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1st edition

Deductive and inductive statistics applied to business.

Gracia Serrano García

  • Publication: January 2013
  • Edition: 1st
  • Pages: 68
  • Book size: 21 x 29.7 cm.
  • Format: printed.
  • MODEL: 9788473568784
  • Price in printed format: 8€.

Synopsis and Contents


Nowadays we live in a situation of decision making that requires minimizing risk, for which a precise qualitative and quantitative analysis of the situation is necessary. The quantitative analysis implies statistical reasoning that helps to determine the consequences of the possible decision making scenarios.

In decision making, there is no such thing as chance or assumptions that are not based on data. Statistics has managed to deal with this to a great extent, and helps luck to play in favor of the business actions implemented. Therefore, statistics should be understood as a means for decision making.

The aim of this introductory paper to general Statistics, and specifically, to the Descriptive branch applied to business, is to help the reader to make statistical reasoning sound understandable in terms of business language, and that future decision making processes are based on data, not on personal opinions or intuition.

The document offers the reader the explanation of statistical concepts and their application with practical cases that will facilitate the understanding of the concept, the calculation, the interpretation of results and the decision making process. At the end you will find a summary of the formulas offered throughout the document.


1. Introduction to statistics and its applications.
2. Probability
3. Probability distributions of discrete variables
4. Probability Distributions of Continuous Variables
5. Notions of Inference
6. Estimation. Confidence intervals
7. Contrasting Hypotheses


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About the author

Gracia Serrano García

D. in Applied Economics and Statistics from UNED, a degree in Mathematics from the Complutense University of Madrid and a degree in Commercial Management and Marketing from ESIC.

He has worked as a Consulting Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers, specializing in Strategy, Business Processes and Organizational Models. Since 1996 she has been teaching in the Department of Market Research and Quantitative Methods at ESIC. Since 2006 she has held the position of Director of Quality and Accreditations at ESIC. Gracia is responsible for ESIC's Accreditations and Associations related to Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility, both nationally and internationally, being ESIC's representative in the Global Compact Project promoted by the United Nations as PRME, among others. Gracia is also responsible for ESIC's positioning processes linked to Ranking and other similar procedures of Recognition of the School.

Gracia has published several articles and co-authored working papers and conference papers in the field of higher education, social responsibility and quality.

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