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i+Med case: a cooperative of biomedical engineering scientists

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Corporate, Strategic, Operational and Sectoral

1st edition

i+Med case: a cooperative of biomedical engineering scientists

Oihana Valmaseda Andia Javier Forcada Sainz

  • Publication: July 2022
  • Edition: 1st
  • Pages: 47
  • Book size: 3 .02 MB
  • Format: ebook.
  • MODEL: 9788419480149
  • ISBN ebook: 9788419480149
  • Ebook price: 6€.

Synopsis and Contents

i+Med, a company from Alava in the biotechnology sector, established as a cooperative in 2014 in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Basque Country), finalized, in the spring of 2022, the details of the new building that would house, in the Miñano Technology Park (Alava), its headquarters and the International Biomedical Institute of Intelligent Nanohydrogels, a pioneering center worldwide in its scientific field and the reflection of all the work they have been doing since the company was created.

This "cooperative of scientists", as they liked to present themselves, had been working as R&D engineering for foreign pharmaceutical companies from the very beginning. This activity was the main source of resources for the company. In addition, these projects allowed them to face one of the particularities of the sector in which i+Med operated: the long certification processes for their own medical devices1 and the need to raise sufficient financial resources to take on this difficult journey prior to commercialization.

Manu Muñoz, CEO of the company, explained that the purpose of i+Med was always to have its own medical devices on the market, which, although they did not initially represent the majority of its turnover, were its survival insurance, which would "feed it in the future".

Gradually i+Med made progress, but at the beginning of 2019, however, the first imbalances in the model appeared. Deadlines for third-party projects were delayed, and even some important ones were brought to a standstill - something that used to happen relatively often - but all this at the same time as they realized that they had not paid enough attention to their own products, which were at an insufficient stage to be sold. Unprecedented measures were taken, such as a reduction in wages and some employment contracts were not renewed. The complex situation could be remedied, but it highlighted the need for further reflection in order to make strategic decisions that would avoid this situation again in the future.

In April 2022, Manu, in front of the plans of the new building that had been baptized Gure Etxea (our house), was the bearer of the illusion and conviction about the future of i+Med. He continued to defend that i+Med should belong to the scientists and people who made it grow; the model was different from that of the usual companies in that world, "a real life project", but, at the same time, some questions asked him to propose the most appropriate guidelines for the company: "Were they going to be able to keep their values and principles intact as a cooperative, what should be the future evolution of the corporate strategy?

Table of contents:


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About the author

Oihana Valmaseda Andia

PhD in Economics and Business Administration from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Master in Marketing (UPV/EHU) and postgraduate degree in Planning and Management of R&D Projects (OEI and CSIC). Her research focuses on the study of knowledge transfer between universities and research centers and companies, business innovation and the study of science and innovation systems. She currently teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the UPV/EHU in the area of Business Organization and Marketing and Market Research.

Ekonomia eta Enpresa Zientzietan doktorea Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean (UPV/EHU), Marketinean masterra (UPV/EHU) eta I+G Proiektuen Plangintza eta Kudeaketan graduondokoa (OEI eta CSIC). Bere ikerketa unibertsitate eta ikerketa-zentroen eta enpresen arteko ezagutza-transferentziaren azterketan, enpresa-berrikuntzan eta zientzia- eta berrikuntza-sistemen azterketan oinarritzen da. Gaur egun, graduko eta UPV/EHUko graduondoko graduondoko irakaslea da Enpresen Antolaketa eta Merkatuen Merkaturatze eta Ikerketaren arloan.

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Javier Forcada Sainz

Professor at the University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU. PhD in Economics and Business Administration.

She has directed doctoral theses on Ecological Marketing, Sustainable Management of Urban Waste and Marketing and Image of the University. His lines of research deal with Image Management and Experiential Marketing in higher education institutions.

He has held various positions of responsibility as Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs of the UPV-EHU. He has also been General Director of the Basque Institute of Statistics (EUSTAT).

Undergraduate and postgraduate professor in the area of Marketing at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the UPV/EHU.

Irakasle titularra UPV-EHU Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean. Economy and Enterprise Department.

Marketin ekologikoari, hiri-hondakinen kudeaketa iraunkorrari, marketinari eta unibertsitatearen irudiari buruzko doktore-tesiak zuzendu ditu. Bere ikerketa-ildoek Irudiaren Kudeaketa eta Esperientzia Marketina jorratzen dituzte Goi Mailako Hezkuntza Erakundeetan.

Erantzukizuneko hainbat kargu izan ditu UPV-EHUko Ekonomia Gaietarako errektoreorde gisa. Euskal Estatistika Erakundeko (EUSTAT) zuzendari nagusia ere izan da.

UPV/EHUko Ekonomia eta Enpresa Fakultateko Marketin arloko gradu eta graduondoko irakaslea.

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