate degree in Design and Treatment of Surveys for Market Studies and Opinion Polls from the UNED and a degree in Business Administration from the UPV/EHU.
She currently teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the UPV/EHU in the area of Marketing and Market Research and her most recent research work and publications have focused on the field of university marketing.
He has held university management positions, such as Deputy Director of Internships and Business Relations at the University School of Business Studies of Vitoria (UPV/EHU).
Ekonomia eta Enpresa Zientzietan doktorea Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean (UPV/EHU), Merkatu Azterketetarako eta Iritzi Zundaketetarako Inkesten Diseinuan eta Tratamenduan posgraduatua UNEDen, eta Enpresa Zientzietan lizentziaduna UPV/EHUn.
Gaur egun, graduko eta graduondoko irakaslea da UPV/EHUn, Merkaturatzearen eta Merkatuen Ikerketaren arloan. Bere ikerketa-lan eta argitalpen berrienak unibertsitate-marketinean zentratu dira.
Unibertsitate-kudeaketako karguak bete ditu, hala nola Gasteizko Enpresa Ikasketen Unibertsitate Eskolako (UPV/EHU) Praktiketako eta Enpresarekiko Harremanetako Zuzendariordetza.
Corporate, Strategic, Operational and Sectoral
Amaia Lafuente Ruiz de Sabando, Oihana Valmaseda Andia, Jon Hoyos Iruarrizaga, Cristina López Caro
Comercial y Ventas, Empresa, Estratégico, Marketing, Operativo y Sectorial
Corporate, Operational and Sectorial
Amaia Lafuente Ruiz de Sabando, Jon Hoyos Iruarrizaga, Oihana Valmaseda Andia
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